Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:10 AM

Chapter 110

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"If you insist, don't blame me for being rude!" Santassonia's face became more gloomy. "Shoot me an arrow!"

On the contrary, when the navy soldiers put on the bolt to shoot, Lei Yin waved to them to put down their guns.

The arrows shot from the opposite side hit like a storm. Many of the arrows were dark and bright, and the thunder was clear. The dark on the arrows were all armed and domineering. If these arrows hit the hull, their power would not be inferior to that of shells.

However, will Lei Yin let it develop? His momentum suddenly changed, and a stream of energy was running in his body. Then he pulled his sword out of its sheath, and the grass shaved sword flew up and down in his hand:

"grass shaved sword dance of beaver!"

All the blue swords came out of their hands and galloped up against the arrows. These arrows were shot down in the sea one after another, and none of them landed on the warship.

Seeing this, the Navy on the warship's morale was greatly increased, and they drank to the nine snake pirates one after another.

"Women on board, wake up

"With our brigadier general, you must listen to us!"

"Tell the empress to come out quickly!"

The sound from the warship rose one after another, and Santa Sonia was furious.

"Let your emperor come out quickly, and I promise I won't hurt you!" Thundering loudly.

"Don't be so merciful there!"

With that, the angry sandasonia's body shape gradually changed, his body grew longer and longer, his face became more and more abominable, and soon he became a boa constrictor more than ten feet long.

"It's the ability of his highness erhuangmei!"

"It's you who want to be aware! The Navy

"Show them some colors!"

Boya sundasonia, the second sister of the nine snake emperor, is the snake fruit of the animal family - Python morphological ability.

On the side of the nine Snake Island, there were also waves of cheering and supporting voices, and their momentum was not inferior to that of the Navy.

"It seems you still don't understand."

Lei Yin murmured to himself, his hands were flying up and down, and he had suddenly made a seal, "Shuidun - the art of water dragon bullet!"

On the surface of the sea, a huge water dragon rises from the flat sea, whistling straight towards the pirate ship. Santasonia and the nine snake soldiers can't resist it. The pirate ship is washed up by the water, and santasonia, who is in the water, immediately changes back to the prototype, and the soldiers are all chicken in soup.

One after another, the Navy's morale was greatly increased. At the same time, the women of the nine snake clan were also beaten so that they began to doubt their lives.

At this time, belladonna, the soldier of nine snakes, said to sandusonia, "Your Royal Highness, I think if you don't ask her to come out, these damned navies will never give up."

Sangdasonia looked at the opposite warship reluctantly, "that's right, sister. She is powerful. Let her deal with these navies."

With these words, sonny ordered the ship to turn around and go to the island.

Seeing this, Craven said to Lei Yin, "brigadier general, do you want to pursue now?"

Lei Yin: "no, in my opinion, they are obedient to us and go back to call their heads."

Cleven: "well, what if the nine snake emperor doesn't come?"

Lei Yin: "then I will visit her on the island myself."

Amazon lily, in the palace.

Almost drenched, sonda Sonia stepped forward and said, "sister, no, the navy is making a lot of noise outside. They say they have to see you."

"How did you become like this?" The female emperor said.

"I'm sorry, one of the leading brigadier general on the ship, I don't know what his ability is, summoned a water dragon and made us like this." Sandasonia said, with a look of grievance.

"These stinking men are deceiving people too much!" The empress patted her hands heavily on the Dragon chair, and her pretty face was already full of anger. "I'll go myself and catch the Brigadier and put him to death!"

When the empress was ready to hurry to find Lei Yin to settle the accounts, her mother-in-law stood in front of her, "Han cook! You can't be impulsive. He is not only a brigadier general, but also a representative of the whole navy. If you attack him, you will undoubtedly be an enemy to the world politics! "

"Don't be so fussy there, go away!"

With that, the empress picked up her mother-in-law and threw her out of the window.

Guard: "Snake Lady, how can you treat the old man like this..."

the female emperor immediately put on a charming posture, and her pretty face turned slightly red: "if you are not careful, you will...

when the guards and soldiers saw the female emperor's delicate appearance, their eyes changed into the shape of a peach heart:" that's it! It's inevitable that anyone will be careless! "

The mother-in-law Zha, who was thrown out, turned over in the air very flexibly and landed on the ground steadily: "as a soldier of nine snakes, I'm not old."


on the deck of the prow of the empress, I don't know who put a kitten there. The cute kitten is lying in the sun.Meeting with the warship of Leiyin, the empress stepped out with noble steps, "who put a cat on the road that Wang passed by?" With that, she raised her slender feet and kicked the kitten out.

A soldier, the owner of the cat, quickly catches the kitten, looks at the female emperor and says: "yes... Sorry... Snake Lady..."

the female emperor who steps up the bow finally meets the female emperor.

When the navies saw the empress, they felt that they could not stop.

Haibing A: is that the Pirate Queen? Sure enough...

Haibing B: it's really... Beautiful!

Haibing C: if such a woman can be my wife, it's worth my death.

Navy Soldier: I feel like I'm going to die...

all of the above are the inner activities of the Navy.

After seeing the empress, Lei Yin couldn't help swallowing.

The last time I saw her, I was on the way to annemo island. At that time, it was too far away and I didn't really see her. Now, it's really close. I finally got a glimpse of the empress.

This can be said to be the most beautiful woman Lei Yin has ever seen, and her whole body is full of charm.

Lei Yin is also an ordinary person. Ordinary men, unlike Luffy's single-cell silly white sweet, are not likely to be attracted to beautiful women.

"Emperor jiushe, on behalf of the world's political Fu, I sincerely invite you to join Wang xiaqiwuhai. Please consider the overall situation and accept our request." Although there are some small waves in Lei Yin's heart, his expression and tone are not lost.

The empress's face was full of Fury: "you damned Marines bully my sister like that. Do you even want to join qiwuhai?"

Lei Yin: "she started first. I just hit back and gave her a little water. It didn't hurt her substantially."

"How can you be a brigadier general? Go to hell with me

As she drank, the empress drew a peach heart with her hand, and the fruit suddenly became powerful , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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