Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:05 AM

Chapter 114

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Smell speech, nine snake soldiers who don't know the truth are like rats and snakes running away, one by one for fear of being petrified.

After everyone left, Leiyin faced the empress: "next, should I fight with you?" When the empress heard the words, she stepped down from the high stage slowly with jade steps...

Mary godru rescued sandasonia with snake tail. The empress said to Lei Yin, "you've been defeated by me twice, and you dare to talk about yourself here!"

Mary godru turned around: "sister, he is our Savior..."

empress: "cut, don't be fooled by the illusion, he just afraid of being petrified, so he put his clothes on sandasonia."

Lei Yin snorted coldly: "you are really a self righteous woman. Do you really think I don't know what the sign behind you means?"

"What?!" Three sisters smell speech a face of surprise, especially the empress direct Leng in situ.

If Lei Yin really knew this, it would be a great shame for them.

"The one behind you is called the seal of Tianxiang dragon, right?"

As soon as Lei Yin said this, the three sisters "clattered" at the same time.

The empress has already set up the attack posture, "since you how clear words, then I can't keep you more!"

Then she put her hands in the shape of a peach heart again: "sweet wind!"

This time, Lei Yin is not as stupid as last time. The empress's "sweet wind" has an attack range. Even if Lei Yin will be petrified, just avoid its range.

"Two sections of flying thunder god!"

Leiyindun drink, a flash will disappear in place.

After two losses, we will master its rules. Of course, Lei Yin will not be so stupid as to open a kaleidoscope to fight back. That will only lead to self destruction.


"So fast!"

"Sister, he's behind you!"

The empress turned around when she heard the words, and Leiyin was standing there steadily.

"I will never let you escape!" Then, the empress gave a drink, and her right finger touched her lips to make a small peach heart shape. Then she used it as a bullet and her finger as a muzzle to shoot at the thunder. "Kiss the gun!"

Thunder once again a quick flash, the next moment, the arrow of peach heart directly shot at the distant trees, instantly petrified the trees.

Looking at the petrified trees, Lei Yin was surprised.

"Sure enough, it's like the legend that even plants and non living things can be petrified by it."

It seems that the empress doesn't want to give Leiyin a chance to breathe. Her face is full of anger, her eyes are delicate and angry, and her fighting spirit is fierce.

The next moment, she kisses her index finger again with her thin pink lips, which is very attractive.

However, Lei Yin didn't have the heart to appreciate it. The moment the empress kisses her finger, she creates a pink peach heart that is several times as big. The peach heart looks like a balloon. It's very elastic. The empress pulls the peach heart with her slim hand and says, "captive arrow!"

Then, the pink peach heart with a strong breath, turned into thousands of pink arrows, like a storm to thunder...

today, thunder is completely aware of Hankook Superman's sweet fruit ability, if you take time, this ability may surpass the strength of the three generals. It turns out that Lei Yin, a pirate fan in the real world, knows very well that if he is shot by this "captive arrow", he will be petrified instantly. Even if non living things, such as metals, trees and even shells, are shot, he will not escape the fate of petrification.

With such abnormal ability, I'm afraid there will be no rival in the whole sea.

In the face of the storm like attack of terror arrow, can only rely on speed to win.

Not only that, Leiyin opens up the power of seeing and hearing to avoid the attack of each peach arrow, but also maximizes the speed to avoid the large-scale long-range attack.

Suddenly, the beautiful eyes of the empress were tight, and Leiyin appeared in front of her.

There was no move, just instant power, a palm on the empress's chest, the empress back several steps.

The empress covered her chest, and her face was very ugly. "How is this possible?"

"Well, do you want to keep fighting?" Leiyin stands in the same place, as steady as Mount Tai.

At this time, the empress also knew that she was also at a disadvantage. Even if she continued to fight, the speed and perception of the man opposite could not beat him.

Thinking, the empress half knelt on the ground, a pair of white hands covered her face and cried.

Today, she has been greatly humiliated. When she took a bath, she was seen clean, and the most unspeakable "seal of Tianxiang dragon" was also found. Also, in front of this man who has been subdued by himself for many times, but now he has no way at all. How can she not be sad that her majesty of the nine snake emperor has been made clean?

In fact, Leiyin is not much better. Originally, she came to your daughter Island only under the order of the superior. She was jailed twice and almost petrified. Accidentally, she was almost stabbed with a bow and arrow wrapped with armed color. Do you think she is depressed?However, compared with this, the empress's sadness seems to be more. What she cares about most is the brand that can never be eliminated, and she also remembers the extremely unforgettable past.

"Sister..." Sonya and Mary godru went up to comfort her.

Leiyin also slowly came forward, and his tone became a little humble: "Your Majesty, if there is anything offensive, please allow me to say sorry to you. I'm going to ask you to think about it seriously. "

The empress raised her head, still angry: "now, you are still talking about the broken Qiwu sea...

" I still ask you to think calmly! " Lei Yin interrupted her with a big drink, "if you don't accept this proposal, even if you don't consider it for yourself, have you considered it for these women of the nine snake clan?"

The thunder sound of a drink, so that the three sisters at the same time a Zheng.

"Think about it. If you don't accept the title, you will always be a pirate. If the Navy leads a large army to encircle and suppress that day, do you really think you can resist? Even if you have some strength, what about your two sisters and your soldiers? What kind of fate will they be captured

Lei yinxiaozhi continued: "as you said, I'm just a brigadier general. How many people in the navy are stronger than me? If the Navy General comes here, will you still be able to dominate here with peace of mind? "

Hearing this, the empress fell into deep meditation , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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