Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:04 AM

Chapter 115

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"I'm just following orders. If you agree, please sign this agreement. If you don't agree, I can't help it. However, please remove the petrified state of my subordinates and return my sword to me."

It turns out that Lei Yin's sword was taken away after he was put into prison.

Lei Yin's words were not unreasonable, and her words were more sincere. The empress bit her lips lightly: "then, will you tell others about the imprint behind me?"

Lei Yin gave a cool smile: "is it good for me to say that kind of thing? Don't worry, I'm not so gossipy. "

Hearing the speech, the empress felt a palpitation. Then she ordered sandusonia to take out the sword. The empress held the sword in her slim hand and handed it to Lei Yin.

"Thank you."

Then, the empress followed Leiyin to the warship and lifted the petrified state of the navy soldiers.

"Then, the agreement of qiwuhai?"

"I promise you."

After these twists and turns, the nine snake emperor Boya hancook officially became a member of the world's political king qiwuhai.

Leiyin boarded the warship and ordered it to set out. The empress looked at him and said, "what's your name?"


As the voice dropped, the warship walked slowly towards the distance.

Looking at the moving warship, the empress lowered her head as if thinking.

Mary godelow: "sister, men are really strange. Some are abnormal and terrible, but some are cold outside and hot inside, which are unpredictable."

Sandra Sonia: "yes. But anyway, I think it's a good choice for my sister to become qiwuhai. "

The empress looked at Sandra Sonia, and her eyes glared at her boss: "Sonia, why are you still wearing a Navy cloak behind you?"

Santasonia just reflected that just now, Leiyin threw out the Navy cloak behind her and forgot to take it back.

The empress snatched away the cloak: "how can this kind of thing stay here? I'm going to take it and destroy it! "

"Yes... Yes, sister..."

in the future, Lei Yin will have a series of things with the empress...

marine headquarters, marlin Fando, Marshal's office.

The marshal was very happy in the Warring States period and was full of praise: "Lei Yin, the task has been completed very well. I didn't see the wrong person. "

Lei Yin: "it's nothing."

Warring States: "ha ha, I heard that the emperor of the nine snakes was a very difficult woman to deal with. He had been to two generals before, but he failed. I didn't expect that as soon as you went, she agreed to come down. "

Lei Yin successfully completed the mission, which was a small worry of the Warring States period, because jiushe island was a little far away from the headquarters, and the Navy could not manage all aspects of the world. Although the pirate female emperor is a female, she is powerful. She was recruited as qiwuhai. No matter what, she is a person of Zhengfu in name. If Zhengfu has any orders, she can also be informed, but whether she abides by them is another matter. However, it is certain that if the nine snakes and the Navy meet, they will never fight.

To some extent, the navy has one more ally, at least not tit for tat. The Warring States is very happy to pat Lei Yin on the shoulder: "boy, well done. You can ask me what you want from this department."

Lei Yin sighed: "if you have to make a request, give me a new Cape of justice..."

when Lei Yin came back, he heard something. Just a few days after he went to the daughter island to recruit the empress, yuqimula, a student of the same period, who is now a naval lieutenant colonel, confessed to Wei Erdan, whom he had been secretly in love with for a long time.

After hearing this news, Lei Yin felt a little funny: that guy and the boy like her, which is really interesting...

everyone has a love for beauty, and it's a man's nature to like beautiful women. Weierdan is also very outstanding among the girls. When men see her, they almost have the feeling of blood expansion. It can be said that weierdan is really a "beauty". Although it is slightly inferior to the empress, it will never be too far different.

I just don't know how Lei Yin feels.

That's what happened that day.

In particular, mula is holding a bunch of red roses, waiting for her anxiously on veradan's daily way. When weierdan and her best friend are talking and laughing, yuqimula suddenly comes out.

"Wei... Weierdan, I've loved you since the first time I saw you. I've been deeply impressed by your beauty and gentle heart. Please accept my love."

In this way, let Weier Dan a big surprise, for youqimula, she certainly has no feeling, but Weier Danxin is kind, don't know how to refuse him is good.

Thanks to one of her best friends, she said, "yukimura, my sisters, she doesn't like you. We'd better be friends."

"I'll... I'll listen to veradan myself."Weierdan blushed: "I'm sorry, yuqimula, we'd better be friends."

Yuchimura sighed heavily: "well, I respect your decision, but I won't give up pursuing you. I really like you, veradan."

With that, yuchimura turned and left.

The girl beside her looked at wei'erdan with an envious look: if only there were a boy to tell me like this.

Many people have seen and heard about it.

a man heard about it and scratched his ears. He had already thought about weierdan, so he took action.

This person is also a classmate of the same period of Lei Yin's youth training camp. He is a Superman with the ability to train.

On the day after Leiyin came back from the daughter Island, he also confessed to weierdan.

"Sister weierdan, please accept my love."

In full view of the public, Charlene goodes made no secret of her feelings and said it directly.

This time, there were more naval people watching than last time.

Spectators are always not afraid of big things. Many people shout "together".

"Together, together..."

"just promise him!"

"You see how sincere sharingood is..."

there are also many men who are silent there. They all begged weierdan not to agree, because there were quite a few of them secretly in love with weierdan. They just didn't like the bravery of sharingood and yuqimula, and said it directly in public.

And for this, Wei Er Dan still politely refused.

Many of the onlookers breathed a sigh of relief and secretly congratulated themselves that their goddess had no owner

As a result, some men are ready to imitate yuchimura and sharingood , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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