Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:03 AM

Chapter 116

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Weierdan has been declared several times in the Navy headquarters.

Women are always gossipy creatures. On this day, Tina and her three best friends sat together and discussed.

Girlfriends a: "that Wei'er Dan is very popular recently."

My best friend B said with envy: "that's right, who makes parents so beautiful?"

My best friend Bing looked at Tina and said, "we ordinary people don't care. At that time, I'm afraid some people will be completely compared."

Tina snorted: "cut, who would care about this kind of thing, boring."

Although Tina said that, she was the one who cared the most. Everyone loves beauty, and it's a woman's nature to compare. And for Tina, to some extent, she and weierdan are also rivals. The charm value of the rivals is so strong that her heart is naturally very unhappy.

"If that wood is robbed by her..." Tina is a little afraid to think about it...

Lei Yin still does his daily training every day. For him, the two most important things at the moment are not only to practice Kapp's arrogance, but also to master Mudun quickly.

"Left hand water attribute, right hand earth... It's really not easy..." constantly focused on trying to combine the two chakras, but always ended in failure.

If it's that easy, it's estimated that there are powerful figures like the early fire shadow everywhere.

"So hard."

A clear and pleasant woman's voice interrupted Lei Yin's attention.

It turned out to be major general taotu. If they didn't have any tasks, they would be able to meet each other in the same office.

"Teacher, here you are."

Lei Yin wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"You are the best student I have ever taught. It seems that the arduous tasks of alabastan and the recruitment of the nine snake emperor can be completed, and their strength is also the strongest among the trainees. " Peach rabbit praised.

"Teacher, you flatter me."

Peach rabbit looked at Lei Yin: "I just want to say, you are already very strong, so hard, don't you want to be a navy general?"

Lei Yin: "I haven't thought about that, but if only I had their strength."

"Ha ha, I'm still very ambitious."

When they returned to their desks, taotu took a piece of the latest issue of the newspaper and read it.

"Lei Yin, look at this report."

Hearing the speech, Lei Yin took over the newspaper:

four days ago, moonlight molya, a big pirate who offered a reward of 320 million yuan, challenged the fourth emperor Kato in the new world, and the whole regiment was defeated!

It turned out that half a month after escaping from the city of propulsion and returning to the new world, molya went to challenge Kato. To the extent that molya was Kato's opponent, he was defeated.

"Sihuang, it's true that ordinary people can't pull him down." Peach rabbit has feelings.

Lei Yin: "well, if the four emperors were defeated so easily, our navy would not have to give them such a headache."

As a matter of fact, Moria is also reckless. Let's not mention it. The reward of 320 million is quite a lot. However, Jack, one of Kato's three major disasters, is offering a reward of 820 million Bailey (a few years later, it will be 1 billion Bailey). For the other two major disasters, Kato's reward must be more than 1 billion or even 1.2 billion Bailey.

Although the reward can not fully represent the strength, is it too far between 300 million and 800 million or even more than one billion?

Don't count the Legion of beasts under Kato, even Kato plus three disasters, the reward is at least more than 3 billion, right?

300 million to more than 3 billion, what is Moria's death?

While they were discussing about molya, Leiyin's adjutant, Captain Craven, came into the office:

"brigadier general, according to the regulations, the headquarters has issued an order. It's your turn to cruise."

Thunder voice light way: "I know, come in a moment."

According to the regulations of this ministry, almost every once in a while, an officer at or above the school level will be sent to the sea area near marinfando for cruising. The purpose is to observe whether there is any attempt by pirates and other forces to sneak into the Navy or any other bad attempt. It's like a forward guard.

Lei Yin beat a little, then led his warship to set out.

When sailing to the sea, Lei Yin was not idle, for fear of wasting a little time and cultivating himself.

"If Mu Dun doesn't practice as soon as possible, he can't practice the immortal mode. However, it's very difficult, but it's not overnight... "

although my Ninja level has reached the level of Shangren (middle level), I still have a long way to go to cultivate [immortal mode]. After all, I haven't mastered" Mudun "yet.

I really want to learn Mudun now, and it will become very strong immediately. Like the fire shadow of the early generation, I can learn "mayfly", "spore" and even the most powerful move that can compete with yuzhibobanAt this time, it was getting dark. The warship was about 80 kilometers away from the Navy headquarters. Leiyin finished his work and ordered the warship to prepare to return to the Navy headquarters.

"What's that in front of you? Well, it's like an island is moving! " The sailor on the warship said with a telescope.

"The island is moving? What are you talking about? " A second lieutenant nearby said, took down the telescope in the navigator's hand and said, "sure enough, is it really an island?"

The two said this, greatly aroused everyone's curiosity, the Navy rushed forward to wait and see.

"Get out of the way. I'll see."

Lei Yin said, and the major offered the telescope to him.

Because it's late at night, there are still some sea fog in front of us. We can't see what it is, but as we say, it's like a big island sailing.

Lei Yin put down the telescope, and suddenly came to the interest, "army helmsman! Get close to the big guy

With the order of Lei Yin, many navies came one after another.

"Are you kidding, brigadier general?"

"We have finished our task. Besides, the target of that thing is not our navy headquarters. We don't have to take care of it."

"Yes, brigadier general, we don't have to take the risk at all!"

"Shut up "I am the commander of the ship, so I has the final say," said the thundering.

The sound of thunder made the deck silent.

Indeed, Lei Yin is the top commander of the warship, and no one dares to refute...

the warship is getting closer to the moving big guy.

What's that big, amazing thing that's moving? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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