Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:47 AM

Chapter 12

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After listening to farmer's words, Leiyin pauses a little, "well, let's see..."

a man sitting next to him is worried, "Hey, boy, you killed andering, but we are the ones who have bad luck. If you don't agree, we'll have to tie you up and send you to Anderson for questioning! "

"Yes, yes!" Everyone agrees.

Hearing the speech, Lei Yin stood up, looked directly at them, and said, "if you think you can tie me, just come and have a try!"

When they heard the words, they lowered their heads and did not dare to make a sound.

All of you have seen his terrible power. You can kill 5 million reward criminals in an instant. If you don't agree, you can go up and have a try.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, farmer rushed forward to rescue: "Sir, don't be angry. The villagers are also worried. After all, this is a matter of life and death for us, so I hope you don't take it to heart."

"Yes, but you have to promise me two conditions."

Farmer: you say

"Lend me 20000 Bailey." Thunder tone light way.

Hearing this, weierdan next to him was worried. "Dad, I think this guy is here to cheat money. You can't give it to him."

"In that case, forget it."

With that, Leiyin was about to leave, but farmer held out his hand and stopped him, "no problem. If you can really beat Anderson, let alone just 20000, it's OK for us to pay the sacrifice monthly."

"Well, in that case, I promise. Twenty thousand Bailey. I want it now. "

Leiyinsi made no secret and said directly.

Hearing him say so, Wei Er Dan can't help but white him one eye.

Hearing the speech, the people immediately gathered 20000 for Lei Yin and handed it to him.

After getting the money, Leiyin opened the fire shadow store in his mind, and spent 20000 Bailey to buy two blank scrolls. He unfolded the scrolls and sealed the corpse inside, which was very easy to carry.

Now Lei Yin is a pirate hunter. For him, this corpse is not just a corpse, but 5 million Bailey. There are also such convenient props in the fire shadow, which can be taken to the Navy at any time to exchange for the reward, and there is no need to worry about the corpse rotting and unrecognizable.

The reason why Leiyin wants to buy two scrolls is that another scroll is prepared for Anderson.

However, people didn't know about it. Anderlin's body disappeared on the scroll like a magic trick. When they saw it, they were stunned again.

Wei Er Dan is not well-known, and her pretty face is more surprised. She thinks: is this man a monster?

In the world of the pirate king, because there are demonic fruits and many strange abilities, farmer also knows that this boy should have some special abilities for Lei Yin's practice.

"Don't you have two demands? What about the other one? "

"Help me pay for the meal." Lei yindao.

After paying for Lei Yin, farmer said: "you've come all the way. You must have no shelter. If you don't like it, you can go to my house."

Lei Yin scratched his head: "then there will be more interruptions."

Hearing him say this, the villagers feel relieved. If the village head looks at them, they are not afraid of Leiyin running away secretly.

Unexpectedly, her daughter weierdan was very dissatisfied: "Dad, how can you let this guy live in our house? I'm still an unmarried girl!"

Farmer said with a smile, "we have several houses in our family. Just spare one for your husband."

"Dad... You're so bad that you don't care." Say, Wei Er Dan gas drum drum drum left.

See Wei Er Dan go, farmer is still smiling: "my daughter is more willful, I hope you don't mind."

Lei Yin: "it's OK, I don't care."

Farmer and his daughter come to Zhenxi village to do some business. Their home is in Zhendong Village. Although Zhendong and Zhenxi villages are separated by a sea, they are only six nautical miles away. If they take a boat, they will arrive in less than 20 minutes.

Because of anger, weierdan first returned to Zhendong Village, and famo and Leiyin arrived later.

At home, farmer arranges a house for Leiyin. Leiyin came from the sea. After fighting with the sea king class, he killed andLin. He was in a bit of a mess, so farmer asked him to take a bath in his bathroom.

"Thank you very much."

Although farmer wants to use Leiyin to beat Anderson, but in general, he is good to Leiyin, so Leiyin is not polite to him.

Into the bathroom, take off clothes, Leiyin bubble in the bathtub.

It's light to wash lead, but it's hard to bathe whale in the sea.

Is a real dragon something in the pool? Heroes of course travel by land and water!

Even after taking a bath, Lei Yin didn't forget his warm-blooded encouragement. At this time, he stood up and the door of the bathroom suddenly opened!

"Wow" a piercing scream, a girl ran out, running also yelled, "big bastard! Rascal! "Lust!"It's not Vera Dan. Who is it?

Weierdan came back first, so she didn't know there was a man in the bathroom.

Lei Yin stood up naked and was seen by her!

The black line in Lei Yin's head: I was seen by you, OK? Do you have such a big reaction?

However, I also blame myself for forgetting to lock the door when I entered the bathroom...

in the next few days, weierdan never gave a good face to Lei Yin. Her impression of Lei Yin is that this guy not only doesn't know the height of the world, but also is a bianian exhibitionist. Didn't you just beat andering? Anderson is not only much better than his brother, but you don't know how to die!

The villagers of Zhendong Village also know that Leiyin killed Andelin, and they all talk about it.

"You mean that frail little guy killed Andrea?"

"How is that possible?"

"Well, that's not the point, is it? Even if he killed andering, would his brother let us go? "

"Anderson will kill the village!"

"Kill andering, even if our 'Guardian' miller can do it?"

"Doesn't that guy know what it means to settle accounts after autumn?"

"After all, he's an outsider, and he won't care about us at all!"

"What a disaster this boy has brought to our village!"

"He's a disaster..."

there's a lot of rumors in the village. Some of them are timid and afraid of the cruel revenge of Anderson, so they still choose to run.

As for the comments of the village, farmer chose to trust Leiyin unconditionally: "don't worry, I've seen the strength of this kid, which is absolutely beyond your imagination."

To this, "Guardian" Miller said: "village head, you are not a charlatan from where , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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