Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:59 AM

Chapter 120

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After Tina left, their looks eased slightly.

Wei Er Dan looks at Lei Yin as if she is embarrassed. She blushes and hands the object she just carried behind her back to Lei Yin: "this It's a talisman. Take it. I just hope I just hope you have a safe journey... "

Finish saying, Wei Er Dan head also don't return of ran away

Lei Yin holds it in his hand, thinking deeply

The next day, when Lei Yin was about to leave, a shocking news came from the whole navy headquarters - former major general x-drake, defected from the Navy and became a pirate!

The cause of the defection is still under investigation, and Drake has since been known as a "degenerate rear admiral" and offered a reward of 110 million Bailey.

For this matter, Lei Yin was more or less shocked. After all, Drake and himself were classmates of the same youth training camp. In the original book, Drake not only defected from the Navy, but also became one of the "eleven supernovae" in the same period as the protagonist munch-d-luffy.

However, this matter has nothing to do with his going to the West Sea. The adjutant Kleven followed Lei Yin to board the warship and sailed toward the West Sea.

Speaking of Klein, he is now Lei Yin's confidant. He is tall, thin, and full of scholar temperament, but he is a very intelligent guy. Lei Yin almost always consults with him on some matters, and Craven likes Lei Yin's powerful and chivalrous superior very much. The headquarters thinks that the two people cooperate well and assigns Craven to Lei Yin as an adjutant. Every time he made a contribution to the war, Lei Yin would tell his superiors what Klein had done, so Klein had been promoted to a major.

They discussed the West Sea together again.

"According to my analysis, the rebellion of the west sea can never be done by Ryan alone. Just as the marshal of the Warring States period said, there must be more black hands behind him." Craven said to ray.

Lei Yin Wen Yan also asked: "then who do you think his boss behind the scenes will be?"

KLEIN: "major general, do you know there is a country of flowers in the West Sea..."

While they were talking, there was a cry in front of the warship:

"no! There are sea kings

"Well How big

In front of the navy soldiers shouting, caused two people's attention, Leiyin back grass shaved sword jumped on the deck, a look, there is a giant, is wantonly swimming in front of the warship.

"Turn the rudder to the right and avoid it." Lei Yin ordered.

The helmsman heard that he was steering to the right, but it was strange that when the warship turned to the right, the big guy also blocked them to the right, while the warship turned to the left, the monster also moved to the left.

"Really That's disgusting... "

"What the hell is this?"

Seeing this guy like this, Lei Yin was irritated. He moved his mind, took out three kuwu from the inventory, and shot them at the back of the sea beast.

The three bitterness and nothingness were all punctured on the back of the sea beast, and three blood holes were directly punctured. The sea beast roared suddenly, and its upper body suddenly came out of the sea

"Major general..."

"Why do you want to provoke this guy?"

"Wow! It's over. We'll be eaten! "

The Marines covered their heads and cried out in despair.

When you look closely, the giant has a bear's head and a shark's body, which is 50 or 60 meters long.

This is a kind of sea king, named "shark sea bear beast", the danger level is lv.295, it likes to scare and tease the weak creatures very much, it can make it excited especially when seeing the frightened expression and desperate cry of human. That's why the warship was deliberately blocked just now.

But this angered Lei Yin. He attached chakra to kuwu and punctured his thick skin. The wounded shark and sea bear was also very angry and vowed to tear the whole warship to pieces.

How can Lei Yin let it go? There was a terrible cyclone in his hand, and the blue energy ball came out boldly:

"fengdun - Sword in spiral hand!"

Before the shark sea bear started to attack, the sword in the spiral hand hit the bear's face as big as a millstone. Even though the shark sea bear's skin was thick and its flesh was thick, it was immediately beaten bloody.

The next moment, in the eyes of the Navy shocked, the shark sea bear slowly sank to the bottom of the sea, do not know is dead or scared away.

"Keep going." Lei Yin said faintly, and everyone turned their attention back from the astonished eyes.

The warship continued on its way to the West Sea.

When we arrived at the second branch of Xihai, the atmosphere there was dejected, and the soldiers had no fighting spirit.

After a great defeat, two colonels and three squadrons were killed. The last commander of the base broke his arm, and the second branch of Xihai was basically out of organization.

I thought that the headquarters could send them a strong commander, but unexpectedly, such a young major general came.As a result, the morale of the soldiers was even lower.

And now the second branch of the highest rank of Lieutenant Colonel Jerry, see Leiyin so young, bookish, a little look down on him.

Who's Ryan? He offered a reward of 225 million big pirates, who are capable of demonic fruit. He killed five naval officers in a frontal battle. Major generals all broke one arm and fled. You want to fight against Ryan before your teeth grow up?

Lieutenant commander Jerry is also a veteran. Many people in the army are his cronies. He is a local leader here. With this, Lei Yin wants to start his work, but he can't do it for Lei Yin everywhere and doesn't let him work smoothly.

Finally, one day, he angered Lei Yin, who was the chief of the base.

"Come on, Jerry, let's put him in the cell for three days!" Thunder voice angrily shouts a way.

So, with four soldiers, craven directly arrested Jerry.

"What crime has labor and capital committed? Why do we pay attention to labor and capital? " Jerry, caught in the cell, yells at the thunder outside.

Thunder voice light way: "because you below offend, the eye has no superior!"

Hearing this, Jerry snorted: "hum! What kind of superior are you? Our former base commander is so powerful, and he can't resist Ryan. You TMD don't even have enough teeth. You still want to go... "


Before Jerry finished speaking, Lei Yin disappeared in the same place and came to him, and he found that the grass shaver sword was on his neck.

"When did you..." Thunder sound is faster than human imagination. Jerry said this in infinite panic.

"Shut up your disgusting beak. I don't need you to tell me if I can kill Ryan!" Said Lei Yin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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