Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:53 AM

Chapter 126

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The shell whistled past the boat, exploded in the sea and splashed. Warships and pirate ships gradually docking together, the original long-range attack into close combat.

All of a sudden, the sound of shouting and killing was loud, and the sound of swords colliding with each other and the sound of guns was heard all the time.

In this wanton fight, Lei Yin was still thinking, who led the ship?

Most of the Navy could not support the attack of these pirates, and gradually lost the battle.

How can the West Sea Navy, which can't fight several times a year, be the opponent of the experienced big mom Pirate Group?

All of a sudden, large areas of the Navy were scattered by inexplicable forces, and some people were stunned by lightning.

Thunder and lightning?!

Is it ainilu, the God of the empty island?

The next moment, Lei Yin overturned the idea.

In the chaos, a figure fell into the eyes of Lei Yin and the Navy.

He is a blonde with explosive hair, wearing sunglasses, with cat like whiskers on his face and hair all over his body. His two fists are held in the shape of sandbags. He rushes left and right in the crowd like nobody.

The man's fists flew and fell everywhere he went.

Lei Yin has noticed this powerful guy for a long time.

Lei Yin, who is familiar with animation, recognized this person at a glance.

To be precise, he is not a human being.

Bokmus, Superman is a turtle fruit power, a big mom pirate fighter, and a confidant of Charlotte Lingling. Born in Zou Island, he is a lion fur clan. The reward is as high as 330 million Bailey!

In the original work, he once killed cabry, a natural swamp fruit power man, who offered a reward of 210 million Bailey with one punch. We can see its strength.

The ship he brought here is ten times bigger than Leiyin's warship. Needless to say, it is likely that he came to some country in the West Sea to collect desserts for Charlotte Lingling.

The West Sea is far away from the new world, and this time we sent a strong fighter, but we did not invite cadres at the rank of three generals. This shows that there are not many desserts collected this time.

And bokmus is now the top commander of the ship.

It seems that even the three generals didn't come, let alone big mom. Seeing this, Lei Yin was relieved.

Fortunately, Charlotte Lingling didn't come. Let alone the fourth emperor, even the top three generals, Lei Yin is probably no match now.

Even so, the combat effectiveness of the navy was far less than that of these pirates, and it was soon scattered.

Seeing that boxmus is fierce and powerful in the Navy, Lei Yin really thinks that there is nothing wrong.

Seeing that the navy was gradually defeated, suddenly, the momentum of thunder came suddenly, and a faint imperial spirit came to our face. After a while, people only felt a ripple of energy in the void. At the next moment, a boundless and majestic energy just like a surging river and sea scattered in all directions.

Then, the originally fierce pirates rolled their eyes and froth, and fell on the deck.

Whether it's the Navy or boxmus who used this ability for the first time, it's a shock at this moment!

What's this?

Bully, bully, bully?!

The eyes of the pirates who were not knocked down were all focused on the boy who was less than 19 years old.

Originally, there were less than 30 pirates on the pirate ship.

It seems that bokmus really underestimated the boy in front of him.

Bokmus held his glasses with a dignified face: "I didn't expect that there are still such a guy as you in the West Sea."

Lei Yin sneered: "it's just that you are too arrogant. There are so many things you can't imagine on this sea."

"So what? In my opinion, in this world, except those three guys, no one will be my mother's opponent! " Said pockmus.

Leiyin understood at once. The "three guys" that bokmus said were the other three emperors, shanks, white beard and Kato!

"Ha ha, is this arrogant capital?"

Pockmus pushed his sunglasses: "hum, this is strength. Whether it's the revolutionary army, Navy or bounty hunter, you guys don't need to pay attention to it except mom. What about being a bully? There are so many people like you in the new world

This can also explain why the pirate ship led by bokmus did not hide, but faced up, because he did not pay attention to the Navy at all.

Since everyone doesn't agree with anyone, let's talk with fists.

Among the pirates, one of the surviving leaders pulled out his sword and said, "this kid knocked down many of our brothers with his domineering power. Kill him with me!"

"AhWith that, more than 20 people rushed up together.

It is worthy of being the fourth emperor regiment. Knowing that the other side will be domineering, they bravely march forward and launch a single charge.

But what they have is only courage.

Lei Yin stretched out and then directly met them. After a while, the more than 20 pirates either flew into the sea or fell heavily on the deck.

The fact that the beaten pirates were not shocked by the tyranny just now shows that they still have some strength. They can be roughly classified as "elites". However, in front of Lei Yin, these elites are still the strength of zhan-5.

"Give me enough!"

Looking at the thunderclap galloping on the deck, bokmus could not bear it. His feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and even stepped on the sound of sonic boom. Then he came close to the ground and flew towards the thunderclap.


Boxmus's fists blocked the thunder, preventing a pirate from being beaten into the sea.

Their fists butted together, and a thought-provoking smile rose from the corner of Leiyin's mouth: "Mr. boxmus, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Because he was wearing sunglasses, he couldn't see too much of his expression. "Kid, is it too much to knock down so many people on my own?"

Lei Yin gave a bad smile: "isn't that very interesting?"

Seeing Leiyin's strength, bokemus's two fists blackened rapidly, and his armed color and domineering spirit had already wrapped around it. At the same time, Leiyin also attached chakra to his arms, and hardened at the same time. In this way, they hit each other with fists.


The two men's fists hit each other, and there was a terrible sound of sonic boom in the air, which stunned the onlookers and the remaining pirates.

Have they ever seen such a fight?

People's eyes were fixed on them, and they refused to leave for a moment , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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