Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:52 AM

Chapter 127

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Then, boxmus jumped up and hit Lei Yin's chest with his dark fist. Lei Yin was shocked and fell heavily on the guard rail of the pirate ship.

When Lei Yin fell heavily to the railing, he didn't lose his balance completely. Taking this opportunity, he quickly took out a chakra with a sword in his hand and threw it out:

"the technique of separating sword shadow in his hand!"

A sword in his hand turned into a dozen and shot directly into his face. Boxmus tilted a curve in the air and fell on the deck to avoid these.

"Is that the strength of 330 million? That's interesting. " Lei Yin stood up and touched her aching chest.

Pockmus also rubbed his lion's face, got up from the deck, patted the dust on his body, and snorted.

The Navy and the pirates are natural enemies. As long as they meet, they are doomed to fight each other.

But the next moment, it's not Raymond's fist, it's Navy bullets.

Three Marines took out a heavy machine gun from the cabin and pointed it at bokmus. "Bokmus! You must be aware

Then, the machine gun, such as the flames of fire like a flash of bullets.

The bullet had no eyes. Instead of hiding or escaping, bokmus put his limbs and head into the shell.


Under the faces of the Navy, there came the sound of "Dangdang".

The bullet hit the shell and wiped out bursts of fire, but there was no crack in the shell.

The machine gun didn't do anything for him.

The shell of the tortoise fruit is said to have a hardness close to that of a diamond and has a strong defense.

Then, instead of coming out of the turtle shell, bokmus stood it up, whirled at a high speed and rushed to the naval position here, smashing the machine gun that had just shot him with a hard turtle shell!

Then, another piece of navy was smashed.

At this time, Lei Yin's right hand again gathered the blue energy ball, "big jade - spiral pill!"

Then, Leiyin held up the blue halo ball and fell down abruptly towards bokmus, stopping the turtle shell from spinning at high speed.

"Sure enough, only our major general can stop the tortoise now."

Looking at the stopped boxer mousse, the Navy could not help sighing.

Major Craven was also relieved.

Bokmus was blocked by Leiyin's spiral pill, and his limbs and head protruded from the shell again.

Then, boxmus's hands flashed with lightning, hitting Leiyin's body.

Suddenly, Lei Yin only felt a stabbing pain in his body, and immediately retreated several steps away.

At this time, Lei Yin suddenly realized that the attack that the thunder and lightning just blocked the shell was done by bokmus!

Because boxmus is a fur family, it can generate static electricity in the body and attach electric current to the attack.

The fur people themselves are a miracle people, each of them can produce static electricity, and each of them can use lightning attack.

Their king can compete with Jack, who is one of the three catastrophes of the CADO regiment and has a bounty of 1 billion Bailey!

This is a strong people.

According to the original, the fur people living on Zou island are not weak!

What's more unexpected to Lei Yin is that the static electricity of ordinary fur clan can only be attached to the fur to attack, but bokmus can extend the static electricity to attack the enemy from a longer distance.

The natural strength of the fur people is not bad, and bokmus is more than the ordinary fur people, but also eat the fruit of the turtle with strong defense.

Therefore, it is not too much to say that this guy's strength is close to 500 million.

Leiyin was thinking, the static electricity in bokmus's hand was "peeping" again, and the navy soldiers all stepped back to empty a piece of land.

The static electricity in his hands gradually became bright, and even flashed some dazzling light blue. Bokmus jumped up and roared towards the thunder.

"Leidun - thousand birds flow!"

For a moment, the thunder and lightning on Lei Yin's body "Yiyi" rings. He wants to neutralize the thunder and lightning brought by bokmus, but he doesn't think that bokmus's hand is still covered with armed color. He suddenly hits Lei Yin again, and the current gushes out.

As a result, it has no effect at all.

It turned out that the thunder and lightning from Lei Yin's body offset the thunder and lightning in bokmus's hands.

However, when he saw this scene, he did not give up the attack of thunder and lightning. He only saw his hands crossed and two thunderbolts bombarded away:

"cross thunder!"

Lightning folded into a cross "Yiyi" ring away, vowed to split the thunder into coke.

And Lei Yin didn't dare to show weakness, and his right hand became bright and dazzling:

"flying thunder god section 2 - Lei Dun - thousand birds!"A flash of thunder disappeared in the same place, and chakra, who had a lot of thunder attributes, roared away...

this blow not only broke boxmus's "cross thunder", but also directly penetrated his body.

Bokmus, a fighter of Sihuang big mom Pirate Group, was defeated.

Since then, the four emperor Pirate Group has been declared destroyed.

The Marines of Lei Yin's department were all dumbfounded.

In Xihai, lain of 225 million yuan and bokmus of 330 million yuan are still prisoners of reward of 200 million yuan and 300 million yuan, but they can't fight back in Leiyin's hands!

What the navy of the West Sea didn't know is that before that, Lei Yin had defeated the former king qiwuhai, who had offered a reward of 80 million kroddar, a reward of 100 million Bailey [gangster] kapen Becky, a reward of 260 million Bailey [Fire fist] ace, a reward of 375 million Bailey [Griffin fruit] ability of jerev, a reward of 500 million Bailey [World destroyer] Bondi- Wald and others.

If you look at this resume, they will be even more shocked.

However, it wasn't long before everyone knew about this resume.

It is impossible not to attract people's attention to defeat so many big reward offering criminals who are often hundreds of millions in a row.

Many newspaper reporters in the shampoos have heard that Lei Yin has defeated the powerful enemy many times, but no one has reported it formally. Now the fighters who defeated the four imperial regiments have become the fuse of his fame.

Reporters vied with each other to go to the Navy headquarters to investigate Lei Yin's previous information and achievements. However, marshal Zhanguo cooperated very much and told the public Lei Yin's information in detail. The reporters were also very happy to publish the information in the newspapers and publish it all over the world.

As for the information about Lei Yin, in addition to the list just now, he defeated diamandi, the top cadre of the Fang Pian army of the Don Quixote family, and Yueyue Moliya, who was offered a reward of 300 million, recruited the female emperor as qiwuhai and fought against kaiduoquan, a hundred beasts head-on...

this information is even more eye-catching than Kapp, a young naval hero.

In XX, major general Lei Yin of the Navy headquarters was famous all over the world! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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