Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:46 AM

Chapter 13

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For Miller, although he is known as the "Guardian" of the two villages, there are still some people who don't like him.

Village head farmer is one of them.

As I said earlier, Miller is a retired naval major who can exercise and has some combat power. When he was young, he used to fight with pirates, with some knife wounds on his face. He always regards these injuries as his military merit.

Although Miller's power has not been able to make the villagers get rid of Anderson's rule, most villagers believe that it is Miller's existence that makes the village survive and avoid being slaughtered by Anderson.

The custom of Zhendong and Zhenxi villages is that if the man has strong power, people will be eager to let their daughter marry the man. It is by virtue of this, plus Miller this person is more lustful, although nearly 40 years old has not been married, but clearly and secretly do not know how many women.

In addition, at ordinary times, he always likes to tell the villagers "how Lao Tzu used to be", and farmer doesn't like him very much.

In farmer's eyes, Miller is actually a guy who only talks big but can't do anything. Otherwise, Anderson would have been defeated or driven away, otherwise, the villagers would not have been humiliated to make a sacrifice to the "wolf pirates" every month.

In fact, farmer didn't believe Miller would care for the villagers at all. Miller would only use his strength to gain fame and women.

So, in secret, farmer also went to the outer island to find three warriors to deal with Anderson.

Three warriors, one is famous for strength, one is famous for speed, and the other claims to have never met an enemy on the island where he lives.

In order not to involve the village, farmer gave them a lot of money in advance. When Anderson came to collect the "protection fee", he asked them to stir up a conflict with Anderson, so as to avoid Anderson suspecting that he was being instructed and then slaughtering the village. However, one of the three warriors just saw Anderson's terrible strength and ran away. The remaining two were killed by Anderson in less than three minutes.

Since then, no one dares to challenge Anderson. In fact, in people's hearts, they have already succumbed to Anderson's almost invincible strength.

Therefore, when the thunder from outside killed Andelin, it caused a great disturbance among the villagers.

Even the three-year-old children in the village know that Anderson, his elder brother, is many times better than his younger brother. Therefore, killing andering will bring disaster instead of eliminating it.

That's what I said. The imperial army can't bring disaster.

So, the villagers all asked Miller to beat Lei Yin and present it to Anderson to avoid his killing the village.

Miller is very happy, but he would like to see how much weight this kid defeated andering has.

On this day, Leiyin was going to the back mountain of Zhendong Village to practice, but he was stopped by Miller and a group of people.

Seeing so many people, Lei Yin said, "what can I do for you?"

"Boy, I heard that you are very good, but you beat anderlin to patronize you. Do you know how much trouble you have brought us?" Miller, the leader.

"Yes, yes, do you know what disaster you have brought us?" The villagers behind

Lei yinman said carelessly: "I told the village head that if I don't defeat Anderson, I will never leave here."

Hearing the speech, the villagers were stunned at first, and then all of them laughed out loud.

"This guy... Said he was going to beat Anderson?"

"It's killing me!"

"Don't think you can beat Anderson if you beat andering. The strength of their two brothers is not the same level!"

"I'm really a kid who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth..."

everyone's words are full of scorn.

Leiyin doesn't want to pay attention to them and continues to walk forward, but Miller runs over and stops him.

Lei Yin: "what are you going to do?"

Miller sneered: "did you hear that? We won't believe you at all. It's a fool's dream that you want to beat Anderson

Lei Yin also sneered back at him: "the mouth is on people, how to say it's their business. Besides, I promised the village head, not you, so whether you trust me or not has nothing to do with me. "

"Stinky kid, it seems that I can only kill you and dedicate you to Anderson." Miller made a vicious gesture of attack.

Seeing that the comer is not good, Lei Yin certainly won't be polite to him: "if you think you have this ability, just try it!"

"Too arrogant, give him some color to see!"

"Do catch this guy!"

"Take care of him!"

The villagers are all in support of Miller.

"Die, kid!"

With that, Miller raised his foot and kicked to the side of Lei Yin, who attached chakra to his left arm to defend his kick.Although it's an ordinary kick, the opponent is a Navy major who has been fighting for a long time, and it's said that miller can play "six styles", so this blow is not an ordinary one.

In fact, this kick is just a tentative attack on Lei Yin. He wants to see the strength of this guy, but he didn't expect to be so understated.

Next, Miller did his best.

"Six - finger gun!"

Miller stretched out his right index finger and stabbed straight at the heart of Leiyin...

with a "Dang", it was like metal bumping together. Miller's index finger was against Leiyin's left chest...

however, his fingers could not move forward half a millimeter.

Originally, Leiyin instantly gathered chakra in the heart and made a layer of invisible armor to resist the attack.

And see this guy directly attack his own harm, Leiyin naturally is not polite.

"Lei Dun - Qian..."

"stop it

When Leiyin wanted to fight back against Miller, an old man came not far away.

It's farmer, the village head.

He ran up to them and said, "what are you doing?"

Miller looked like a thief yelling to catch a thief: "village head, this guy thinks he has defeated anderlin, and he looks like he is very successful. I'll educate him for you."

"Who are you going to educate? If you have seed, please tell me again Thunder sound hears speech very angry, dejectedly will check carat flow to the whole body, ready to beat Miller.

Miller sneered: "I don't know the heaven and earth, what I said is..."

"shut up!" Farmer interrupted the two men's quarrel with a loud drink.

Seeing farmer in a hurry, Miller stopped talking.

Although Miller is usually arrogant like a six, for the village head with high prestige, he still doesn't dare to do anything... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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