Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:40 AM

Chapter 138

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Why is Lei Yin so modest? In fact, this is what he had thought for a long time. He wants to enter the Don Quixote family in another image, and then launch an investigation into them to find out the evidence of crime.

It was Marshal Warring States that said that Alfred Domingo would be three colors domineering, and his strength was close to that of the general to be, which was extraordinary. What's more, the navy is only suspicious of Alfred Domingo now. If it makes a rash move, it will start without name.

What's more, Don Quixote is not the only one in the family. There are so many cadres under his command, none of them are ordinary people.

In short, the original major general Lei Yin now plays the role of an agent.

However, can Lei Yin, who changes his image by transfiguration, enter the Don Quixote family smoothly?

He is trying hard.

After listening to the thunder, buffalo's face was full of disdain, "hum, why should we accept you? We can kill you and take the ammunition. "

Lei Yin cleared his throat: "I really admire your little Lord. Please promise me to join Don Quixote family. I need your help."

As soon as the words came out, the baby-5 on one side was stunned. The original intention of fighting was completely lost, and the two firearm like hands became the original white jade hands.

Am I... Needed again?

Baby-5, who is eager to be needed by others, has reached an incredible level. As long as he is needed by others, he can't refuse others. No matter borrowing money, proposing marriage or forcing sales promotion, he will think he is "needed" and accept it. Therefore, he is often cheated, owes 98 million Bailey and subscribes to more than 50 newspapers. Because of her character, many scum men proposed to her, so her fiance also became the target of Alfred Domingo's purge. For this reason, he repeatedly said that he would kill Alfred Domingo.

Bafaro, her partner, likes gambling very much. Every time she asks baby-5 to borrow money, baby-5 will agree without hesitation. However, bafaro's gambling luck is surprisingly good. He can win almost every time he gambles.

(I really don't understand why such a beautiful girl knows how to borrow money...)

every time I watch animation, the cute and silly character of baby-5 always makes Lei Yin laugh to himself.

Smell speech, baby-5 pretty blush: "OK, I'll go to talk with Mingge, let you join us..."

one side of bafaro's head becomes bigger, teeth become sharp, yelling at her: "Hello! Baby-5, wake up a little bit. We don't even know his origin and purpose. Why should we talk to the little Lord for him? "

Lei Yin looked at baby-5's beautiful eyes and continued: "you are good people. I really need your help. Let me join you."

Lei Yin's words, let baby-5's heart "clatter" once again: "OK, I promise you."

Because of Lei Yin's help, baby-5 readily agrees.

This is the end of the matter.

They came to Faroe island to clean up the enemy, but they didn't expect to speak for the enemy. It's all baby-5's cute, funny character. If pipka and others had been sent, they would have been working with Lei Yin for a long time.

However, Lei Yin, who is also familiar with animation, knows the personality of baby-5, so it's just in his heart.

Informed of the situation, Alfred Domingo helplessly covered his face: "this guy, like to casually agree to other people's fault again."

However, Alfred is going to go to see who the guy who wants to join him is.

So, using the ability of [thread fruit], dorfmingo hung the thread on the cloud and flew towards Faro island...

on this day, when Leiyin was practicing on the island, he saw Mingo hanging in the air with a thin thread.

Rao is Lei Yin, at this time the heart has become a little restless.

This is, however, the strength close to the Navy's headquarters general under the king Qiwu Haitang Quixote - duofranmingo! Is the original protagonist munch-d-luffy exhausted all his strength, starting the fourth gear nightmare form to defeat the man!

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

When I become stronger, maybe it's the day when you fall!

At this time, Leiyin pretended to be very humble and said, "Mr. Don Quixote, you are here."

Dorfermingo pushed his sunglasses and looked down at him: "boy, who are you and why do you want to join us?"

Lei Yin: "I was an ordinary pirate in Beihai. I've heard about it for a long time. I've admired you for a long time. Moreover, I am alone, and I want to find a powerful Pirate Group. "

Over the past two days, Lei Yin may have told all the flattering lies in her life.

After hearing this, Alfred Domingo fell from the air and said, "you're alone. You're so brave to compete with me here."Lei Yin continued: "I do all this to attract your attention. If I can, I can give you all these weapons."

Leiyin's arms business is pretty good. Originally, more than 30 million arms have been sold to more than 50 million people. Ordinary people don't have so much leisure to go there in such a way to please others. In this way, brother Ming's worries are also slightly alleviated.

"Do you really want to join us?"

Lei Yin nodded: "well."

"Let's see if you have such luck and strength first."

"Snap the line!"

With that, a thin white line with the speed and power no less than that of a bullet was launched from the index finger of dorfermingo. The thunder leaped away, and [the line] made an exaggerated hole in the ground.

Dorfermingo knew that although he wanted to join himself, he had some strength to manage arms under his own eyes. Mingge wanted to see what the strength of this guy was...

and Lei Yin understood that, so he launched a counterattack.

He immediately pulled out the grass shaved sword behind him, brewing a powerful force, and suddenly spread away, "half a month - draw the sword to chop!"

Half moon's sword Qi strikes Mingge with great power, but Mingge waves his left hand to the front and shoots a spider web made of many spider silk threads, which easily blocks the attack. This half moon's attack turns into nothing under Mingge's defense.

This is a defensive move of Mingge thread [spider's nest]. He is not only tough, but also very hard. It is said that he can block the four block [lion gun] of Lufei.

"Grass Shaving - Sword wave of beaver!"

Lei Yin still doesn't give up. The sword Qi of horizontal chopping attacks again and hits the spider's nest. Mingge's spider web starts to vibrate violently, but this time it still doesn't break.

Dorfermingo, his strength is really extraordinary.... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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