Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:45 AM

Chapter 14

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In this way, farmer stopped the fight between Leiyin and Miller. People gradually dispersed, and Lei Yin didn't bother to worry about these people and continued to practice in the back mountain.

In the back of the mountain, there is chakra in Leiyin's hand, which can form a complete sphere.

Next, he controls the chuck ball in his hand, causing rotation in different directions, forming cyclones in different directions. It looks like a well without waves on the surface. In fact, there is a certain amount of energy in it...

these days, Anderson went on the expedition and did not come back. Although the village is calm on the surface, it is as anxious as ants on a hot pot, and every family starts to pick it up Weapons, preparing to organize resistance against Anderson, and appeasing farmer, we basically turn a deaf ear. Lei Yin is practicing every day, and his food and shelter are at farmer's house...

one day, while eating, farmer said to Lei Yin, "Mr. Lei Yin, please beat Anderson and help us eliminate the wolf Pirate Group. I've put all my treasure on you."

For farmer's unconditional trust, Lei Yin was still a little moved, he said: "don't worry, since I promised you, I will try my best."

Weierdan seems to gradually adapt to the existence of Leiyin. For him, the hostility is not as heavy as before. Nevertheless, she still doesn't believe that Leiyin can beat Anderson.

"Mr. Leiyin..." farmer said in a low voice.


Farmerton gave a pause and said, "if you can beat Anderson, I'll let veradan marry you."

A mouthful of rice from Lei Yin's mouth spouted out!

He quickly waved his hand: "no, no, I won't ask you for another grain of rice on the day of defeating anderlin..."

Wei Erdan said angrily: "Hey, what do you mean? As if I have to marry you, I will never marry you idiot! Never

Hearing Lei Yin say so, Wei Er Danton is anxious, not because she likes Lei Yin, but because she has full confidence in her own beauty, but in fact she is beautiful and impeccable, so it's not too much to use the word "beauty". She is the object that many men in the two villages love openly and secretly. If that man hears what farmer just said, he will agree immediately, and he will not sleep for three days.

Lei Yin refused, and refused so simply. For her, this is to deny her beauty and charm. How can you make her not angry?

Weierdan's self-esteem was hit, and then she said to farmer, "Dad, why do you believe him so much? In my opinion, this guy is not Anderson's opponent at all, and Anderson will definitely kill him!"

Famo: "when you hear wei'erdan's words, Lei Yin laughs at them...

for Lei Yin, the daughter of the deputy village head, whose name is Jennie, is in sharp contrast to wei'erdan.

Jennie was 15 years old. She was a charming little Lori. In Lei Yin's eyes, she was an innocent girl.

Jennie and Leiyin got to know each other when Jennie was flying a kite. The kite was accidentally hung on a branch of a tree. Just as Leiyin came back from training in the back mountain, Jennie saw him and said, "big brother, can you help me get the kite down?"

Without saying a word, Lei Yin gathered chakra on the middle and index fingers of his right hand...

white blade!

The white light suddenly appeared, cut off the branch, and the kite fell from the tree.

Jennie picked up the kite from the ground and was very excited. She picked it up and hopped to Lei Yin's side: "big brother, you are so powerful. What's your name?"


"Oh, can you fly a kite with me?"


Lei Yin was in trouble. He had just come back from the back mountain cultivation and was sweating all over. He was ready to go back to famer's house...

but he didn't expect to kill a little Lori on the way. Seeing that Lei Yin didn't respond, Jennie and he didn't see the slightest exception. They dragged his arm around and said, "brother, you are so powerful, play with me for a while."

Lei Yin was entangled by her, but she had to say: "OK... Ok..."

once and for all, Jennie would always come to play with Lei Yin, and Jennie's innocent and sweet appearance could not make Lei Yin refuse.

Weierdan is not blind. Naturally, she looks in her eyes every day. Every time she sees Leiyin and Jennie together, she always feels uncomfortable.

One day, wei'erdan couldn't stand it any more. He immediately went to Lei Yin and said, "Lei Yin, dad wants you to fight Anderson, not to pick up girls here!"

Lei Yin said, "is this my own business? What's more, now Anderson hasn't come back. Do you want me to go out to Anderson? Are you not afraid of me running away

"You..." Wei Er Dan's pretty face is red with anger, but there is no way to refute Lei Yin's words.Jennie also heard about Lei Yin's fight against Anderson. She opened her big clear eyes and asked naively, "brother Lei Yin, I heard that you are going to beat Anderson yourself. Is that so?"


"Then you must defeat that bad guy. Don't die."

For Jennie's innocence, Leiyin completely speechless, he a black line: "know... Know."

Next, Jennie's words almost made Lei Yin bleed.

The two fingers of Jennie's left hand and right hand touched lightly, and she said, "brother Leiyin..."


"My father said, if you can beat Anderson, let me marry you...


, as like as two peas of Alpaca passed through his heart, he thought, "this village head and village head farmer's voice is exactly the same." he said, "ten thousand. The customs of this village are really speechless...

Lei Yin has been in Zhendong Village for a month, and the day has finally come.

Anderson is back!

As soon as he came back, he heard the news that his brother had been killed, and immediately led a large group of people to Zhendong Village.

The village militia on guard at the port saw a large group of people not far from the sea coming towards this side. The sentry hurriedly went down from the lookout to report to the villagers. Then, the villagers all took up arms, led by village head farmer and "Guardian" Miller, and stood ready.

Seeing farmer, Miller couldn't help wondering: "village head, where's the kid?"

Farmer was a little embarrassed: "he went out early in the morning. I didn't see him at all."


The villagers were shocked to hear farmer's words.

Lei Yin, this guy, can't have run away? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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