Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:37 AM

Chapter 141

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When you come to the Holy Buddha ridge, you will walk straight to the center of the Holy Buddha ridge, the Buddha's ancestral temple, with the thunder sound of familiar route.

This time, civet Buddha is not in the hall, but civet Sword Fairy is waiting for him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Lei Yin."

Lei Yin looked around: "why isn't Buddha here?"

Civet Sword Fairy: "Buddha has something to do today, but he had expected you to come back today, so let me wait here."

Lei Yin was a little surprised: "does he know I'm coming?"

The civet Sword Fairy suddenly smiles: "it seems that you still don't know the power of the Buddha. He can be said to be a real" God. "


"Yes, although his memory is not very good, he can know a hundred years before and after. He not only knows you are coming today, but also knows what you are going to do."

"Well?" The more you listen to Lei Yin, the more surprised you feel.

"Have you successfully mastered" Mudun "? Shall we teach you how to open the immortal mode?"

Lei Yin's heart "clattered" as if the whole person was transparent in front of him.

"You are absolutely right. The Buddha is really powerful." Even Lei Yin couldn't help praising.

Civet Sword Fairy smile: "not only is our Buddha, you are in any world, there is the existence of god Buddha."

"Oh?" The more Lei Yin listened, the more puzzled he was. "Do you mean the world where I am now?" (pirate world)

"that's right."

Lei Yin is more and more curious: "do you mean the man on the empty island?"

Civet Sword Fairy's words greatly aroused the interest of Lei Yin. Because the pirate king world, such as the pirate king gore-d-roger, white beard, and shanks, no matter how powerful they are, they are human in the end and have nothing to do with God. Speaking of the "God" among the pirate king, the first thing Lei Yin can think of is Aini Road on the empty island.

"That man, he ate something called" Xianglei fruit ". No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no The civet cat Sword Fairy has a serious face. It really doesn't look like a joke.

In fact, as he said.

"Where is the real God?" Lei Yin asked.

"I can only give you a little hint about this. In one of your places called new world, there is a moving island called Zou, which is actually a giant elephant that has survived for 1000 years. It has something to do with the real God. "

The civet cat and the Sword Fairy make a statement, and thunder suddenly comes to light!

In the original work, the giant elephant was originally a god beast in heaven. Because of doing something wrong, it was put down by God and punished. It has been walking for more than 1000 years.

In this way, the pirate king has the real existence of God!

In addition, civet cat Buddha is not simple. It knows so many things. From this point of view, civet cat and Sword Fairy are not just gossipy, Buddha is also a real God.

It's more complicated, but it's more interesting.

Lei Yin wanted to ask something else. Civet Sword Fairy said, "well, I'm far away from you about this topic. Hurry up and practice."

Although Leiyin has mastered Mudun, it has not yet opened the immortal mode. As mentioned above, this is the real purpose of Leiyin's visit.

When the Buddha left, he had taught all the cultivation methods to civet Sword Fairy, so civet Sword Fairy guided Leiyin to complete the cultivation of immortal mode.

When Lei Yin heard the speech, he didn't say anything more. Instead, he seriously accepted the guidance of civet Sword Fairy.

Civet Sword Fairy: "first of all, I want to explain to you that this fairy art is very different from the general ninja."

"I know that."

"Ninja is the use of internal energy, while Xianshu is the use of external energy."

Lei Yin scratched his head: "external? What about this

Civet Sword Fairy pondered a little: "well, I think you should know that in order to use Ninjutsu, you must use the [mental energy] and [body energy] in your body to make chakra."

"In addition to using the chakra in the human body, the magic also uses [natural energy] to create a more powerful chakra. In this way, you can greatly increase the power of all the Ninjutsu, magic and even physical skills you used before. "

Lei Yin was surprised: "do you mean all of them?"

"Yes. Using the spiritual energy and physical energy in the body, including the external natural energy, these three kinds of energy to create the skills or moves used by chakra, which is called magic Civet Sword Fairy said, also took a short fat hand to draw a "three".

Lei Yin scratched his head a little puzzled, as if he understood something and didn't understand it.

Civet swordsman put up a finger: "to put it simply, it's like peppermint ice cream added to chocolate vanilla ice cream, the taste is more delicious."This metaphor is quite humanized. Lei Yin has a sudden understanding expression.

"Well, what is natural energy?" Lei Yin then asked.

Civet Sword Fairy explained: "it exists outside the body... That is, the energy in the atmosphere and the earth."

"The atmosphere and the earth?"

"Yes. It's the air and the ground. It may be difficult to understand just by saying this. Let me show you...

then civet Sword Fairy attached one hand to the ground and entered a settled state. After a while, his eyes suddenly opened, his eyes changed, he went to a rock with a diameter of tens of meters, and raised one hand.

The rock is hundreds of times bigger than civet Sword Fairy. If you don't have the strength, you can't lift it.

"Really... Very strong." Lei Yin couldn't help exclaiming.

"See, that's the power of magic after absorbing the natural energy." Then, civet cat Sword Fairy slowly put down the rock.

Lei Yin: "but when you enter the final stage, I don't feel anything, just like you don't do anything."

"That's because you didn't even feel the energy before, let alone absorb it."

Lei Yin's eager expression: "what should I do?"

Civet Sword Fairy put up a finger: "you should be integrated with nature. The so-called absorption of natural energy, in fact, is to feel the natural energy, and gather it to their own side, plus their own spiritual energy and body energy, through nature to integrate them, you can control the natural energy in and out of your body, so as to enter the [immortal mode] "

At the end of the speech, Lei Yin smiles, pinches her fist, and says with a little excitement: "there is not enough time. Let's start right away...

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