Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:35 AM

Chapter 143

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Torepol: "dorphy, Caesar has produced four more man-made fruits, and we can earn hundreds of millions more."

"Well, send someone to send him to Cato as soon as you can."


"Haven't the South China Sea arms arrived yet? How do you do it? "

"I'm very sorry, young master. We met the Navy on our way, so we had to make a detour."

Although Domingo is arrogant, in the final analysis, he is still a "seven armed sea". Although some aspects of his identity will turn a blind eye, it does not mean that the navy can let you do whatever you want.

If the interests of the navy are violated, they will immediately deprive you of the title of "qiwuhai" and beat you up.

For example, Mingo's business in arms and man-made devil fruit has actually violated the bottom line of the Navy, so he can only do it secretly behind his back.

In the past two days, on Beiya island in the North Sea, Alfred Domingo didn't assign any tasks to Lei Yin, while baby-5 was with Lei Yin every day, sticking to him like a little follower.

But sometimes, Leiyin wants to go to the back mountain of Beiya island to practice, and baby-5 also wants to follow her. Leiyin doesn't let her follow her.

On this day, Leiyin was sitting on the ground with his arms bare in the back mountain, feeling around like a meditation. He has strong muscles that make people feel very safe.

In the original.

The straw hat group and Baroque wark studio duel in alabastan. Loronoya Solon is forced into a desperate situation. Solon understands the power of cutting steel.

I can hear the breath of everything.

The breath of trees.

The breath of grass.

Even the breath of stone...

why don't you feel like this?

If you have one, you can feel the power of nature like Solon, right?

When Lei Yin tried to feel it, suddenly, he felt a piercing and strong chill.


It's early autumn now. It shouldn't be so cold. Moreover, even if it is generally cold, in terms of Leiyin's physique, it can also compete with it.

But the strange thing is that the temperature all around seems to drop in an instant, and it drops directly to more than 20 degrees below zero. Originally bared the upper part of the thunder, quickly put on the coat.

It seems that he suddenly understood something, and suddenly raised his head...

sure enough, a monster with a human face and a bird body hovered in the sky and stared at him.

It's Monet.

It was her ability to use [snow fruit] that brought the temperature down suddenly.

Monet looked down at Lei Yin, with an intriguing smile on his face: "ha ha... I didn't expect that you were so strong, you still worked so hard."

Lei Yin looked up coldly at the snow girl: "what are you doing here?"

Monet covered his little mouth with his wings: "Oh, ha ha... Is this your home? You can come. Why can't I come? "

"Well, you can play here by yourself." With a cold hum, Lei Yin turned and left.

Monet took back his wings and claws, changed back into human shape, and stood in front of Leiyin.

Not to mention, Monet's human shape, long grass green hair, beautiful golden pupil and graceful figure, is really intoxicating.

However, Lei Yin looked at her without expression: "Hey, what do you want to do?"

"Oh, ha ha... You repaired me so miserably that day. I can't treat it as if nothing happened." Monet said suddenly.

Lei Yin: "what? Do you want to fight again? If you do, I'll be with you at any time. "

Monet gave him an ambiguous smile: "Oh, oh, we are all our own people. Why should we hold such a big hostility? I also know that even if you go on fighting, I am not your opponent

For the strength of Leiyin, Monet has completely convinced. Because not everyone can shatter his own steel like a broken glass.

Women's intuition is always very keen. Lei Yin can break through her own "snow rabbit formation" and knock herself to death with one blow. He can also judge Lei Yin's strength, which he can't defeat.

She lost in both speed and strength.

"What's the matter with you? If you have something to say, I'm in a hurry. " Said Lei Yin.

Monet saw his hot face pasted with Lei Yin's cold butt, but he was not discouraged at all. He still had a smile on his face: "what's the relationship between you and baby-5?"

As soon as he heard Monet say this, Lei Yin seemed to be hit by a dead spot: "we don't... It doesn't matter."

Monet's face is still a playful smile: "come on, do you like her?"

Lei Yin's face flushed: "I don't have it. Don't think about it."No one is blind. Since Lei Yin came to Don Quixote's family, he and baby-5 have been walking recently every day. Apart from sleeping and eating, they are all together.

So who would believe what Lei Yin said?

Lei Yin and baby-5 are both in their infancy. Besides, the beauty of baby-5 is very attractive to men.

Monet looked at Lei Yin like this. His eyes seemed to be questioning. Lei Yin was a little annoyed: "it doesn't seem to have much to do with you, does it?"

Monet said with an ambiguous smile: "how can we say it doesn't matter?"

Lei Yin: "ha???"

Monet gradually approached him: "you just said that you don't like baby-5, didn't I hear you wrong?"

Helpless Leiyin was forced to step back by snow girl Monet: "no... that's right. What are you doing? Don't come back, OK? "

Monet: "well, since you don't like baby-5, then I still have a chance?"

"Ha? What are you talking about?" Lei Yin's face is full of words.

In fact, Monet's meaning is quite obvious. As a matter of fact, her words are not true.

Who is Monet? First of all, the fruits of the natural system are as rare as stars on the sea, and the women with the natural system are even rarer than the rare ones.

It can also be said that Monet is now the only woman with natural ability!

To say so much, I just want to say that he is powerful and advantaged, so she doesn't pay attention to anyone except the little Lord, Alfred Domingo.

Because of its strength and unique position, it is enough to make itself arrogant and conceited in the sea.

If you want to get in touch with her entity, you should first learn to be armed and aggressive.

If you want to fight her, you have to be afraid of the cold.

If you want to win her, you have to learn to move in the air, or have the power of loronoya Solon, who can kill the natural system without armed and domineering.

As long as you don't satisfy any of them, there is only one way to die in front of Monet.

Do you need more nonsense?

She has such strength that she is naturally proud and conceited. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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