Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:34 AM

Chapter 144

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But Monet's pride and conceit were defeated by a stinky kid who didn't know her native place, and she was defeated so simply.

fame, wealth and power are all secondary. In this world where everyone has the final say, who is strong and arms are strong, the strong are naturally favored and respected.

Why is Monet so loyal to chivuhai do Franco? Because Mingge does not know how many times stronger than himself. All I want to say is that Monet likes a strong man, especially the man who beat himself up and despises him.

Just when Monet was smashed all his proud strength by Leiyin, Monet was deeply entangled.

The battle that was supposed to win was defeated.

I care most about strength this time.

This is not to let Monet think every day, every day.

She is also a woman and has seven emotions and six desires.

In addition, Lei Yin and the hot baby-5 are right all the time. She is not blind and can't pretend to be blind.

Women are like this, when other women like this man, she will also involuntarily pay attention to this man.

What's more, this man broke his proudest strength.

To sum up, if Monet doesn't care about Lei Yin, there will be ghosts.

But how does Lei Yin know what she really thinks? I thought she had a conspiracy. In the original work, Monet was not a positive figure.

"Opportunity? What chance do you want me to give you? " Lei Yin asked.

Monet: are you playing dumb with me? Is that right? "

"I..." in fact, Leiyin also vaguely knows her meaning, but he doesn't want to answer her anything. Leiyin thinks she is in trouble.

Monet is close to Leiyin: "you say you don't like baby-5, then I'll be your secretary. I'm definitely better than her."

Lei Yin jumped away in fright.

Monet saw Lei Yin's funny stupidity and stopped teasing him. Lang flew to the sky with a smile.

These days, there are still some cadres in the absence of Domenico and torrepol. Lei Yin asked baby-5, and baby-5 told him that they had gone to DREZ Rosa in the new world.

In terms of time, he should have gone to murder the king and wanted to be king.

Mingo only took torrepol with him this time. It can be seen that he is only at the stage of trying to collect intelligence. If he wants to launch a general attack on DREZ Rosa, he wants to take all the cadres.

As soon as Mingo left, all the business chains and industries of Beihai Beiya Island were handed over to pika, the top cadre of the spade army.

Mingge told pika something before he left...

however, this is a good thing for Lei Yin. If Mingge is not there, these people are not afraid in his eyes.

While practicing, Lei Yin stepped up to collect all kinds of illegal evidence.

The next day, it was just beginning to turn white.

Just out of the door of his villa, Lei Yin felt the chill again. When he looked up, he could not help saying that it was [snow girl] Monet hovering in the sky.

When she saw the thunder, she flew to the ground and changed into human form.

When Lei Yin saw her, she thought of what the guy said yesterday and could not help taking a breath.

"What are you doing here?" Lei Yin doesn't speak well.

At this time, baby-5 just came out of the house.

Monet immediately said, "I'm going to practice with you."


"Practice? I'm not going with you. " Lei yindao.

"What, were we not together yesterday?" Monet said.

Obviously, Monet said that in front of baby-5.

Lei Yin's face became a little embarrassed: "don't talk nonsense, OK? When did we practice together? "

Monet covered his mouth with a smile: "you know it, yesterday, and your muscles are really strong..."

listen to Monet, especially when he said "your muscles are really strong", baby-5 seems to be hit by a bolt from the blue, stunned in the same place, and then looks at the thunder like an angry little girl.

Baby-5 looks like that. I can't help but feel a little hairy.

"Forget it," said Lei Yin, waving his hand. "I don't want to worry about these boring problems any more."

With that, Lei Yin left the two women after a few flashes and went to the back mountain to continue to practice.

There is nothing new in the project of practice. It is still meditation in situ and feeling the energy of the outside world.

Just like the civet cat Sword Fairy said, this kind of magic is not achieved overnight at all. Ordinary Mu Dun, for example, has the same power as ordinary ninja. In the end of the valley of war, the fire shadow of the early generation used this skill to fight against the "difficulty of beasts", which is extremely powerful. Of course, there's a more powerful move than this"I don't know if I can compete with the Navy General when I master [Xianshu Mudun]." Lei Yin murmured to himself...

two days later, a huge family, which can also be said to be a daunting army, came to Beiya island.

Although the Don Quixote family is usually arrogant and arrogant, and looks like the eldest one and the second one all day, when they meet them, they must be obedient.

"Have we got all the ammunition we want?"

A tall, middle-aged man with a metal helmet, a mustache and long golden hair, and an orange Cape, said rudely from the chair of the North Asia Island conference room.

But pika, the top cadre of the spade army, said with a big smile: "we have arranged the things you ordered half a month ago. Before leaving, the young master specially told me."

On both sides of the middle-aged man sat a young man and a young woman. The man was wearing earphones and sunglasses, dressed in green clothes and a black cape with the word "4" written on it. And women with pink hair and counter clockwise eyebrows, wearing a black skirt and protective gloves and black boots, have a purple Cape like butterfly wings, slim, beautiful and sexy.

The young man in the "4" Cape said with a smile: "it's really not easy for the young master of your family. If it's not enough, why don't you join our family? Let's plan for Beihai together."

"Don't be rude, boy." The middle-aged man in the chief seat drank him.

"Yes... Father..."

while speaking, Lei Yin and baby-5 also entered the conference room. Lei Yin was shocked when she saw the person in the chief position and a man and a woman beside him.

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