Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:31 AM

Chapter 147

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Baby-5 looks at Lei Yin, waiting for his answer.

Lei Yin also took a look at baby-5.

At this time, Vince mokegage seemed to see Lei Yin's mind and said with a smile, "ha ha, if you want, you can come with baby-5."

Originally, in Jiazhi's eyes, baby-5 and Leiyin are regarded as CP.

"No, I think you misunderstood, Mr. gage. I want to stay in the Don Quixote family, so I'm sorry."

Although Leiyin didn't like Jiazhi in his heart, since he was polite to others, he also politely refused.

"Well, each of us has his own purpose. We can't force it. But if you ever want to join us, you can come to me at any time. "

"Well, thank you very much."

After that, Jiazhi took his arms and left North Asia island.

That night, baby-5 treated the wound for Lei Yin. Baby-5 applied liquid medicine to Lei Yin's wound, and then wrapped a clean bandage around his arm.

Baby-5 blushed and asked Lei Yin, "Hey, is your bet with Yongzhi fighting for me?"

Hearing this, Lei Yin said with a smile, "I'm afraid you're confused. I don't even know what's going on, so I'll go with him."

Hearing this, baby-5 blushed even more severely, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him: "well, you still don't want to let me go."

Lei Yin: "I think you know that Yongzhi is not a good man at all. Besides, you have been in Don Quixote family for a long time. How can you just leave..."


When baby-5 heard Lei Yin's words, she stood up and pointed to him with a slender finger. "You guy, how can you say a good word to me? You always look like you don't care about anything. That's true! Bandage the wound yourself

With that, she patted Lei Yin's wound. Lei Yin cried out in pain, and baby-5 rushed out of the door.

They get along day and night. Baby-5 thinks it's almost developed. When she asks about these words, she wants Lei Yin to answer such words as "yes, I just don't want you to leave" or "I just want to protect you". However, I didn't expect that Lei Yin couldn't get a needle or water.

However, Lei Yin still scratched his head like a piece of wood and muttered to himself: it was OK just now, what's the matter.

Helpless, he had to bandage the wound, but looking at his arm, baby-5 had already done it for him.


every fruit in the world is unique, but after the death of the fruit power, his fruit will reappear in the world.

While pushing the city forward, jerif, a member of the animal department's "Griffin fruit" ability, attempted to escape from prison, but was arrested by Lei Yin, and then was escorted to the Navy headquarters for public execution.

When Jeremy died, his fruit reappeared in the world. Unfortunately, the new Griffin fruit was found by Alfred Domingo.

Mingo, who was far away in the new world of DREZ Rosa, was excited to spread the news to Beiya island in the North Sea. When the Don Quixote family heard of it, they were all excited.

The market price of a superhuman rubber fruit is about 100 million Bailey; the rare natural fruit is even more available, and its price is at least several hundred million Bailey; and the market price of the animal species with rarer natural fruit is at least 1 billion Bailey!

It is not too much to say that it is a rare treasure.

It's no wonder that dorfermingo will tell all the members of Don Quixote's family the news immediately.


after a few days, Lei Yin and others received a task -- the task of Don Quixote family.

On an island less than 20 kilometers away from the North Asian island, a new pirate group was stationed. The captain was named Yaduo. It was said that he was the fruit of the animal family.

Yaduo, though violent and murderous by nature, was a man of current affairs. As soon as he came to Beihai, he came to Beiya island to look for the Don Quixote family to worship the dock.

It seems that he is very clear about the background and strength of Alfred Domingo. When he came to the island, he made it clear that he would like to respect Alfred Domingo as the boss. He also said that it was a pity that he didn't see him.

Mingo has not come back since he went to DREZ Rosa. On behalf of Mingo, pika, the top cadre, warmly welcomed the arrival of Yaduo and said that we have recognized him.

On behalf of Mingo, Pika is very happy to recognize his younger brother, and adobai is very happy to visit the dock.

Everything seems to be in harmony.

When Yaduo left, pika immediately pulled down her ferocious face.

"Tomorrow, when we attack that island, we must capture Addo alive."

The front is still good. How did it suddenly become like this?With doubts, the next day Leiyin and Don Quixote family members went to attack the small island where Yaduo was.

This time, we went to pika, the top cadre of spade army, guladius, rao-g, delinger, baby-5, bafaro and Leiyin.

When they went to the island, the frontier pirate sentinels thought that the Don Quixote family was coming to get together, so they went to report to their boss, Yaduo. However, they didn't expect that they would start killing as soon as they went to the island, and the responding pirates rose up to resist.

"Pistol high heels - 30 shots in a row!"

Dressed like a human demon, dlinger takes the lead in the attack. He pulls his right foot back and kicks the head of the pirates at the speed of a bullet. The brains and plasma of the pirates are splashed everywhere. The scene is extremely tragic.

"Helmet burst!"

The helmet on the head of the fruit exploder, guladius, kept expanding. When it was five or six heads in size, it burst, killing and injuring a piece of the pirate.

"Diweng boxing!"

Rao-g put his hands in the position of the English letter G, and then rushed to the left and right of the pirates, attacking the enemy with all kinds of physical skills, such as entering a no man's land.

And baby-5's hands turned into two heavy machine guns, shooting madly at the crowd.

For a moment, screams and begging for mercy were heard all the time. The originally tyrannical and brutal pirates were slaughtered wantonly in front of Don Quixote's family like a group of vulnerable mole ants.

At this time, Yaduo came out with a group of pirates, angry and puzzled: "Hey, pika, what do you mean?"

Pika killed seven or eight pirates with a stone punch. He looked at Yaduo with a smile and said in a sharp voice, "it's meaningless. I just want to use your head on your neck."

Originally said to be the younger brother of Don Quixote family, why do you treat us like this?

"You're kidding

With boundless anger and incomprehension, Yaduo used the power of the devil's fruit, and his body has become a beast.... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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