Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:30 AM

Chapter 148

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When people see it, the angry Addo has become an animal.

He was more than four meters tall, covered with thick fur and a pair of big horns on his head.

Yaduo, an animal with the ability of cattle fruit (Buffalo system), offered a reward of 72 million Bailey.

When pika saw this, she said with a knowing smile, "Oh, has the ability of the buffalo finally come out? That's what we need. "

Hearing the words, the angry Yaduo's ox nose spewed out two turbid gases: "I am loyal to your Don Quixote family, why do you want to harm me?"

Pika: loyalty? Don't be joking here. We've only seen two sides this time. If you really want to show your loyalty, go to that place and enjoy the rest of your life. "

What pika said was so vague that people didn't understand what he was saying.

However, later Lei Yin learned that "that place" in Pi Ka Kou was more terrifying and despairing than push city.

Basically, the pirates are almost wiped out. Yaduo runs fast and wants to pierce pika's body with his horn.

Pika just smiles. He doesn't pay attention to him at all. His fist turns into a rock fist the size of a giant family. With one punch, Yaduo's huge buffalo body is smashed far away.

"Ah ha ha..."

"pika, you really love to play."

Don Quixote's family members all burst out laughing. Even Lei Yin knew that the gap between them was not a single bit.

"Pika, you son of a bitch, don't be so complacent there!"

Suddenly, Yaduo's two hooves were raised high and then fell down. Suddenly, a huge crack appeared in the place where the hooves were broken. The crack gradually spread towards pika's feet and became bigger and bigger.

Finally, the ground under pika's feet split into two parts, and pika fell down directly!

"Pi... Pi Ka!"

"why didn't that guy get away?"

The don Quixotes were puzzled.

Was pika defeated in this way?

"Ha ha ha, I thought it was some powerful guy. It turned out that he was so vulnerable."

Yaduo's cow grinned triumphantly, laughing at pika just to scare people there.

When rao-g was about to launch an attack on Yaduo, a sharp voice came to everyone's ears:

"you look so proud. It's ridiculous."

When Yaduo heard that Yan was "clattering" in his heart, he turned his head slightly in horror, and a rock giant more than 30 meters high came into sight.

It turned out that after Yaduo split the ground and pika fell down, pika just dived into the rock.

The stone fruit ability can assimilate the rocks that they come into contact with, and take the appearance, hardness and other properties of the rocks as their own strength. Therefore, the stone fruit ability can become a giant stone giant to attack.

The height and volume of a person with the ability to become a rock giant will grow a lot, and this growth is determined by his own strength.

In addition, by assimilating the rock, the capable can penetrate the wall. It can also be integrated with the rock or the building made of rock, and the rock products can be controlled by the will of the capable person.

However, the capable person itself will not become a rock, and his noumenon will still be hidden in the rock. Therefore, the capable person who smashes or cuts the rock after assimilation is invalid, and the ability will be released only when the noumenon of the capable person who controls the rock is directly knocked down.

And the rock fist that just made Yaduo play a long way is not that pika turned into a stone, but a giant fist formed by using the surrounding stones.

As long as there are rocks around, Pika is almost invincible.

More than 30 meters of stone giant stands in front of Yaduo, which makes Yaduo's huge body look small.

"Pika, that guy... Really is."

"It's a shock."

"It's the same thing."

Because dorfermingo is not here, Pika is now the backbone here. Seeing that he is OK, all the members of Don Quixote family are relieved.

Yaduo looks at Pika in horror, like a mouse sees a cat.

"It's time to hunt."

Then, suddenly, eight tentacles of rock appeared behind Yaduo:


with a shriek of pika, the eight tentacles all attacked Yaduo.

Yaduo couldn't resist and was beaten back to his original form.

And pika saw that he had won, and he had the ability to gather the fruit.

Yaduo, lying on the ground, was overflowing with blood and suddenly yelled:

"Musketeers! Get rid of them quickly!"As soon as the words came to an end, some pirates with special rifles appeared around them, and dense bullets were shot into Don Quixote's family like a storm.

It turned out that this was Yaduo's backhand. When he saw that Pika and others were not good at it, he ambushed the firearm team around, which was useful at this critical moment. And the muskets in this team are not ordinary muskets, but new weapons from Beihai. Their power and firing speed are more than five times of ordinary muskets.

The members of Don Quixote's family showed their magic power and used their own ability to resist the impact of the bullet. Some rushed to the firearm team and killed the pirates with fireguns.

"Thunder, be careful!"

Lei Yin stood in the same place and watched the battle between Yaduo and pika. He was a little distracted and didn't know what he was thinking. When the bullet was fired, he didn't seem to react. Baby-5, standing not far away from him, saw it and rushed to him.

Bang bang!

three shots, three blood holes in baby-5.

This was originally a blood hole on Lei Yin.


with a loud cry from Lei Yin, the baby-5 falls down in the same place, but it is picked up by Lei Yin.

"You're so slow."

Baby-5, who falls in Leiyin's arms, looks at Leiyin with blurred eyes and pale face. Lei Yin tore off his clothes and wrapped them on the bleeding place of baby-5. At this time, bafaro also came over. Lei Yin handed baby-5 to him and rushed straight to the crowd.

At this time, Lei Yin seemed to be crazy and rushed to kill in the crowd, just like death. When he was in front of Addo, he pulled out his grass shaved sword and cut it to his throat.

"Stop it for me!"

suddenly, a strong hand took Lei Yin's sword arm.

This is pika.

"What are you doing?"

"Kill him."

"Have you forgotten my orders? He must be captured alive. "

When Lei Yin heard the words, he didn't argue any more. He took the grass shaved sword back to its scabbard and ran anxiously towards baby-5....

he said that the grass shaved sword had a long way to go , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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