Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:45 AM

Chapter 15

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"Hey, village head, you keep saying that kid will protect the village. Why can't you see a shadow at the critical moment?"

"Yes, that guy must have run away a long time ago."

"He is a swindler who eats and drinks at all."

At this time, for everyone's doubts, farmer is also a little unsure. He believes in Lei Yin so much that he wants to marry his daughter to him. How can this guy abandon himself in the fire and water?

If that's the case, I'll blame myself for being blind and seeing the wrong person!

Famo said to Wei'er Dan: "Wei, you go to the back mountain and look for Lei Yin. If you find it, tell him the situation here."

Weierdan nodded and ran to the back mountain...

at this time, Anderson's team had already landed on the island.

Although Anderson is not as tall as his brother, he is also 1.9 meters tall, which is already considered high by ordinary people. In addition to the strong muscles and the ability of the devil fruit, the villagers feel that today is a time of great misfortune.

Not only that, Anderson brings more than twice as many people as the villagers. That is to say, even if Anderson doesn't do it, the villagers have no chance of winning.

Facing each other, Anderson said fiercely, "farmer, you killed my brother while I was away. I can't think that nothing happened."

Farmer was silent.

At this time, some villagers couldn't help it: "Anderson, it's not us who killed your brother, but a foreign boy named Lei Yin!"

"Yes, yes, it's none of our business at all!"

Anderson's face was grim: "where is the boy you are talking about now?"

Everyone looked at each other and said, "that kid may have run away..."

unexpectedly, Anderson burst out laughing: "are you making fun of me?"

The deputy village head also stood up and said, "no, there is such a kid. He killed Andelin..."

"hum, how can you make me believe your lies? You kill people, blame someone you've never heard of, and they run away. If I told you that, would you believe it? "

What Anderson said made the villagers unable to refute. Although what people said was true, it really sounded like a lie.

Up to now, there is no way. Looking at Anderson, if he doesn't ask for an explanation for his brother, he will never give up.

Farmer said, "Anderson, how can you let us go?"

Anderson heard what he said and burst out laughing again: "ah ha ha... Sure enough, Tama is still the village head. His consciousness is better than ordinary people. Well, I can let bygones be bygones when I kill that guy andering, but you must promise me two conditions

When Anderson said this, the villagers couldn't help but have a flash in their eyes. It seems that there is still room for maneuver.

Farmer helpless: "say to hear?"

Anderson raised his index finger: "first, the protection fee should be 50000 Bailey per person per month!"

Fifty thousand?! It's five times as much as before. The villagers can't help but look embarrassed one by one.

Farmer is still calm: "what about the second?"

Anderson showed a trace of Yin evil eyes and said: "second, you must let your daughter weierdan and the deputy village head's daughter Jennie go with me."


Hearing this, farmer was furious: "my daughter and I are only 15 years old. How can we let you take them away?"?! There are 50000 Baileys per person per month. Even if we don't eat or drink, we can't save so much money in a month! "

Anderson said with a smile: "I don't care about weierdan, a hot little girl, but I always think about it. And that Jennie is also a beauty. You killed my brother, so you have to pay back in this way."

At this time, farmer understood that Anderson's real purpose was not to avenge his brother, but to seek greater interests from the villagers.

That is to say, Anderson, as his brother, didn't feel a bit sad about the death of andrein. Instead, he used it to squeeze the villagers. Such a wolf hearted guy, if he really gave his daughter to him, wouldn't he push her into the fire pit?

Farmer is different from Anderson. He would rather be brutally killed by Anderson than let his daughter suffer any harm.

Thinking about it, farmer pulled out his sword and pointed at Anderson: "damn devil, don't even think about this kind of thing. Even if I am reduced to hell, I won't let my daughter get hurt!"

Although farmer has no fighting power, he is brave, upright and strong. He loves his daughter and likes to trust others unconditionally. That's why he has a high reputation among the villagers.

"Old man, you have a lot of guts. In that case, I'll have to kill all of you and take away the girl named wei'erdan... "Anderson said with a smile.what?

Originally thought, and this guy fight to death, maybe his daughter's life can also be saved, did not expect this guy but to weierdan. No way, it's all weierdan... It's so beautiful...

just when Anderson was about to order the action, three ships came out of the port...

is Lei Yin here?

No, it's not.

It was the villagers of Zhenxi village who came to reinforce after receiving the news.

The two villages in Zhendong and Zhenxi have always been united, and they also understand the truth that lips are dead and teeth are cold. If Zhendong Village is slaughtered, the next Zhenxi village will be destroyed.

The arrival of Zhenxi village made the number of pirates and villagers equal.

But there's no use for eggs.

Everyone knows that even if the number of people is equal, it's just an increase in casualties.

As soon as the villagers of Zhenxi village came, they surrounded the "wolf Pirate Group".

In this regard, Anderson is a contemptuous smile: "more and more people die?"

In this way, the pirates and the villagers fight together. In a moment, they shout and kill, and the sound of sword collision suddenly rings out...

although the villagers usually dare not provoke the "wolf Pirate Group", it's just for survival. Now that they don't even give their way, it's better to fight with them.

Anderson also rushed into the crowd, did not expect, Miller stopped him, "your opponent is me!"

Seeing Miller, Anderson sneered, "Guardian"? See how long you can guard these people! "

In this way, Anderson and Miller fight together...

just at this time, weierdan runs back from the back mountain. She sees the fighting crowd of both sides, and is stunned: has it been... Fighting...

then, she shouts to the crowd...

PS: has weierdan brought thunder back?

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