Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:24 AM

Chapter 153

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"Nothing. I just want to meet you, a legendary character." Lei yindao. "Ha ha, I'm old. I didn't expect anyone to recognize me." Raleigh took a sip of the wine with a big smile.

Lei Yin spread his hands and pointed to the people lying on the ground: "you make me embarrassed. I don't know how to explain to them after a while."

Raleigh was still smiling: "that girl just now is so poor. I still like young and beautiful girls. Ha ha....

it turns out that Raleigh didn't want to see the beautiful girl continue to be raped, so he released his overbearing style.

"Boy, don't pretend to be nice here," Raleigh continued. "You're with them, aren't you? Otherwise, how can you stand outside so naturally?

hearing the words, Lei Yin said faintly: "you should have misunderstood this. I just sent in the people who should enter this kind of place."

Raleigh snorted coldly: "whatever you say, anyway, I don't know the situation."

In Raleigh's eyes, Leiyin is just a hawk dog in a human trafficking Center...

in shambaldi islands, area 2, Tianlong people are on their way here. He can't wait to see his strongman's slave, so he condescends to come here.

"Numb, you give me a little faster, slowly like a damn snail!"

An obscene looking man with a bubble hood and a clean nose was riding on the back of a strong man and whipping him with a whip.

The man riding as a horse was originally a pirate who was offered a reward of 56 million. At this time, he had already lost his elegant demeanor, let alone his dignity, and even his body and heart had been greatly damaged. His face was constantly flowing with blood, and he was dying of torture.

"Charlotte, he seems to be dying." The guard next to him warned.

The Dragon man on his back is Charles Roth.


Chalroth immediately jumped off the man's back and beat him with a whip. "Pa Pa Pa" was heard all the time.

"What a useless waste! At a loss, you are my royal mount. You are walking so slowly. "

There are more and more blood channels on the strong man, and he is convulsed painfully.

Seeing this, chalroth looked angry. He threw the whip on his hand and kicked him with his feet.

The man was kicked with blood all over his body. Not only did he not have a good piece of meat on his skin, but also his internal organs were badly damaged. In the end, he fell into a pool of blood, and finally did not move.

Even so, chalroth gave him two feet, complaining that he didn't let himself see his favorite slave in time.

"Useless thing, throw him away to feed the dog!" Chalroth wiped the blood from his body.

"Yes, Saint challos."

The guards in charge did what they said.

Then, chalroth dug his nostrils and looked happy: "I'm going to see a new slave soon. It's said that I can turn into a big buffalo. I'm sure it'll be great to ride on it at that time. Ha ha ha..."

next to chalroth, a man in a neat uniform, with a Mohican head and a moustache, named Ayu, is chalroth Ross's guard captain.

Ah Yu echoed: "yes, Charlotte saint. This boy is really good at business. I'll send you what you want."

"That's natural. There's nothing in the world that I can't get." Chalroth's wretched face was full of pride.

When Ayu wanted to say something, suddenly chalroth's eyes were fixed on a person - a beautiful woman.

This beautiful woman is on her way home with her boyfriend.

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Chalroth greets Ayu and walks over.

"Heaven... Tianlongren..."

watching chalroth bring a group of people to the front, they were startled, especially the women's already scared face.

"Really... Really beautiful..."

chalroth looked at the beautiful woman, not only her snot, but also her mouth water. Her straight eyes seemed to peel off the woman's clothes.

"Lord tianlongren, she is my fiancee. We are going to get married in a few days. Please let her go."

The man knelt anxiously on the ground and begged.

Chalroth didn't even look at her. The man was still staring at the woman: "what's the point of lending her to me? It's a big deal. Just give you some money. "

"Use it? Don't be kidding, my Lord. She is...

" bang! "

Before the man finished, chalroth had taken out his gun and shot him in the head.


The woman pounced on the man's body and burst into tears."It's such a beauty. It's so charming even to cry. This man is really lucky. I decided to let her be my number 19. " Said chalroth, rubbing his hands excitedly.

Ah Yu: "yes, I'll do it right away."

"Oh, by the way, I'm tired of playing from the 1st to the 5th. Sell them to other nobles. If no one wants them, kill them."

"Yes, sir

Then, chalroth touched the cheek of "No.19" and said with a smile: "honey, today I can have a buffalo mount. I'll use you to celebrate for me, haha...

in the population auction house in No.1 area of shambaldi islands.

The people who were stunned by the color of the underworld Rex have awakened.

"What happened just now?" A staff member got up from the ground with a puzzled face.

"I don't know. I fainted for no reason." Lei Yin pretends to be the same as everyone else.

Human trafficking Manager: "is that all of us?"

The crowd nodded.

"No, the woman is gone!" A staff member yelled at the people.

When the people looked at it, the woman who had just been tied to the post and ravaged by the people ran away.

"Here's an old man with silver hair gone!" Another cried.

"Numb!" The manager stamped his foot and went to check it immediately.

Sure enough, Raleigh and the woman ran away.

What's going on?

Half an hour ago.

Lei Yin opened the iron cage that closed Lei Li and said, "why don't you go out first? I know, this cage can't trap you at all."

Raleigh took a sip of the wine: "are you going to pretend to be good in front of me again? Sorry, I don't want to go yet. "

Lei Yin smiles: "don't you like young and beautiful girls? I tell you, I like it, too. "

Originally, Leiyin meant to let Leili run with the girl. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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