Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:17 AM

Chapter 159

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Baby-5 immediately agreed with Lei Yin.

"Need" is just a word to say to baby-5. It's a hit.

Leiyin hugs her slender waist, kisses her mouth and goes out.

Because baby-5, Leiyin, pika, etc. have been shamed, and thanks to the instruction of Alfred Domingo, members of the Don Quixote family are waiting in the fortress of North Asia island. The two sides are like a treaty, and fighting is inevitable.

Standing in the middle is pika, the top cadre of the spade army. Next to him is sugar, a special cadre.

Sugar, Superman is the fruit of children's interest. She can turn all the people she touches into her imaginary toys. Although she is only 10 years old in appearance, her actual age is 22 years old.

At this time, sugar eating grapes, looking at the front naively: "pika, why doesn't that guy come?"

Pika said in a sharp voice, "don't worry. This is the only way to think of North Asia. He can't be absent."

Sugar vomited a grape seed: "it doesn't matter. When he comes out, I will turn him into a toy. Well, what can I do? Is it a plush toy? Or clay soldiers? "

Standing on the left side of Pika and Shatang are guladius, bafaro, mahabas, etc.

Guladius, a member of the spade army, is a Superman with the ability of exploding fruits. He can make his body expand to detonate or expand the inorganic matter he touches to produce explosion.

Mahabass, a Superman with the ability to press fruit by tons, can float his huge body in the air, recover or gain weight at any time, and can change his weight to attack, up to 10000 tons.

Standing on the right side of Pika and Shatang are delinger, rao-g, etc. (other cadres, such as Monet, etc., went to dresrosa with Mingo.)

Bafaro look a little sad: "do you mean even baby-5 also want to play?"

Mahabass: "of course, she can't fight."

Hearing this, buffalo was a little relieved, but then let his heart rise to his throat.

"Of course, she can't fight. She must be captured alive," said guladius

Pika: "well, that's right. She must be allowed to marry young master Yongzhi smoothly in order to deepen the relationship between Don Quixote family and vincimock family."

Hearing this, bafaro was a little worried: "pika, baby-5 grew up with us. It's a matter of her life. Forcing her to do something she doesn't want will destroy her happiness all her life..."

"shut up, bafaro!" Before bafaro finished speaking, pika interrupted him. "Since she is a member of the family, she should consider the interests of the family. Moreover, she has betrayed us and followed the smelly boy. If she doesn't want to, it should be regarded as a punishment to her."

"How could it be..." bafaro lowered his head sadly.

"Gee! It's baby-5 who's responsible for what she looks like today! "

The speaker's name is dlinger. He is a cadre of Don Quixote family. He is wearing high heels and hot pants. He is a descendant of fishman and human beings, half fish fighting fish man. Because half of them are Fishman, their physique is far superior to that of ordinary people.

Pika smiles: "what dlinger said is all right. It's baby-5 who deserves to be here today. At my command, kill Lei Yin and capture baby-5 alive. I don't believe that this pair of dogs can escape from us! "


The time of fighting finally came, and Lei Yin appeared in front of everyone with his grass shaved sword on his back.

"It's finally here."

"You have the guts, thunder."

"Where's the baby-5 guy?"

In the face of people's ridicule and questioning, Lei Yin just hummed: "when you are all dead, I will tell you!"

"Hum, the tone is really not small, give me..."

"transfiguration, solution!"

Lei Yin suddenly seal, has restored its image.


"What's going on?"

"Who are you?"

See "thunder" changed a person, everyone was surprised.

"I'm major general Lei Yin of the Navy headquarters. I've come to take your life!"


" major general? "

"I remember, he is [white robed general]!" Mahabas said, pointing to the thunder.

"Bai... Bai Pao Xiaojiang?"

"how did he do it? What's the matter with that thunder? "

"Is that guy the ability to transform into a fruit?"

"If it's [white robed young general], it's really hard to deal with."

At this time, pika said: "no matter who he is, don't be frightened by his false name. Give me a hand!"As soon as the voice fell, granulated sugar was the first to take the lead, while Leiyin's hands were flying up and down, and he suddenly made a seal:

"Huodun - the art of haohuoqiu!"

a ball of fire went straight away, despite granulated sugar's small size but agility, so he jumped up on the ground to avoid it.

Lei Yin knows her ability very well. As soon as she is touched, she will turn into a toy. At that time, everything will be over. So he takes out the grass shaver sword behind him and cuts it directly at the head of sugar...

at this critical moment, a rock fist smashes it and directly drops Lei Yin's sword.

Needless to say, it's also from pika who has the ability of stone fruit.

"Ah ha ha, what do you do without weapons?"

"Wake up, boy."

"Your opponent is our whole Don Quixote family."

"Die, you damned Navy!"

Lei Yin is also very clear, if there is no weapon, if you just touch her body with body skill, you will definitely lose. And the use of Ninjutsu, the guy's speed is very fast, plus the time used to seal, is basically futile.

Do you really have to become a toy and accept the fate of tragic death?

It's a joke!

"Channeling - lightsaber like!"

In a moment, Lei Yin had an extra "Tiancong cloud sword" in his hand, which was like the light of a great general huangape, and its light was like yaori.

This move is channeling. It is one of the ten B-level ninjas drawn by Lei Yin after defeating the dicarban brothers with 100 million Bailey.

"What is that?"

Don Quixote's family members were shocked.

"Whatever it is, attack me!" Ordered Pika in his shrill voice.

This time, sugar launched a swift attack again. Leiyin waved his lightsaber and drew a golden light in the void, which directly cut sugar's body. Sugar's eyes turned white and fainted.

"That guy, he beat sugar?"

"how is this possible?"

"high heel pistol!"

"Diweng boxing!"

seeing this scene, dlinger and rao-g used their own tricks to hit the thunder.

When Lei Yin saw this, he immediately took his own grass shaved sword, and the two swords blocked their attack , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!