Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:14 AM

Chapter 162

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Since playing baby-5 with Lei Yin, she has also changed some of the faults that others say "need you". No matter she goes up the knife mountain or down the fire sea, she will go to satisfy others. At least for men's courtship, baby-5 will not agree, because she has Lei Yin now.

Therefore, Lei Yin, who is going to return to the Department, is quite relieved about this.

He was afraid that baby-5 would be hurt, so he gave her grass shaved sword and kitten to protect her.

"Life card can roughly know your condition, if you are in danger, I will be desperate to save you." Lei Yin said to her.

Baby-5 was moved and unwilling, crying like a tearful person: "I just hope you come back soon..."

Lei Yin gave her a kiss, turned around and sailed to the Navy headquarters.

Earlier on, when he went to North Asia Island, Lei Yin prepared some videos and phone buggers. When the Don Quixote family members made illegal transactions, they recorded all their crimes.

In this way, the navy is well-known to be the first to deal with Alfred Domingo.

Marlin Fando, Admiral's office.

Leiyin presents the illegal information about Don Quixote family secretly photographed and recorded to the marshal of the Warring States period. The Warring States period and Kapp look at the information, and after reading it, the Warring States period looks dignified...

then, according to his meaning, our department issued an order:

"Don Quixote - Franco, who is in trouble all over the world, is the most evil, kidnaps all kinds of ethnic creatures and peddlers for many times Selling people and arms, secretly colluding with kaiduo, the fourth emperor and beast, to produce artificial devil fruit. The order immediately deprived him of the title of qiwuhai, restored his reward order, and increased it to 580 million Bailey. "

After the announcement of this order, the headquarters issued a second order:

"Lei Yin, the former major general of the headquarters of the Navy, thoroughly investigated the crimes committed by the Don Quixote family, and annihilated pika, delinger, guladius and other senior cadres of the Don Quixote family. With outstanding achievements, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general of the headquarters of the Navy."

In this way, Lei Yin became a high-ranking official of the Navy headquarters, joined the ranks of the lieutenant general, and was equal to the hero Kapp.

A few days later, new world, DREZ Rosa.

Dlinger came all the way from North Asia to report to his young master, dorfermingo.

It turns out that dlinger is a half Mermaid, like an animal demon with fruit ability. He has much stronger life recovery than ordinary people. Although he was seriously injured, he gradually woke up after Lei Yin left.

Bearing the pain and simply bandaging the wound, he drove a small boat towards DREZ Rosa in the new world.

Back to the present.

After dlinger told the story of North Asia Island, Alfred Domingo's face gradually became ferocious and twisted: "you said that Lei Ming was major general [white general] Lei Yin of the Navy headquarters, and killed all our people?"

Dlinger: "it's like this, young master..."

with an angry fist, Alfred Domingo smashed the desk in front of him, gritted his teeth, and said with extreme hatred: "Lei Yin, this is a bitter hatred. When I catch you, I will defeat you, eat your meat and sleep your skin!"

Of course, even if he hated it any more, the thunder in the Navy headquarters could not be heard.

As the saying goes: three years do not come, is not Pro Pro Pro. Since graduating from the youth training camp, Lei Yin has received many tasks, and she has never been in the Department. This time, she went to Beihai for more than half a year, and some girls who secretly love Lei Yin have gradually forgotten him.

The most typical one is wei'erdan. The second month after Lei Yin left, wei'erdan was promoted to major, and then she was transferred to a branch of Xihai with youqimula, who was then a colonel. It is said that they got on well.

As the saying goes, thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, weierdan has always liked Leiyin, but he has never received any response. In addition, yuqimula has been pursuing and showing her love. So, gradually, Wei Er Dan moved.

Later, yuqimula was promoted to major general of the Navy headquarters. He had a son with weierdan and had a very happy life.

In this way, Lei Yin is really happy for them.

Different from weierdan, Tina, then commander of the Navy headquarters, never forgets Leiyin.

And youqimula and weierdan become lovers, but the beauty is bad for Tina. In this way, she will lose a strong competitor, and her distance from Leiyin will be closer and closer.

"You're back, wood." Two people meet, Tina eyes spring water.

"Well." Lei Yin is still indifferent.

"This time, you show your face again. You not only killed so many pirates, but also became a general. Tina envies you very much." Tina's hands behind her, naughty.

"It's nothing... I'm just lucky."

"Well, don't pretend to be modest there. In other words, you are all lieutenant general. Should you invite Tina to dinner?"

"This... Ok..."Lei Yin had no reason to refuse, so he had to agree.

The officers and soldiers of the Navy headquarters really envy others when they see Leiyin and Tina eating together. In other people's eyes, Leiyin now can be described as "high officials have to sit, horses have to ride, beautiful women have to hold" happy life, horseshoe disease, boundless spring, but what they don't know is that Leiyin is also suffering from a huge crisis.

First of all, he wiped out most of the senior cadres of Don Quixote family, which was regarded as a thorn in the flesh by Alfred Domingo and he wanted to get rid of him immediately. And he also destroyed most of the babaoshui army before, and the green pepper of the cone also regarded it as a great enemy.

Not only that, dorfermingo was deprived of the title of the king's seven armed sea, and became a pirate. Because the cadres were destroyed, he stopped trading the artificial fruits with the four emperors and beasts, which indirectly offended him. In addition, he had previously jailed bokmus and provoked big mom, the only woman among the four emperors.

Two of the four emperors have offended. In addition to the powerful enemy, Alfred Domingo, Lei Yin now lives a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife. Maybe one day he will be destroyed.

Therefore, he can only step up his cultivation and improve his strength, so that he can live recklessly in the sea.

In this world, in the face of absolute power, any power and money can be said to be nothingness.

Now Leiyin has basically mastered Mudun, but if you want to successfully open a more powerful immortal mode, it is far from as simple as you think.

According to the cultivation methods taught by civet Buddha and civet Sword Fairy in Shengfuling, he calmed down to meditate and meditate, and tried to feel the natural forces around him. Not only that, but also he used the power of seeing and hearing to feel every move around him more clearly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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