Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:08 AM

Chapter 167

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"One knife flow - Rhino strike!"

like mole just now, Lei Yin concentrated her strength on one point and launched a quick strike.

When the mole saw this, he was caught off guard and ran away.

Then the mole looked at him with some solemnity. "When did you learn that?"

This move, he only used to thunder once, anyone will feel confused.

"Just now." Thunder tone light way.

It turns out that when he was fighting with mole just now, Lei Yin used the ability to write round eyes, and he had seen through all his moves.

Next, the mole waved his sword and sent out a blue sword, while Leiyin saw this, his eyes tightened, and he put out his sword to fight back:

"leijian - Sword wave of the beaver!"

at the moment of Leiyin waving his sword, a bright golden light on the edge of the lightsaber burst forward like a powerful sword wave like a golden snake.


the two swords burst in the void, and even a small crack appeared in the air.

Obviously, this move is equal.

Next, it startled the mole.

"I don't know if you can catch it, Mr. mole."


after the sword Qi collided in two directions, Lei Yin's look became dim gradually. There was a red flame on the lightsaber's body.

"Lightsaber - Fire Dragon's chop!"

thunder starts to strike, and the sword suddenly swings out. At the same time, it strikes the mole with a terrible and burning flame.

Seeing this, the mole felt a little shocked, but his face did not change, he did not hide, he did not escape, he waved his sword with both hands, and his sword spirit suddenly came out again.


a little cold comes first, and then the sword goes to the dragon. The majestic flame was abruptly divided into two. Then, the mole uses [six moves - shaving] to fly towards the thunder sound...

why can the thunder sound emit the sword gas of fire? It turns out that he extracted chakra from the fire attribute, attached it to the sword body by using the technique of fire escape - fire ball, and launched a fire strike, so it was called "fire dragon chop".

When Lei Yin just finished, the mole's sword was surging and came at a high speed, hardly giving Lei Yin any breathing opportunity.

"Kaleidoscope, wheel eye, open!"

at this time, I don't know where a huge lightsaber appeared, which not only blocked the mole's attack, but also ejected it more than ten meters away.

"This is...

" this is the move he used last time to fight kaiduo! "

" it's just like the giant family! "

when people looked at it again, a big blue guy appeared behind Lei Yin, just like a ghost.

Needless to say, it's one of his abilities to write wheel eyes in a kaleidoscope - Su Zuo Neng!

"what is the ability of general Lei yin? It's amazing. " One of the new soldiers in the crowd couldn't help asking.

"You are too ignorant. Marshal has long said that general Lei Yin is a Superman with the ability to exchange fruits. His strength should not be underestimated." A sergeant said to him.

Since Lei Yin made up a lie about what he was capable of [exchanging fruits], everyone believed it, because his ability was so confusing that everyone didn't know the truth and had to believe what he said.

While the Navy people around were talking about it, they also noticed that the suzannenhu used by Leiyin was brighter and bigger than that used by kaiduo in that battle...

looking at the blue ghost in front of him, the mole felt that he had little chance of winning.

Xu Zuneng waved his huge lightsaber and was ready to fight against mole....

"general Lei Yin!"

at this critical moment, a major of the Navy called out Lei Yin's name.

They all turned their heads to see that the Navy major was Lei Yin's adjutant, craven.

After hearing the words, Lei Yin regained the ability of Xu Zuo nenghu and ended the battle.

"What's the matter?" Lei Yin looks at Craven and asks.

"Admiral, the marshal orders you to go to his office at once."

"What's the matter?"

"Well, I don't know."

"I see. I'll go right away."

After Craven left, the mole came to Lei Yin and said, "I lost the first battle just now."

Hear mole say like this, thunder sound is a smile of Xian Er: "just now we didn't finish, Mr. mole how to say that?"

"Don't be modest. If I want to fight on, I think you should know better than me? Boy, you are really strong. I'm willing to give up. "

Hearing the mole say so, Lei Yin just smiles faintly, turns around and walks towards the Marshal's office.

"Lei Yin, you have done a lot to destroy the Don Quixote family, but you have to work hard this time." In front of the desk, the marshal said to Lei Yin in the Warring States period."What's the matter?"

"According to the information you brought back, we suspect that major general and Deputy base chief of G-5 branch of the navy have colluded with the Don Quixote family. We still need to tie the bell if we want to solve the problem, so this task will be handed over to you."

At this time, even Lei Yin could not help but secretly admire Marshal's insight of the Warring States period. Of course, Leiyin naturally knows what ghost vilgo is, but marshal of the Warring States period just relies on the information brought back by Leiyin to see some clues, worthy of being called "wise general".

"We have found that the G-5 branch of the new world has repeatedly witnessed the disappearance of children from civilian families. It has been reported that the G-5 branch and the Don Quixote family have secret intelligence and arms transactions. At first, I hardly believed these things, but I saw some clues in some video materials you brought back. "

"Then why do you suspect major general vilgo?" Lei Yin asked.

Warring States Period: "of all the officers in the G-5 branch, his information is the least detailed. He was promoted from a first-class soldier to a major general in less than two years when he was in the Navy. Moreover, the information before he was in the navy is very vague. Besides, his strength is very strong, which is called "ghost bamboo". Ordinary people don't have the ability to do so many things. "

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the analysis of the Warring States period. Vilgo is a member of Don Quixote's family, and he is a spy in the Navy.

Hearing the speech, Lei Yin expressed his understanding and asked, "well, what do I need to do?"

The Warring States said: "I order you to be the commander of G-5 base, and go to the G-5 base in the new world. If there is any situation, you can kill vilgo immediately. If you can, you'd better catch vilgo alive! We will also step up the investigation of vilgo."

Lei Yin pondered a little: "OK, I'll take the order."

"Very good, but vilgo is very strong, you have to be careful."

"I understand." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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