Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:43 AM

Chapter 17

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Two concealed weapons are two black ones.

Looking not far away, a young man was standing there.

It's thunder.

See Leiyin, Wei Er Dan can't help but beautiful eyes flash, that dying heart ignited a glimmer of hope, but also full of doubts.

Can he beat Anderson?

When farmer saw Lei Yin, he burst into tears: "this damned boy has finally come. We all thought you ran away..."

Lei Yin didn't know Anderson would come today. It turns out that when he got to the back mountain, he stepped on the water and went to the sea to practice new ninja. That's why Wei Erdan didn't find himself in the back mountain.

At this time, Lei Yin yelled: "pirates, listen up! If you don't want to die, go back to your side and don't pester with the villagers. I killed that andering. If you want to fight, I'll wait here! "

Who would listen to a kid? The pirates continued to grapple with the villagers.

Lei Yin saw that no one paid attention to it, took out several pieces of bitterness, and fired them at the pirates, which stabbed them down accurately.

"Wolf Pirate Group" began to face up to the kid and stopped fighting one after another.

It is the shock of thunder that makes the crowd divided into two groups. The people who have already drawn swords against each other stand face to face again.

Fortunately, the fighting time was not long, and Anderson didn't do much except fight with Miller, so the villagers' casualties were not very large.

It can be said that the appearance of thunder is timely.

But what's the use of his coming?

In people's eyes, Lei Yin is just a kid who knows some magic, and is not enough to compete with Anderson.

Lei Yin scratched his head awkwardly: "Mr. farmer, I'm late."

Farmer nodded to him with a smile. He trusted Lei Yin.

Weierdan is staring at Leiyin, but she thinks of her father's words: if she can beat Anderson, she will marry Leiyin.

After thinking about this, wei'erdan immediately shook his head: what time is it now? I'm still thinking about this. I'm not going to marry this idiot. Never! What's more, can he beat Anderson? It's a joke!

Weierdan is thinking, Anderson said: "Hello, are you the boy who killed my brother?"

Lei Yin put his hands on his chest: "that's right."

Hearing the speech, Anderson's face darkened: "you've done my best. When I catch you, I'll put you to death harshly!"

Lei Yin suddenly smiles: "it depends on whether you have this ability."


Then Anderson said to Miller beside him, "you, go meet this kid!"

Miller stood up trembling, as if he had no face to see the villagers.

The villagers were staring at Miller, eager to eat his meat and sleep his skin.

In people's eyes, traitors are more hateful than enemies.

Miller stood up, and Lei Yin couldn't help laughing: "major, how did you join the wolf Pirate Group?"

For Leiyin's provocation, milleton became angry: "boy, don't be arrogant. Don't let Anderson do it. I'll tear you to pieces!"

It seems that he really regarded himself as a member of the wolf Pirate Group.

With that, Miller attacked...

for the attack, the thunder didn't even flash, so the hard resistance was to take a punch from him.

This blow did him no harm at all. Lei yinleng didn't even blink an eyebrow, and drew a white light in the void...

"white blade!"

The sharp chakra cut a deep blood hole on Miller's chest. Miller fell to the ground and lost his fighting power.

"What a useless waste!" Anderson said coldly.

At this time, little Laurie Jennie didn't know where to run out and drank to Lei Yinjiao: "brother Lei Yinjiao! Make sure to knock down Anderson! If... If you beat Anderson, my dad would... My dad would let me...

"OK, I know!" Lei Yin quickly interrupts her. He knows what Jennie is going to say next. If she does, Lei Yin will be embarrassed.

However, people still don't believe that Leiyin will defeat Anderson, who is so powerful and terrible.

In any case, the battle has reached its climax, the most intense stage, people are focused on two people.

Anderson's hand turned into a jackal's paw, showing his sharp nails and rowing towards Leiyin...

but Leiyin still didn't hide. He blocked it with his right arm, and his claw like a razor didn't penetrate his arm half a millimeter.

It turned out that he had gathered chakra on his right arm to form a layer of armor.

Then, Lei Yin stretched out his left hand and formed a blue energy ball on his left hand...

there is no doubt that this is a chakra ball. Although it looks like a quagmire, it is actually flowing at a high speedWith a faint smile from Lei Yin, the energy contained in it hit Anderson...

"spiral pill!"

Anderson didn't feel good, so he jumped several meters, but when he saw the spiral ball hit out, a big hole with a diameter of nearly three meters was blown out on the ground. Although Anderson dodged, he was still injured in the right arm by the aftershock of this energy.

"But... Hateful..."

Anderson covered the bloody right arm of the bombed man and said a hard word.

Both the pirates and the villagers could not help but exclaim.

And the villagers are even more so, from he entered the village until now, they began to face the thunder.

Especially weierdan, she can't help holding each other's hands, biting her lower lip, staring at Leiyin, and she doesn't know what she's thinking...

Anderson sees that the kid's strength is not so good. Her half animal body is all animal, and the standing jackal stands out in front of people's eyes.

People have never seen Anderson show this.

For ordinary people, the demon fruit of animal series has a unique advantage, which greatly enhances physical fitness, resilience and vitality.

There is no doubt that this all animal state is the strongest state of dog fruit (jackal form)!

In people's surprised eyes, Anderson's jackal mouth opened and closed: "boy, few people can force me to look like this. It seems that I underestimated you before."

Next, let's show the achievements of practice. Lei Yin thought to herself.

These days, apart from eating and sleeping, Lei Yin spends almost all her time on practice.

In fact, as early as a week ago, he had successfully practiced the spiral pill. These days, he practiced a more powerful ninja than the spiral pill.

At this time, Lei Yin stretched out his right hand and gathered a bigger chakra ball on his hand than just now. On the ball, chakra was running at a higher speed... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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