Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:03 AM

Chapter 172

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Knowing the true identity of vilgo, the navy soldiers are coming to the seaside restaurant of G-5 branch one after another, all of them want to catch the thief...

at this time, the seaside restaurant.

Looking at the dark and shiny welgo, the thunder could not help but smile: "do you think this is invincible?"

Vilgo's face was cold: "if you don't believe it, try it."

Then he said something unexpected to Lei Yin: "I'll give you three moves first. If you can't beat me in three moves, I'll fight back."

Hearing this, Lei Yin can't help but feel funny: isn't he chiguoguo's death seeker?

In fact, is that true?

Weiergo said that, naturally, Leiyin was not polite. He first danced the dazzling lightsaber in his hand, attached to the armed color, and chopped at vilgo. A clear sound came, and it didn't hurt him.

"The first move." Velgo spoke faintly.

Seeing this, Lei Yin didn't worry. Instead, he continued to wave his armed sword and chop at vilgo. The difference is that this time he attached chakra to make the sword harder.


this time, the sound became louder. A shallow dent was made on vilgo's body and he stepped back two steps.

"It's a little better than just now, but I feel you're still tickling me. You have to seize the opportunity, only once." "Said villgo, with an obvious smug look on his face. In his opinion, Leiyin can't hurt himself like this, and vilgo already feels that he has the chance to win.

Lei Yin saw that, his face was still not nervous, what's more, his lightsaber disappeared in his hand.

Looking at his behavior, vilgo was puzzled: "you don't need weapons, do you want to beat me with your bare hands?"

Lei Yin: "why do you talk so much nonsense? Don't you say three moves? What do you care if I use it? "

Vilgo was dumb. Now that he had taken two moves, he had to take his third one obediently.

"This move, you give me honest to die!" Lei Yin said to himself, and the bright and dazzling thunder and lightning was shining in his hands.

Looking at the "Yiyi" thunder on Leiyin's hand, vilgo has a vague premonition: "this... This is..."

before vilgo finishes speaking, Leiyin has raised his right hand:

"thousand birds - leiche!"

like thousands of birds singing, it runs through vilgo's heart directly, and suddenly, blood light splashes!

and, vilgo Also big mouth big mouth spits out blood, on the body's pitch black oil bright color vanishes without a trace.

At the end of the day, vilgo said, "how can this be possible? There's no more noise."

In XX, the top cadre of Don Quixote family's red heart army and deputy chief of G-5 branch of the Navy, vilgo (undercover), died in the hand of lieutenant general Lei Yin.

When the navies arrived, they only saw a man with blood on his hands and a dead body on the ground that had been pierced through his heart.

With infinite surprise, everyone carried vilgo's body down. Lei Yin, who finished the task, immediately reported to the Warring States with a telephone worm. The Warring States greatly appreciated Lei Yin.

Every time the task can be completed so well, for the Warring States period, among the three new generals in the future, there must be one Lei Yin.

After getting rid of vilgo and receiving the commendation order from the marshal of the Department, the Royal pen of the Warring States period, Lei Yin's prestige in the G-5 naval branch was greatly improved, and everyone was shocked and admired by Lei Yin's strength and courage.

Seeing Lei Yin's outstanding performance, the headquarters continued to let him serve as the base chief in the G-5 branch.

The branch of the Navy, especially the big branch like G-5, which stands in the new world, is no exaggeration to say that its top commander is equivalent to one of the princes. The so-called general will not accept the orders of the monarch. Lei Yin now plays such a role.

Usually, there is nothing to do. He can still yell at the officers under the command of Wuyi. In his spare time, Lei Yin naturally thinks about her own woman, baby-5. He took out the life card of baby-5 from his pocket, still intact. Seeing this, Lei Yin felt relieved.

"I don't know what this girl is doing now. Will she often take out my life card to see it like this?" Lei Yin muttered to himself, "when I am strong enough to have a place in this sea, I will go back to you."

However, such a comfortable and leisurely life didn't last long, and God didn't want Lei Yin to be too comfortable. Soon, he met a strong enemy.

One day, Leiyin sailed out to sea as usual. All of a sudden, but see a pink figure floating in the distance, everyone has a bad feeling.

It was only when they got close that they could see clearly that the man had blonde hair, sunglasses, a pink coat, Capris and pointed shoes. Not only that, the man was suspended in mid air, overlooking the Navy on the warship.

Don Quixote dorfermingo is offering a reward of 580 million Bailey!Seeing this, the navies have made a mess.

"Wow, Alfred, why is he here?"

"Damn, why did you meet this guy?"

When the Navy saw brother Ming, it was like seeing death. Nearly 600 million reward criminals, even if they are elite troops, will inevitably be frightened.

In this regard, Lei Yin is indifferent.

Seeing Lei Yin, brother Ming takes back his old smile, and his old grudge makes him angry:

"Lei Yin, we finally meet again!" when he says this, brother Ming's voice comes out from his teeth.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for a long time, Alfred." Lei Yin replied.

Brother Ming's head was full of green veins, and his anger was even stronger: "Lei Yin, what did you do to our Don Quixote family? I will never forget the enmity of pika, diamandi, guladius and rao-g in my life. I will let you die in pain! "

Mingo's words are not like his usual words. It is also true that the Don Quixote family was almost destroyed by the regiment. It can also be said that most of the whole family was killed by Leiyin, and everyone would be angry. This hatred is an invincible one.

"Lei Yin, you and all the people in your boat will die for me. This time, I will never let you go!"

Mingo said, waving his finger gently. With such a simple move, the air between the blue sky and the sea suddenly changed color and solidified in this moment.

At the next moment, with terrible pressure and murderous spirit, a white line as thin as hair suddenly appeared on Mingge's finger, and then he suddenly cut away to Lei Yin and others. This blow seemed to cut the sea into two parts!

the Navy on the scene were all frightened and retreated one after another.

Seeing, when the thread had swept, it was blocked by a top-quality samurai sword.

It's not thunder that blocks Mingge's thin line.... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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