Published at 25th of May 2022 08:41:00 AM

Chapter 175

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For this great sword power, dorfermingo's face remained unchanged, and his right hand stretched forward:

"cobweb wall!"

a huge cobweb appeared in front of Mingo in an instant. The blue sword power collided on the cobweb, as if a high-speed train had been stopped. The web was deeply sunken and deformed towards Mingo's unit. Finally, the sword was broken The air gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

The flexibility and hardness of Mingge thread are much higher than that of steel. In particular, this spider web is a collection of many silk threads, and its flexibility and hardness are even greater.

Seeing that Lei Yin's attack didn't work, brother Ming after the cobweb said with a smile, "this time, it's my turn, isn't it?"

Dorfermingo murmured, took back the cobweb wall with his right hand, and then he grabbed it with his right hand and waved it to the thunder:

"super whip!"

in a moment, a thick white thread like a twist formed by countless hairs was emitted towards the thunder at a speed close to the speed of light.

This move can easily pierce steel, not to mention the human head, and the place where the whip passes even brings a burst of air breaking sound.

"Lieutenant General Lei Yin!"

in the face of such a blow, in the eyes of the Navy, let alone lieutenant general Lei Yin, I'm afraid that even a warship can't survive.

In the face of a frightening blow, Leiyin still looks the same. He holds the lightsaber in his hand and suddenly waves it:

"Leidun Zhenwu tugao chop!"

a blue and yellow crescent sword comes out with great energy. After a deafening roar, it's unexpected that Leiyin's tugao chop actually gives birth to a whiplash Rout!

the original [Zhenwu tugao chop] is several times stronger than ordinary tugao chop, and Leiyin adds a large number of chakras with thunder attributes to the sword Qi, making it more powerful.

This so-called "one shot can kill the enemy" killing move was so easily resolved that his face became extremely ugly.

Later, Lei Yin used his lightsaber to attack Mingge, and Mingge summoned the cobweb wall to resist and deal with it freely.

Lei Yin saw that the general attack could not defeat Mingge, so her eyes gradually changed...

kaleidoscope writing wheel eye - open!

in a moment, Lei Yin's eyes appeared as if the windmill of three wind blades were rotating.

Seeing this, dorfermingo said with a bad smile: "furfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfur Lei Yin, is this the power of your fruit? Let me see. "

"You'll see it soon."

Said, Leiyin behind a bright blue giant, this giant is bigger than before, the color is more bright.

Xuzoneng - second form!

compared with the previous first form, the second form of xuzou is full of meridians and flesh, and has chakra wrapped armor, which looks like a blue general.

When people see it, Leiyin and xuzuo float into the air together, and the navy is trembling when they see it.

"Is this the ability of lieutenant general Lei yin?"

"Exchange fruits..."

people stare at the battle between Lei Yin and Mingge.

Mingo's height is 3.05 meters, which is absolutely the existence of a little giant among ordinary people, but he is so small in front of this big guy, because this second form of suzo is one head higher than Kato.

Then, why can Lei Yin float in the air? It turns out that recently, he has been trying his best to practice the art of earthly evasion. Sometimes he goes to Shengfuling for advice. Under the guidance of civet Sword Fairy, he can control the mound to lift himself up and float in the air just like I love you. When you look carefully, there are two relatively large mounds on xuzuo's two big feet.

The thunder in the air waved his sword, and xuzuo also raised his sword. The huge lightsaber cut at him. Seeing this, Mingge stretched out his right hand and used the cobweb wall again. The huge sword cut on the cobweb. This time Mingge didn't block it, and was directly driven to the sea by this powerful force...

was he defeated in this way? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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