Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:59 AM

Chapter 176

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Seeing that brother Ming was about to fall into the sea, he hung his line directly on the cloud. "No matter what your ability is, it's not so easy to defeat me."

So said, did not expect that brother Ming is flying towards the island not far away.

"Do franmingo is going to run away!"

the navies below yelled. Leiyin had controlled the Mound under his feet and pursued Mingo.

To the island, Mingge slowly made himself fall to the ground, and xuzuo of Leiyin followed him down, and they stood opposite each other.

"Furfural I have to admit, Lei Yin, you do have some strength, but I plan to take this place as your tomb. What do you think? "Mingge gave out a chilling laugh and looked at Lei Yin provocatively.

Lei Yin said with a smile: "what you said is all right, but this' you 'should change its subject."

With that, Leiyin leaps up in the air, and xuzuo waves a huge sword to cut at him again. In the face of this blow, Mingge still opens a huge [cobweb wall] to resist. What's different from before is that this time the white becomes dark.

The huge lightsaber cuts on it, making a piercing sound of Jin Tiezheng. After Xu Zuo pushes Mingge for several meters, he can't move forward.

The cobweb wall with armed color is several times stronger than before in hardness and flexibility.

Seeing this, Lei Yin makes Xu Zuo attack duofranmingo one after another, but the huge sword on the dark cobweb wall is of little use except to repel Mingo.

"Boy, have you had enough?"

As Mingge said this, his face changed, and a wonderful force suddenly appeared in his body. His power was quietly changing all around...

at the next moment, the surrounding environment became soft and linear. Under Mingge's control, these twisted white lines surged like waves.

"Haiyuan Baibo!"

with that, brother Ming turned the ground where Leiyin was located into a white ocean. They were surging and pestered him and xuzuo.

These white lines and waves are like long white insects, which will wrap the thunder alive.

Xuzoneng almost disappeared in the white sea, and Leiyin disappeared.

Mingge is different from others. He doesn't think he has won the victory. He sweeps his head and looks up at the sky.

Sure enough, although xuzuo disappeared, Leiyin didn't know when he was floating in the air.

It turned out that a moment ago, he had already got away with [flying thunder II].

"This is the ability of the devil to wake up!" Lei Yin said.

In addition to the original ability, the demon fruit can also be developed to a higher level than the original one, which is called "demon fruit awakening".

The fruit of thread is one of the best in the Superman system. With the awakening ability of the fruit, its power can be imagined.

Even in such a situation, brother Ming has not shown all his strength yet...

seeing the thunder sound in midair, he takes out more than ten swords from the system, puts them in his hands, and makes a seal with his hands:

"the art of separating swords in his hands!"

more than ten swords fall from midair, and instantly become hundreds of swords, and the final number reaches the top Wan, brother Ming, when he looked at it, it was like "sword rain" falling from the sky. Such a dense attack was unavoidable.

At the next moment, Mingge gently waved his finger, thousands of white lines came towards him:

"shield white line!"

when tens of thousands of swords in his hand hit Mingge, the huge wave of white line had wrapped Mingge like a cocoon. Many Swords in his hand hit the "cocoon" and made a "crackling" sound, but they could not penetrate the shield of these white lines .

This [shield white line] is the strongest move of the fruit awakening of the thread. Its defense is more than ten times stronger than the previous [cobweb wall].

Seeing that the attack didn't work, Leiyin slowly fell to the ground again, and Mingge also lifted the shield white line, showing his figure.

"Furfural Boy, is your attack over? But I don't seem to feel anything. This time... Is it my turn? "

As he said this, he waved his finger and suddenly waved his hand. Countless linear pillars on the ground rose directly to the sky:

"barren waves and white lines!"

these pillars were like giant boa constrictors that would devour people. Under the control of him, they had strong lives one by one, and the environment around the ground had been seriously deformed The strange distortion, like a waterfall like white waves roaring towards the thunder.

Lei Yin stares at these "white waterfalls" and raises his right hand. In a moment, a blue chakra ball as big as a football appears in his hand:

"fengdun - Sword in spiral hand!"

next moment, with strong pressure, the spiral ball suddenly comes out of his hand.On the one hand, there is a genuine S-level ninja, and on the other hand, there is a veritable fruit awakening. Two powerful forces collide together, like a dragon fighting an evil tiger, like a unicorn fighting a Phoenix. Between the two collisions, there was a huge and loud roar. Even the Shanghai army, a warship on the other side of the island, was enlightening.

Hearing this loud noise, the navy soldiers on the warship did not dare to approach the island, and all of them were numb.

"Hey, was that the sound of fighting?"

"It's hard to imagine."

"Look, the west corner of the island has collapsed..."

the Navy on the Leiyin warship looked at the island from a distance and talked about it. Two monsters on the island were still fighting fiercely.

The attack just now left the island in a mess. When the dust gradually dispersed, dorfermingo saw a trace of blood on the corner of Leiyin's mouth.

Mingge's power is slightly stronger than fengdun spiral hand sword. Lei Yin is hurt by the afterwave of white wave.

"Furfural Oh, Mr. lieutenant general, you are injured. I can't believe it. "

Hearing Mingo's banter, Leiyin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a smile and said: "hum, it seems that I underestimated your strength before, so I made a wrong judgment. Next, let's make an end of it! Don Quixote Domenico!"

"furafurafura Kid's momentum is very good. I hear what you mean. It seems that you haven't given full play to your strength, right? Just the same for me. "

Dorfermingo said, moving his right hand, ready to launch a stronger move...

[fengdun - spiral hand sword] is a rare S-level Ninja that Lei Yin has learned so far, and its strength is not as good as Mingge, so is Lei Yin out of skill?

Will he really die here next? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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