Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:46 AM

Chapter 189

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"The eldest said, you can't chop to death, you can only capture alive!"

after getting the instructions of Captain slender dragon, they pulled out their swords and rushed to the woman.

Unexpectedly, the woman's hands turned into two Gatling machine guns, in a hurry.

Gatling machine gun? It turns out that the iron bar was not brought by the woman? She made it?

The next moment, Captain slender dragon came to a correct conclusion: this woman is a demon fruit power!

however, when he understood this, all his subordinates had been "suddenly" cleaned by women, and even the tavern owners were scared to leave the shop.

The thin dragon, who understood everything, held up his knife and pointed to the woman, "Hey, miss, I'm a pirate who was offered a reward of 5 million Bailey, and there are 178 subordinates. If you kill me, my subordinates won't let me go..."

Woo Hoo!

before the thin dragon finished speaking, the kitten on the woman's shoulder jumped into the sky and turned into a huge and beautiful tiger, and jumped directly at the thin dragon. After a few mouthfuls, the thin dragon's body broke into several pieces - torn by the tiger's sharp claws.

When the woman saw this, the Gatling machine gun with both hands changed into its original shape, and the gorgeous tiger also changed back into a kitten.

This woman is Lei Yin's wife, baby-5, who has been separated for more than a year, and the kitten is Lei Yin's psychic beast, cat tiger beast.

After more than a year, her character has changed a lot, at least no longer that other people say "need", she will be desperate to help others silly white sweet.

"You damned guy, when on earth will you come to me..."

Baby-5 walks out of the tavern with little tiger cat and looks at the sky and thinks to himself.

Holy land, marjoria.

In a magnificent conference room similar to a palace, six people are sitting on the conference table. At the bottom of the table is the commander-in-chief of the Navy, gang Gu Kong (above the marshal of the Navy headquarters). In front of him are the documents and reports from the Warring States period. The remaining five people are the highest head of state under the Tianlong people, the five old stars.

"It seems that there's a terrible kid in the Navy." Said an old man in a crimson suit, with blonde hair and a scar on his chest.

"It's no wonder that the Warring States wanted a new general's position in such a big tone to defeat dorfermingo and the Golden Lion Shiji."

An old man in a green suit with a bald mustache said.

"Well, what's your opinion?"

"Kong, you are the commander-in-chief of the Navy. Let's give your opinion first."

"I don't think this proposal is feasible either. Although Lei Yin is young, his military achievements and strength are not inferior to those of the other three generals. If we worship him as a general, on the one hand, we can set a good example for all the naval officers and men and inspire their morale. On the other hand, we can add a young and powerful fighting force to deter the pirates. "

"How can you say that Mr. Marshal has agreed to this proposal?"

Steel hollow: "well, I think so."

"Then, do you have any different meanings?"

None of you said anything, and all of you acquiesced.

"Well, in that case, the appointment will be announced after all the relevant procedures are completed."

"Wait a minute."


"what should be his code name?"


Steel empty: "I think of a."

"Tell me."

Steel bone empty: "Baiju, how about it? He is known as the "white robed general" and likes to wear a white Cape. The foal shows that he has great potential

"Well, I think it's good."

"Red dog, Green Pheasant, yellow ape, white foal (color + animal), very good, empty, very thoughtful."

"Well, since there is no heteronymy in this issue, it's settled first. By the way, Kong, what's the statistics of this year's "heavenly gold"

Tianjin refers to the fact that more than 170 franchised countries of the world government contribute part of their treasures to Tianlong people every year. All the members of parliament gave the treasure to the world's political amulet's escort ship, and then sent it to marjoria.

"The navy has almost made preparations. According to the statistics, the amount of gold in the sky this year is about 12 billion Bailey, and it will take about a month to transport it to the holy land."

"This time, the number of gold in the sky is much more than that in previous years. We must not make any mistakes."

Steel empty: "I understand."

New world, Navy G-5, chief of base office.

When he reported to Lei Yin that the warship of Colonel Thomson had been destroyed and the whole army had been annihilated, Craven's face still looked flustered. And Lei Yin's face was also a look of surprise.

"Big mom, bullying us."Cliven: "by the way, lieutenant general, the leader said..."

"what did you say?"

"He said that if you arrest bokmus, the revenge will be paid, and you will be taken, and you will be taken..."

Leiyin looked at Craven and said, "what will you do to me?"

"I want to frustrate you, eat meat and skin, and know the power of the four emperors."

Lei Yin suddenly laughs: a naval battle two years ago, unexpectedly provoked the four emperors. It seems that it is inevitable to fight big mom.



Craven: "if they say so, the four emperors will not appear in person, but the leader will definitely come back..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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