Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:44 AM

Chapter 191

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When the smoke around the pirate ship gradually dispersed, the ship and the warship were already on the street.

When people looked at it, the frame didn't look like what shaoter said, but stood intact. The only difference from before was that there was only a shallow bullet mark on his head, not even a scratch on his skin.

"This... How is this possible?"

schotel's eyes were wide open and his chin was about to fall to the ground.

This [Green Dragon explosive bullet] is a special bullet made by sniper shaoter. In order to increase the power, he added 32 times more gunpowder and some yellow gunpowder to it. Its power is to concentrate the power of the shell on one point, so as to produce huge pressure and cause damage to individual enemies.

Even if his reward is 800 million, he is human after all. Who else can have such a strong defensive power except for the abnormal [beast] KEDO?

although shaoter is brave, his three views are subverted at this time.

"Die for me!"

when the two ships met, the Kremlin couldn't wait to attack the warship. He waved his long sword, and one of his swords fell on shaoter's head.


a top-quality samurai sword blocks the edge of the Kerry frame.

"If you use a sword, come at me."

"Who are you?"

"brigadier general Bolen Liuma of G-5 branch meets me!"

"hum, ants who don't know how to die!"

in this way, the Liuma and Krieg fight together, and the two swords collide with each other, causing a strong spark.

"You know what? Boy, the long sword in Laozi's hand is called pretzel, but it's really a famous sword. " Kerry said with an arrogant face.

"Pretzels? That sounds delicious, but is it that famous sword and I have a dime to do with each other?" The wandering horse challenged.

After hearing the words, Kerry waved an angry sword. The horse put the sword across the front of his body, but the mouth of the tiger was shocked. At the next moment, even the man and the knife were bounced out and fell heavily on the deck, making a big hole on the deck.

"This is the strength of... 800 million!"

seeing this scene, all the navies unconsciously retreated.

Lei Yin went to help the stray horse up, "Hey, don't worry, or let me come."

The flowing horse wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and laughed at Lei Yin: "lieutenant general, this degree can't beat me. Don't worry, I have my own unique skills to deal with him."

With that, the stray horse went forward, ready to continue the fight.

Cleopatra put his sword on his shoulder and looked contemptuously at the stray horse, "what? Ants still don't want to die? I tell you, even if you practice for another million years, you will never be my opponent. "

"Can't boasting be taxed? If you don't want us to fight, let's see how I can defeat you! "

with that, the Liuma's eyes changed, and he came at a fast speed with the moon step. He waved his sword and slashed desperately at the Kerry frame. Although the Liuma's swordsmanship is methodical, it's useless to chop at the Kerry frame.

"Damn it! How can it be so hard!"

"give up, you sad ant."

Kerry didn't even look at him. He just waved his sword so lightly. A black sword suddenly came out, and he cut a deep wound directly from the horse's stomach to his chest.


after a scream, the stray horse fell to the ground again.

When the Navy saw this, they already knew that there was no possibility of victory...

when the Kremlin was about to launch the next wave of attack, Lei Yin stood in front of the stray horse, "go down, you have tried your best."

But the flowing horse suddenly hugged Lei Yin's leg, "lieutenant general, I ask you to let me fight to the end and let me return to my dignity as a swordsman!"

When Lei Yin looked at him, his eyes were firm.

After pondering for a while, Lei Yin said slowly, "OK, I see."

With that, Lei Yin made way for him.

A real swordsman like Liuma, like loronoya soron, would rather be stabbed in the heart by Hawk Eye mikhok than step back.

If we retreat like this, our dreams, promises and everything seem to be gone.

If you retreat in this way, you are insulting the words of duel and swordsman.

For a real swordsman, the duel is not by any means, but by all means, until one side completely defeats the other.

Therefore, no matter whether the battle is won or not, people like loronoya Solon and Bolen Liuma can be regarded as great swordsmen.

Since the moment I decided to become a swordsman, I have long put my life and death in the dark.

If I die on that day, it means that I am just a person of this degree...

the stray horse has been seriously injured and hobbled to the front of the Craig."Oh? Haven't they died yet? The vitality of ants is really tenacious." Kerry looked at the horse, a face of disdain and disdain.

The wandering horse didn't speak any more, but he was in a faint red mood...

"do you think that playing a ghost can scare me?" Kerry can not help but say, a sword toward the horse chop away.

This time, the moving horse's action was very fast, and it avoided the blow.

"Brigadier general Liuma seems to be more agile than before." Some of the Marines muttered to themselves.

At this time, I saw the red horse around more and more.

"Not good!"

shotel let out a loud shout, which surprised everyone.

"What's the matter?"

"brigadier general Liuma, he's going to give his life to attack...

" why? "

"Do you see the red mist around him? It's the steam of blood!"

"The steam of blood?" Lei Yin murmured. The first word he thought of in this scene was "eight men dunjia".

Will there be "eight men dunjia" in the world of pirates?

Then, shaoter continued: "earlier, the wandering horse once said that he had mastered an ability that other people would not have, that is, this scene full of bloody steam."

"So what's going on?" Lei Yin seems to have some interest in it.

"He told me that man is a kind of creature, and as long as he is a creature, he has the instinct to survive, and he can control himself to forget this instinct, and then cultivate this power. It can focus all the strength, agility and attention of human beings on just a few minutes, so as to make a powerful attack on the enemy. And his side effect is that he will consume himself excessively. If he controls himself well, he can recover after three days' rest. If he doesn't use it well, he will be disabled for life or even die! "Shaoter said with a dignified face. "The blood vapor is proof of his over consumption."

All the people looked at the horses and showed their adoring eyes.

This is the real and worthy sword hero!

I would like to die alone and never live in idleness!

"Shura - the sword of judgment!"

the wandering horse used all his strength to give the strongest blow to the Krieg, which split the body into two parts!

it succeeded!

it was successful , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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