Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:44 AM

Chapter 192

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The blood in the flowing horse flows quickly. He is like a ghost, surrounded by blood mist.

"Shura - the sword of judgment!"

a powerful bloody sword suddenly appeared, which directly divided the creed into two sections!


"it's incredible to defeat the big pirate with a reward of 860 million!"

The Marines cried out, excited.

All of a sudden, another figure appeared in the "Kerry frame" which was cut off by the wandering horse.

He has purple hair, three tufts of hair behind his head and a scar on his right eye. He was wearing a pair of brown gloves, brown boots, and a sword that was the same as before. A thin and deceitful man suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The pirates on the pirate ship kept laughing.

"You... Who are you?"

"I'm the real Cleopatra." The man smirked, making people feel that there was no chance of winning.

Leiyin light way: "originally, the picture on the wanted notice is false, this is the real you put it?"

"Ha ha, that's right. As a reward, I'll give you a free performance!"

Pa Pa Pa!

all of a sudden, he clapped his hands, and there were more than a dozen biscuit fighters beside the body of the frame.

When the navies saw this scene, they were all stunned and at a loss...

"do you know? What you beat with all your strength is just a part I made. I can make countless soldiers or armor like this, that is to say, Lao Tzu's fighting power It's endless! "When cleggia said this, he was very proud.

When the Marines heard this, they seemed to have heard terrible news. They already felt extremely desperate, especially Bolen Liuma, who was dying because of the battle just now.

I tried my best to almost die, but what I defeated was less than one ten thousandth of the fighting capacity of others?

what a terrible gap is this?

the desperate Bolen Liuma, coupled with the pain of his body, fainted.

Lei Yin ordered the medical soldiers to carry him down for treatment.

"Next, I'll be your opponent." Thunder tone light way.

"Since you're not afraid of death, I'll take you on the road!" said Chris, waving his sword, "roll pretzels!"

the sword was like a drill, spinning towards the thunder.

When Lei Yin saw this, he ran from the warship to the island in two months.

"Sure enough, is the lieutenant general also afraid of Cleopatra?"

Watching Lei Yin escape to the island, the navy soldiers who were playing drums became more afraid.

"Cleopatra! I'm here. Come and catch me if you can!" Lei Yin yelled on the island.

Originally, Lei Yin was afraid that the warship would be destroyed because of their destructive power, so he was led to fight on the island.

"It's a wise choice."

Kerry frame is not a fool, of course, he saw the intention of Lei Yin, Kerry frame with a smile, quickly set foot on the island.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the Navy were all relieved. "The lieutenant general wanted to draw that guy away."

They stood opposite each other on the island.

"You're very good at choosing a place. It's suitable for your graveyard." Chris looked at Lei yindao with disdain on his face.

"Whose graveyard is it? I don't know now." Lei Yin replied.

"Hum!" Chris snorted and waved his long sword to hit Leiyin again:

"roll pretzel!"

"channeling thunder lightsaber!"

seeing this, Leiyin summoned the lightsaber and held the sword in front of him. The high-speed rotating blade of the frame rubs against Leiyin's lightsaber. After a while, Leiyin can't resist and is ejected more than 20 meters away.

"It's worth 800 million." Lei Yin stands up and pats the dust on her body.

"You are so hard to deal with me, what if you summon thousands of me? Now you know, don't say it's mom, even you can't beat me! "Chris raised his eyebrows, a proud face.

"It's too early to say that, isn't it?"

"It seems that you'd better not give up and accept the baptism of the new world, kid!"

as he said that, the biscuit warrior of the craiglass turned into six hands and four feet, and attacked Leiyin again like a centaur:

"wave Pretzel!"

his six swords were spinning at the same time, like a meat grinder When Lei Yin saw the attack, he jumped in the air and attached chakra of Lei attribute to the sword body:

"Lei Dun - draw a knife to chop!"A golden sword with thunder and lightning came straight to the lower frame and fell on his head...


with a clear and loud sound, the golden sword was falling on the heavenly cover of the frame.

However, in addition to a little shallow dent, basically no use.

The power of bullets like shells can't be penetrated, and the sword Qi attached with thunder and lightning can be cut continuously. How hard the biscuit armor of this guy is! Lei Yin couldn't help sighing from his heart.

In the original.

In order to recapture Shanzhi, Luffy comes to big mom's territory to fight against the Kremlin. Luffy uses two [ape King crow cannons] to defeat one part of the Kremlin. What's more, Cleopatra also slashed Luffy in the fourth gear state.

This is the new world, the strength of 860 million , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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