Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:43 AM

Chapter 193

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As the thunder came down slowly from mid air, the hard body of the crane came like an armored tank.

"Tudun - Tuliu city wall!"

seeing this, Lei Yin made a seal with both hands. Suddenly, a huge earth wall rose from the ground. Six long swords were rotating like excavators. The rotating swords made a sound of gold and iron contention on the wall, and soon broke the wall. Seeing this, Lei Yin's hands once again sealed:

"earth escape - earth spear!"

a shield like a hand suddenly appeared in front of him. Not only that, in order to increase the hardness of the earth wall, the Earth Shield was also attached with a dark armed color.

This time, the impact of the frame was finally blocked, no further forward.

"Stinky boy, can you stop me at last? But I want you to understand that it doesn't help. "

Chris said, stretched out his hands to clap, instant time, out of thin air appeared seven or eight biscuit soldiers, surrounded by thunder.

"This time, I'll see what you can do." The eight biscuit soldiers attack Leiyin, "eight waves pretzels!"

at this critical moment, Leiyin's eyebrows have changed into a purple dragon shape.

Immortal mode - open!

the powerful chakra suddenly brewed in Leiyin's body, "the art of multiple shadow separation!"

"Xianfa super large jade spiral DUOLIAN pill!"

Leiyin divided into eight parts, and each part's hand gathered a large blue energy ball...

boom boom!

after several huge blasts, the eight parts made by the frame The biscuit soldiers disappeared and turned into biscuit dust.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you were also capable." Seeing Lei Yin's ability, Kerry can't help sighing, "I can beat eight biscuit soldiers in one breath..."

after Lei Yin's release, seven of them disappear, but they still keep the immortal mode.

Warships and pirate ships.

The Navy and the pirates did not fight each other, but watched the duel between Lei Yin and kelijia, the leaders of both sides on the island. They knew in their hearts that the fight between them was meaningless, and the victory was only for their leader. If Lei Yin wins, the Navy wins, and if kelija wins, the pirates win.

Seeing the scene of the collapse of the eight biscuit fighters in the Kerry shelf just now, the navy soldiers talked about it one after another.

"General Leiyin..."

"it's so strong, Lord Liuma will do his best to defeat one of the divisions of Krieg, while general...

" it's no use, Krieg says that he can create countless such divisions. "

"He said that innumerable is innumerable? I think he is probably frightening people?"

the island is still fighting.

It has to be said that the hardness of the biscuit armor of the Kerry frame really amazes Lei Yin. If you don't use the [immortal mode] and only use the ordinary [Dayu - spiral pill] or [fengdun - spiral sword], it's hard to cause damage to the biscuit warrior.

How strong are these 800 million enemies?

as the dust of biscuits gradually dissipated, cleggia's face gradually calmed down: "even if you can defeat these parts of me, so what? Didn't I just say that my fighting power is infinite!

Pa Pa Pa!

with that, the Cleopatra kept clapping, and the biscuit soldiers were born in the process of assembly. Hundreds of biscuit soldiers formed a huge army and almost occupied half of the island in a short time.

It's hard to imagine that if these biscuit soldiers are placed on the battlefield, they are absolutely the best of the best!

looking at the overwhelming "armored intelligent tanks", it makes people feel cold.

"Ah ha ha..." in the void, there came a smile of Kerry frame, "Leiyin, do you know the end of your confrontation with Sihuang now? Look at these, how do you deal with them? I can make these splits endlessly, and I can make two hands with one tap, and then I can make several hands with another tap... So, my name is [thousand hands] Krieg!

after making such an introduction, thousands of Krieg launched a fierce attack on Leiyin at the same time...

at this time, Leiyin found that there are so many Biscuit warrior, you can't find the real body of the frame in which armor.

Lei Yin is surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside. No matter how fast he has the skill of instant body, he can't escape from the net of Kerry frame.

If you can't run, you should not run at all!

suddenly, in this "biscuit sea", a giant blue appears out of thin air, which looks like a ghost. The next moment, he will fight all the biscuit fighters who come from close quarters.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye - Open - second form - must be able to!

"this time... What's the ability?"

Seeing the giant blue more than ten meters high, thousands of biscuit fighters all looked up.

With the action of Lei Yin, Xu Zuo could hold his sword high and think of biscuits. The soldiers swept away like wheat. Some of them fell into the sea.People on warships and pirate ships all exclaimed...

"is this the ability to exchange fruits?"

From the beginning, the sword that summoned light energy appeared the ability of separation. It could also produce energy bombs (Xianfa spiral pill) to blow up biscuit armor. Now, the giant blue and Lei Yin's so-called ability of "exchanging fruits" are really amazing.

In shock, the craiglass controls the rest of the biscuit soldiers. Armed and domineering on their swords, they frantically chop at xuzuo nenghu. Although xuzuo is powerful, he still can't resist the intensive attack and gradually disintegrate until he disappears.

"You are very good, but you are still not my opponent!"

Xu Zuo was defeated by him, and Lei Yin also had several wounds.

For a moment, he was forced into a desperate situation.

But then Lei Yin slowly raised his head, and the shape of his eyes changed again...

I went through hardships, almost paid my life, just to get this power...

extremely powerful power!

Eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye......

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