Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:42 AM

Chapter 194

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The eternal kaleidoscope wheel eye is the highest form of wheel eye. In the original book, the method of opening eyes is very strict. First of all, after the host has a kaleidoscope wheel eye, another pair of kaleidoscope wheel eyes must be transplanted, and it can only be carried out in the yuzhibo people who have wheel eyes. It is now known that yuzhiboban and yuzhibosasuke are the only two people who have successfully opened the wheel of eternal kaleidoscope.

And the system of Lei Yin acquisition greatly simplifies the process (the problem is that there is no one in the world of pirate king who can write the boundaries of eye and blood), so the method of Lei Yin's eye opening only needs to enhance his own strength infinitely.

Now, that their strength has reached the power of eye opening.

Next, let's show this power!

it's worth mentioning that Lei Yin's wheel eye is very similar to Yu Zhibo's, both of which are balanced and crossed with three similar ellipses and a three leaf windmill in the middle, which looks gorgeous.

When Chris saw this, he suddenly laughed: "my eyes have changed. Are you going to have new abilities again? Let me see! "

The next move made Kerry regret that he didn't kill the thunder earlier...

the big blue appeared again just now, but compared with the previous one, the big blue was bigger and more complete. Not only that, he was also wearing a layer of black armor as powerful as a general.

The third form is suzo's ability!

the armor of the powerful general is wutiangou armor, which greatly improves the defense of suzo. Compared with the second form of suzo, the third form is not only larger in size, but also more abundant in weapons (the essence of chakra condensation). Although it is stronger than before, chakra consumes much faster than the second form. If you use the kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye, the third form of suzo will be extremely unstable. The state of Leiyin can only last less than two minutes.

That's why at the beginning thunder didn't open the third form. But now, the eternal kaleidoscope takes much less chakra than the third form of kaleidoscope.

"Do you think if the summoned junk is a little bigger than just now, I will be afraid of you?"

He felt that this time, not only his body shape, but also his breath was quite different from before...

he didn't know whether he was afraid or wanted to end the battle quickly. He continued to clap his hands desperately, and summoned a lot of biscuit fighters. This time, these biscuit fighters almost covered the whole island!

warships and pirate ships The whole island is full of middle-aged uncles in armor, and all of them have the same appearance, surrounded by a giant blue who can't be named and looks like a demon.

The battle has come to the point of life and death, either you die or I die!

like just now, cleggia controlled nearly ten thousand biscuit soldiers to launch a brave impact on xuzuo. Some chopped their feet, some jumped to the air to chop their stomachs and chests, and some even jumped to their shoulders, like ants gnawing elephants.

This time, the effect is amazing compared with that just now...

there is no effect at all!

compared with the power just now, which can destroy the second form of xuzuo in an instant. This time, it's like a wooden sword cutting on an iron block. Although xuzuo is "jingling", it doesn't seem to be affected at all.

"What the hell is this? It's totally different from just now! "At this time, even Craig was stunned on the spot.

In the original work, the sword made of biscuits on the crane can cut off Luffy in the fourth gear state, which shows the hardness of the sword. But now there is no way to deal with the big guy in front of him?

as I have just said, the third xuzuo is covered with a layer of black dog armor, which is the essence of chakra's defense system, almost It can be said that it is indestructible!

there is a strong hand in the strong, and a mountain is higher than a mountain!

once upon a time, Cleopatra believed in his own strength, and he could create an unparalleled biscuit army with a flick of a finger. Every soldier in the army was a powerful soldier with a hundred blocks. With such power, it can be said that he doesn't pay attention to anyone except his mother.

What happened today? I can't help taking a kid?

for the first time, Craig's eyes revealed the color of helplessness.

In the desperation of Cleopatra, Leiyin controls xuzuo to sweep away from the crowd with a huge sword that seems to kill everything in his hand. Wherever the sword goes, it is swept away.

However, out of self-defense, Kerry gathered groups of biscuit soldiers in front of him, and made a huge biscuit shield to resist the huge sword of suzo.

Seeing this, Lei Yin takes back the sword.

Is it time to give up the attack?

When Kerry looked at Lei Yin, Lei Yin's face was a pair of incomprehensible smile.

"What do you... Want to do?" At this time, Craig is a little afraid. He doesn't know what moves Lei Yin will use next to deal with himself. This guy is like an enigmatic magician.Lei Yin looked at him and said with a smile, "next, let me show you something interesting."

Xu Zuo raised his right hand, which was as big as a stone pillar, and a strong breath came to his face again....

he said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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