Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:40 AM

Chapter 196

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"You mean, it's not a Cleopatra?"

at this time, Kapp said: "smelly boy, you should look at the picture on the reward order before you hit someone. How can he look like a Cleopatra?"

Wen Yan, the navies of the G-5 branch understand this.

"He's a Cleopatra. The picture on the reward order is fake... It can't be said that it's fake. It's just a part of him." Lei Yin said slowly.

"Separation?" the more the Warring States and Kapu listened, the more suspicious they were.

Looking at the marshals coming, more and more senior officials gathered on the wharf. At this time, red dog also came. Soon, he understood the situation.

"I said that if you want to make military contributions, you should find a guy who is a little bit like you to impersonate him. Are you stupid enough to cheat?" Red Dog merciless face to face sarcasm thunder.

, Sakas Ki, "I said," is he a cracker, not you has the final say. What's more, you can call smelly boy? "

originally, Lei Yin didn't care about red dog at all. Now that he has the strength to defeat Krieg, he doesn't care about red dog.

"Leiyin! You lieutenant general dare to talk to me like this?" Red Dog angrily looked at Leiyin.

Just as the thunder was about to break out, Kapp said: "red dog! It's you who speak ill before he speaks against you. There is another point you are wrong. Lei Yin is not a lieutenant general for a long time now. He has the qualification to talk back to you. "

Isn't it a lieutenant general? Can I talk back to red dog?

What do you mean?

Leiyin: "Lieutenant General Kapp (honorific name outside), what do you mean?"

Kapp: "I'll talk to you later, you can tell me about this person first."

Seeing this, red dog stopped talking and quietly waited to see Lei Yin's joke.

At this time, the Kerry frame again up: "I'm not what Kerry frame, this boy he lost his head, he wronged me, quickly let me go."

Lei Yin sees this is a face of indifference, he went to the front of the Kerry frame, ear said a few words, the back of a move to the presence of people were startled.

But at this time, he didn't expect that Kerry would change into a reward order, and his face was as pale as ashes: "I'm one of the big mom's four generals..."


today's surprise is wave after wave.

Red dog see, eyes are thrown on the ground.

All the navies of the G-5 branch can testify, but this man is a Kerry.

A fake reward order has cheated the Navy for so many years. Today, the truth is revealed.

Then, the Navy handcuffed the frame again and escorted it to the prison.

It's just that people don't know what Lei Yin said in the ear of kelijia at that time to make kelijia so obedient...

red dog, who just wanted to see Lei Yin's joke, was in a daze and couldn't say anything for a long time...

Lei Yin, who is familiar with animation, also knows the character of kelijia well. Although he is powerful and can build strong armor, he is very afraid of pain and can't even bear the pain I'm afraid of injections.

So what Lei Yin said in his ear just now is: you'd better be nice to me, or I'll order my subordinates to prick you with needles, or use other painful torture tools... So, next, you can do what I ask you to do... If you dare to resist, I think you know what strength I am, and this is the Navy headquarters, and I'm not the only expert

Kerry also knew what his situation was, and he was extremely afraid of pain. As soon as he heard the words "needle" and "instrument of torture", he didn't even think about it and immediately agreed to Lei Yin.

For people like Craig, the dark side of Leiyin is obvious.

The four generals under the four emperors offered a reward of 860 million pirates. They were afraid of injections, which made people feel funny.

Only interest and fear can shake people. This is an eternal truth, no matter where you go, it is practical.

"Old man, what do you mean I'm no longer a lieutenant general?"

After the arrest of kelijia, Leiyin asks Kapp.

"Oh, this... You may know later, I'll buy a pass first, ha ha...

" old man, it's getting worse and worse...

"by the way, boy, how are you doing in the G-5 branch?"

"Well, it's OK."

"No girl or anything? You're not too young... "

reading the latest issue of the newspaper, Lei Yin said," all the G-5 branches are male Marines, and the pirates there are extremely restless. There's no place to look for them, and there's no time. "

Of course, Leiyin won't tell Kapp about baby-5, at least not now (after all, it's a pirate). He wants to wait until the time is ripe to say "this is my wife" to Kapp.Kapp took a bite of Xianbei: "ha ha, who let you not hold on? Otherwise, Tina would have been with you long ago...

"Oh, by the way," said Lei Yin, closing the newspaper, "Tina, how is she now?"

If it wasn't for Caputi, Raymond would have forgotten.

"She's now transferred to Donghai as a naval captain, and she's taking care of smog. It's said that the other two are getting better."

If so, there is no difference with the original work. Thinking of this, Lei Yin smiles happily: "congratulations to him."

Hearing this, Kapp said: "you stinky boy, you just don't know how to cherish it. It turns out that veradan and Tina are both interested in you. Now they have a home, but you still... Ah, don't talk about it. You can do your own business."

Kapp is also good for Leiyin. He doesn't want him to be like a fighting machine. He only knows how to fight every day. He also wants him to have a good home.

Lei Yin also understood what he meant.

"You and I are strangers. You have helped me so much. No matter what kind of person I am, I will not be your enemy. If you are in trouble, I will go through fire and water to help you, old man..." Lei Yin thought to herself.

"Lieutenant General Lei Yin, marshal asked you to go to his office." A first-class marine reported.

"Do you know what it is?" Lei Yin asked by the way.

The first-class soldier, however, was smiling with a flattering look in his eyes: "for you, it should be a great joy."

"It's a big wedding. It's not going to introduce me to someone else, is it?" Lei Yin thought to himself and said to the first-class Soldier:

"I know. I'll be right there."

"Yes, lieutenant general!"

the first-class soldier saluted Lei Yin and then went out.

After the soldiers left, Kapp laughed and said nothing.

"Don't you think something happened, old man? I always have a strong premonition." Thunder to Kapp road.

Karp: don't you see the extraordinary respect the soldiers have for you today

"A little bit, but what does that mean?"

"Smelly boy, why do you talk so much? Don't you know when you go?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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