Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:39 AM

Chapter 197

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Navy headquarters, Marshal's office.

When Lei Yin went, he found that all the high-level officials had arrived. The three generals, most of the generals in the headquarters, and Kapp also came.

The marshal of the Warring States period sat in the chief position, holding a document in his hand, while the other senior generals sat separately.

What's going on here? Why such a big battle? Is there going to be a war?

When Lei Yin was muttering in his heart, the general Green Pheasant said: "ALARA, the protagonist is here today."

"Protagonist? Me?" Lei Yin thought for a moment, then sat in his own position.

The Warring States period looked at Lei Yin, stood up with the document and cleared his throat: "are all the generals present at this meeting?"

Second lieutenant Herald: "report to marshal, all of you are here."

"Very good. Two important orders are announced below. First, after our research, we have decided that in 15 days' time, we will carry out the public execution of the pirate Charlotte Krieg. Our department will mobilize 50000 elite navies to go to the G-5 branch of the Navy, and enlist the king's seven armed forces to fight together."

Sentence? 50000 Navy going to G-5 branch? Enlist the king to fight in qiwuhai?

it seems that Lei Yin thought right, and war is really going to break out!

the first time the generals heard this order, they all couldn't help but stare, and Lei Yin was also very surprised.

Looking at the admirals' surprised eyes, the Warring States gave an explanation: "yes, the execution of kelijia is not only the son of Charlotte Lingling, but also her capable general. There is no reason why she can't execute kelijia Soldiers!

in the later war on the top of the original book, the public execution of ACE led to the same white beard, which was a common tactic of the marshal in the Warring States period.

Many experienced generals only feel that the weather is going to change.

At this time, lieutenant general taotu (now promoted to lieutenant general) said, "but why build the battlefield in G-5 branch?"

"G-5 branch is the closest naval branch to big mom territory. Moreover, kelijia was captured by Lei Yin, so he hated Lei Yin the most. We can set up a maritime blockade at G-5 branch and wait for big mom to arrive! "

lieutenant general dalmetia said:" however, even with qiwuhai and Leiyin, they may not be big mom's opponents. What's more, qiwuhai may not come all the time, or even none of them. "

Darmesia's words are correct. Qiwuhai appears to be a subordinate of Zhengfu, but in fact it is regarded as an enemy by both the Navy and the pirates. In the eyes of the pirates, qiwuhai is the running dog of Zhengfu; in the eyes of the Navy, qiwuhai is a big enemy who may betray at any time. They just make use of each other, so they are generally indifferent to the orders of Zhengfu.

Lei Yin is powerful, but he can't lead the four or five thousand navy of G-5 branch to meet the four emperors of the sea.

According to the research and decision of the headquarters, as for the deployment of the G-5 branch, general Qing Chiku tsan was appointed as the commander in chief, Lei Yin as the deputy commander in chief, Eight Generals including taotu, mole, Huoshaoshan, dalmaicia and stokaberi, and 24 major generals led more than 50000 people to garrison the G-5 branch. General red dog and yellow ape, lieutenant general Kapp as the backup force, once the G-5 branch is determined to fight, immediately go to the battlefield. "

It turned out that the Warring States had already thought about everything.

If the three generals of the Navy's highest combat power headquarters and the elite generals such as Kapp and mole are all dispatched to the G-5 branch, it will inevitably lead to the emptiness of the Navy headquarters. In case big mom is taken by surprise, coating from the sea, bypassing the G-5 branch, and directly leading the army to attack the Navy headquarters, the Navy will lose more than gain. Big mom, after all, is the fourth emperor, not a common little pirate. He also has three generals who offer a reward of about 1 billion yuan. His strength should not be underestimated.

"But is big mom bound to attack?"

"Big mom is moody and grumpy, and this time he was arrested, so the possibility of attack is very high," he said

The peach rabbit admiral looked at Lei Yin with a smile: "to break out such a big war, Lei Yin has become our deputy commander in chief. I feel a little gratified when I am a teacher..."

the peach rabbit's eyes are slightly different when he looks at Lei Yin. On one side, the tea porpoise (who has been in love with peach rabbit for many years, later general candidate in the original book) is very uncomfortable when he sees this.

"Lei Yin is fully qualified to be your deputy commander-in-chief. The next item is a major appointment."

A major appointment? All the people present raised their ears.

"Lei Yin, former admiral of the Navy, has made many remarkable achievements and has outstanding battle records. After the research of this department and the arbitration of the Holy Mary chiaya Council, he is promoted to the acting general of the Navy headquarters, code named Baiju!"

this remark is silent.

On the merits and strength, Lei Yin is absolutely qualified to be in this position. What everyone is surprised at is his ageMany navies, in their twenties, start as soldiers and work hard for thirty or forty years to become lieutenant colonel. If they can become generals, it would be good.

Many navies are proficient in six styles, but they die in the sea and die for their country on one expedition.

Qing pheasant, a senior general of the Navy, was 45 years old. He joined the Navy at the age of 19 and learned from Hei Shou Ze FA. He was about 40 years old when he became a senior general.

Red dog, a navy general, was 51 years old. He joined the Navy at the age of 23 (the same period as yellow APE). He was about 45 years old when he became a navy general.

Huang ape, a navy general, was 54 years old. He joined the Navy at the age of 26. He was about 50 years old when he became a navy general.

Lieutenant general Kapp was 74 years old.

Zhonghe was 72 years old at the time (76 years old after the adventure of Lufei two years ago).

Marshal of the Warring States period, 75 years old (original Lu Fei adventure two years later, 79 years old).

Lei Yin was a third-class marine at the age of 16, and was promoted to acting general at the age of 20!

seeing this resume, what else do you need to say?

A 20-year-old Naval General is unheard of, and the number of generals who have made outstanding contributions to the world's politics is unprecedented.

Everyone's eyes at Lei Yin were full of awe.

It's only a matter of time before you become a Navy General at the age of 20. What will you become in the future? Marshal? Commander in chief? Or even...

it's not too fast to say that it's a rocket ride?

Many people don't even dare to think about it anymore.

Lei Yin heard the order, his face was also muddled. To become a navy general, of course, is more powerful and more popular. However, don't forget that if Tianlong people are in trouble, they will change from commanding a large number of troops to private bodyguards.

Lei Yin is disgusted with the word "running dog"...

the kid who became a general of Shanghai army at the age of 20 may break out a war with the four emperors again... Is there any big change in the world , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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