Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:33 AM

Chapter 202

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"Fragrant feet!"

The Empress tried her best to kick her feet. Suddenly, she felt that she was in the dark and came to a place where she had never been in the future.

"What's the matter? What is this place? " The empress looked around in amazement, but it was a vast expanse of white.

This scene, can't help but let the empress feel some fear in her heart, she has been running all the time, but all around is still a white nothingness, as if endless.

"What's going on? How can you come to such a place? " The empress looked left and right, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she was. "Wasn't she in the palace just now? Where's that bastard Lei yin? "

She was thinking, a figure appeared in front of her.

The empress quickly ran over and looked at the back of a young man.

"Do you know where this is, sir? Can you... Save my concubine to go out...

suddenly, I came to such an absurd place. It was like an endless hell. The empress also put down her usual arrogance and said softly.

"Hankook!" the man turned his back to her, like a bell.

"Ah?" the empress was stunned, "why do you... Know my name..."

at this time, the man slightly measured his head and looked at her with Yu Guang: "don't you... Always remember that person?"

"What did you say? "The empress was more and more surprised.

"The first time he came, you tried every means to kill him, but he saved your sister in the arena. This time, he will come. You dress yourself up carefully to make a good impression on him, but he is determined to go back earlier. Your beauty, charm and strength are in vain in front of him. So, you become angry and vexatious again and again, just to entangle with him for a while, look at him more, and be afraid that he will leave. I am right at all

Every word a man says goes straight into Hankook's heart like a sharp arrow. Hankook can't say what he's feeling. She says angrily, "what are you talking about? No matter who you cheat, you can't cheat your heart. However, you can rest assured that he will not hear this conversation. "

"You son of a bitch!" the empress's fierce temper sprang up again and kicked the man's head. When he was about to kick, the man turned into a breeze and didn't know where to go.

All around her, she became a vast expanse of white again, and the empress became alone again...

just when the empress felt desperate, all of a sudden, the empty space around her disappeared, she felt dizzy and returned to the real world again.

The empress looked around. She was still a woman soldier lying on the ground. Lei Yin was still standing in front of her.

Seeing this, the empress was relieved, but she hesitated in her heart: "what happened just now? Are you overbearing? No... no, how could the overlord color have such an effect? "

Lei Yin was still standing in the same place, looking at her, and her eyes were still turning...

The Empress asked, "Hey, what did you do to me just now? ! "

Lei Yin smiles:" it seems that you have experienced a good journey. "


" don't worry, I only use low-level magic, which will not cause pain... It will only make people feel what they want most. Some people will see a lot of gold in it, some people will see themselves sitting on the supreme throne, some people will see the woman he is dreaming of... But I don't know what you see...

it turns out that the empress was fighting against Leiyin just now, and Leiyin didn't want to use too violent means to deal with her, so she used magic to make her quiet. However, Lei Yin didn't know the illusion of the empress.

This shows that every ninja who can write the blood boundary of lunyan has his own skill. For example, yuzhibo weasel is good at magic, while yuzhibo Sasuke is good at Yandun's Ninjutsu.

Lei Yin's writing eye is not very good at magic.

"You... You are a monster!"

The Empress Jiao drinks and scolds Lei Yin. It can be said that Lei Yin can't do these things at all.

At this time, the strong female soldier and the two sisters of the empress who had been knocked out just now woke up slowly.

"Sister, this guy has not been knocked down yet..."

the women soldiers who wake up pick up the bows and arrows on the ground and prepare to attack Leiyin again.

"Don't waste your efforts, you... Including me, are not his opponents at all..." the empress said a word from the bottom of her heart.

"Lady snake!"

just as the two sides were confronting each other, a female soldier outside the palace ran in in panic.

Empress: "what's the matter?"

"The ship we set sail on was swallowed by the sea king in the sea near the island!""What? ! "

when the empress heard the words, she lost her face...

the ship sent out this time was full of the most elite soldiers on the nine Snake Island, which can be regarded as a mainstay of the nine snake tribe. If it is lost, it will be a huge loss for the nine snake tribe.

"What's the situation now?" Asked the empress anxiously.

"Our guard chief is sending a small group of troops to fight with the sea king class!"

after hearing the words, the empress walked out of the hall with a big stride, and everyone followed her...

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