Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:30 AM

Chapter 205

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Seeing this, Lei Yin didn't want to argue with the empress: "nothing. I didn't say anything."

"Hum!" In the

banquet hall, laughter and laughter continued, and the women soldiers urged him. He drank five or six Jin of Baijiu and slightly drunk. The empress always pretends to be Gao Leng and looks at him secretly. After three rounds of wine, Lei Yin sleeps and sleeps on the dining table. Most of the female soldiers were too drunk to sleep.

At this time, the night has been worth deep, in addition to the snoring, there is no other noise.

The empress didn't drink much wine, and she was still awake. Lei Yin was beside her, sleeping peacefully.

The empress carefully looked at the sound of thunder lying on her stomach. She couldn't tell what she felt.

"Is this a man? It's not like the people I met in the holy land when I was a child. "

Men are rarer than sea kings in the Amazon lily of daughter island. Apart from the twisted nobles in the holy land when she was a child, the empress has never seen other men, let alone observed men so closely.

She was short of breath, and carefully extended her hand to Lei Yin's face. Lei Yin vaguely called the name of "baby-5" in her sleep, and the empress suddenly extended her hand back.

The empress, like a frightened rabbit, looks at the sound of thunder without blinking, like exploring a rare animal she has never seen before. She plucked up her courage again, stretched her hand to Lei Yin's chest and gently touched his muscles. "Is this a man's muscle? So... So strong... "

" b... baby... 5... "Lei Yinhan called again in his sleep. The empress stood up and ran out of the banquet hall.

"If it's found out, it's really troublesome... After all, what are you doing?" The empress ran all the way to her bedroom. Her face was red to the root of her ears. She couldn't understand her behavior just now. She just thought it was subconscious. She just couldn't control her hand...

the next day, it just turned white.

thunder stretched, and one night, nearly eight Jin of Baijiu disappeared in the body, as if he never drank wine.

He looked around and saw that the female soldiers of the nine snakes were still lying on the ground and didn't wake up.

Lei Yin tidied up a little and walked towards the main hall of the imperial palace...

nine snake emperor's bedroom.

"Elder sister, what's the matter with you?"

Santassonia, Mary godru and some female guards were anxiously surrounded by the Queen's bed. The empress's face was flushed, her hands were close to her forehead, her breath was short, and she seemed to be in pain.

"What's the matter? Did she have a hangover yesterday? "

"Can a hangover be such a symptom?"

"It was fine yesterday. How could it be like this overnight?"

"General Lei Yin..."


As soon as the female soldier mentioned the word "thunder sound", the female emperor snorted and then covered her heart with her hand, which made her more miserable.

"Snake Lady!"

"elder sister!"

at this time, a female soldier came to announce: "Snake Lady, general Leiyin has arrived at the main hall of the palace... Please...

" woo

The empress felt more distressed and covered her with her hands.

But Zha's mother-in-law came in and saw all this. He looked at the empress on the Dragon bed with an incredible look and blurted out the two deadly words:

"thunder voice!"

"Wu ah!"

"thunder voice!"

"Wu ah!"

"thunder voice!"


every time Zha's mother-in-law called out "thunder voice", the empress screamed A, pain ground covers chest, bean big fragrant sweat fell down.

"Please shut up, mother-in-law!"

"Lady snake has been in great pain!"

the two imperial sisters are eager to stop mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law glared at me and said, "I guess you are right!"

"what's the disease of sheji?"

my mother-in-law looked solemn: "this disease is very terrible. The last emperor of jiushedao died of this disease..."

"my mother-in-law, please save sheji!"

My mother-in-law looked helpless: "this kind of disease, let alone me, can't be cured even if it's the best medicine in the world, because it's -- Acacia disease!"

"Acacia disease?"

at this time, the empress sat up hard and kept dripping with sweat: "Lei... Where is Lei Yin now?"

"waiting for you in the main hall of the imperial palace."

"Let... Let him come here to see me!"

"yes, Snake Lady!"

in her heart, mother-in-law Zha thought: boy, you've been blessed for several generations, and you can make the world's largest beauty fall in love with youLeiyin came to the palace, the empress forced to endure the discomfort of her body and sat on Salome.

"How's it going? Have you thought about it? Let's have a good talk. " As soon as we met, Lei Yin opened the door to the mountain road.

"Where is the battlefield?" Asked the empress.

"At the G-5 base, if you go there, go straight there."

"And... And you?" Asked the empress.

"I'll go back to the Navy headquarters to report on you, and then I'll be there."

As soon as she heard that Lei Yin was going to the G-5 branch, the empress felt a lot lighter.

Lei Yin: "how to say, do you agree to go?"


"Well, I'll thank you for the Navy first. If you decide, you'll leave now. I'll go back to the Navy first , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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