Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:25 AM

Chapter 210

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Hearing the thunder, tears came out of baby-5's eyes.

"What's the matter with you?" Thunder whispered in her ear.

"They are so pathetic..."

Lei Yin took her hand: "you are so kind..."

the giant was carried down by four staff members, and the host then said: "sorry everyone, there was a little accident just now. The giant had a heart attack and was sent down for treatment. I hope that this small episode will not affect the enthusiasm of the auction. Let's welcome our second product to the stage! "

at the end of the speech, two staff members took a gorgeous woman from the backstage.

"This is a beautiful girl from Donghai. This beautiful face and the devil's delicate body are absolutely beautiful. They are absolutely good objects for noble men's daily entertainment!"

as soon as the host finished, many of the men below were staring at the women on the stage, and their androgens were greatly mobilized.

"Wow! So... So cute...

"what a beauty

"I came just to buy beautiful girls."

"Today, I have a lot of money. I must buy her..."

"what are you talking about? It's me who wants to buy her!"

"it's me!"

"OK, we'll have a competition in a moment!"

"we won't lose to you!"

a fat rich woman said: "cut, are these men crazy? The woman in the grandstand is just average It's just the same

Another skinny rich woman with pockmarks on her face said: "that is, she is more than ordinary. She is just an ugly woman!"

in sharp contrast to the lively atmosphere on stage, the beautiful woman on stage is about to be sold. She is wearing cold handcuffs and shackles. She looks as if she has seen the future hell like life.

"Today, we're here. She's only 21 years old this year. The reserve price of this young body is only 2 million Bailey!"

"Woo Hoo!"

the men under the stage are boiling up again.

"I'll pay 3 million Bailey!"

"I'll pay 5 million!"

"7 million!"

"I'll pay 10 million!"


finally, the girl was bought by a fat, old and bald man for more than 30 million Bailey.

Baby-5 is crying even more...

"well, next, our auction has reached a climax. Let's welcome the third item! "

then a slightly fierce looking man on the stage, nearly two meters in height, was escorted up.

"This is the captain of the pirate from the South China Sea. His name is Keri. He offered a reward of 62 million Bailey. He is born with great power. He is good at using a 220 pound tiger head sword. He has the courage to be invincible. If you buy him back, he will definitely be a powerful bodyguard in your home. Today's big loss auction, the reserve price is 50 million Bailey. "

"I'll pay 55 million!"

"60 million!"

"65 million!"

"I'll pay 200 million!" at this time, chalroth, a man with a clear nose, stood up, gestured a "2" and yelled.

He called, the whole audience was silent.

The price is so high, and he is an invincible dragon, so we dare not speak.

Hearing this, the host's expression immediately became more grandson than his grandson: "Cha... Cha'erluosheng, you are worthy of being the descendant of Wang, the most expensive blood in the world. You are dignified, wise and powerful. You are a big hand."

"Don't talk nonsense to me, send him to the holy land for me!"

"yes, chalroth saint!"

at this time, Leiyin laughed sarcastically: "200 million Bailey sold a 62 million reward prisoner, he really had two money to spend."

"I... I don't want to! I don't want to sell it to Tianlong people!" at this time, the audience cried out.

"Hello! You are a garbage slave. How dare you lose your honor in front of Tianlong people? Do you want to fight or die? ! "the host yelled.

"I... I will not be a slave to the dragon people even if I die!" cried Keri, who did not know where the courage came from.

"You shut up for me!" the host drank high, and at the same time severely kicked Ke lie.

At this time, chalroth stood up and walked onto the stage. He went to the opposite side of Craig and said with a smile, "what did you say?"

Craig swallowed: "I don't want to be yours..."


before Craig finished speaking, chalroth took out his pistol and shot Craig in the head with one shot. The blood and brain rushed out, Craig fell to the ground and was dead.

Some of the following people refused to look directly at the scene and covered their eyes.

"Charlotte, Charlotte Saint...""How much is this slave? I'll pay you... If you dare to fight against tianlongren, that's the end!" said chalroth, digging his nose.

Next, a woman with a bubble hood (Xia luliya) said with a bad smile: "brother, he's really messing around...

the staff came up to clean the stage and continue the auction...

in the cake City, Wan Guo.

"What did you say?" hearing katakuli's words, big mom stopped eating the cake.

Charlotte smuggie put down her wine glass: "second brother, you mean you saw brother Krieger locked on the execution platform of the Navy headquarters?"

"that's right." Katakuli's face was dignified.

Kataku chestnut is extremely powerful in seeing, hearing and color, strong enough to foresee some short-term future. His reward is more than 1 billion!

at this time, a bread soldier (who was injected into the soul by his aunt) ran in panic: "Mom! No good!"

big mom stood up and said: "what's the matter."

"We found a destroyed small island 150 nautical miles away from G-5 branch of the Navy... And the remains of Lord Kerry's biscuit armor!"

"what do you mean? !” , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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