Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:22 AM

Chapter 213

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Navy G-5 branch base.

"All hands! Full speed impact!" big mom drank high and directed his men to sail with all their strength.

One side, kataku chestnut face gloomy: "Mom, no need."


"wait a minute, all the boats can't move."

At the end of katakuli's voice, the general Green Pheasant has arrived at the port, with a lot of cold air in his hands:

"ice age!"

in a short moment, all the waters around the G-5 branch were frozen, and all the pirate ships were frozen on the ice.

As katakuli said.

Eagle's eyes are looking ahead, and I'm so excited... Many strong men on the sea have gathered in this small battlefield, and finally can show their skills. His black sword has long been hungry and thirsty...

"boo yo... Hawk's eye mikhok! Is it the strongest swordsman in the world?"

The speaker was named Bo bin, nicknamed "debt collector", a fighter of big mom Pirate Group. He wore a mask with round eyes and triangular nose, and seemed to have three mouths, holding a huge machete. A reward of 155 million Bailey.

"Eagle eye, let's take down your head!"

Randolph, nicknamed "crane Knight", is a fighter of big mom Pirate Group. He is a human rabbit, but not a fur clan (aunt personifies the animal with her own ability), and the weapon is a long gun.

Bobin and Randolph are eager to make contributions and fight towards eagle's eye.

"Well! The nameless mouse generation! "

the eagle's sharp eyes gazed ahead, just lightly waved the black knife, a blue sword suddenly came out, and accurately chopped them. They couldn't resist, they were buried in the sword, and they fell to the ground and vomited blood one after another. The whole process, just three seconds.

"This is... The strongest power in the world..." the soldiers saw this scene, and all of them sighed.

The pirates continued to fight hard, from the original sea war to land war.

At this time, in the headquarters of G-5 branch, the signalman dialed the phone of the headquarters.

"Moses, this is the Navy headquarters. I'm the Warring States."

"Marshal, the fourth emperor big mom is invading the G-5 branch base!"

after thinking for a moment in the Warring States period, he said to the other end of the phone: "tell the Green Pheasant to stabilize him first, and I will send the general red dog, yellow ape and lieutenant general Kapp to support you."

"Yes, marshal!".

Warring States: "what's the matter? Flustered? "

Lieutenant:" marshal is not well, shambaldi islands area 1, Tianlong people... Were... Killed! "

" what do you say? Two hours ago, there was a population auction in shambaldi islands area 1.

Chalroth threw another five million Bailey on the ground. "How about ten million? This money is enough for you to find many women. You don't have to care about one and a half of them. Sell them to me. "

Leiyin's brain is full of blue veins, and he stares at chalroth angrily.

Chalroth: "Hey, what's that look in your eyes? It's really infuriating. "

The guard beside tianlongren: "Hey, boy, do you want to die? How dare you look at tianlongren with this kind of eyes! "

then, chalroth orders the guards behind him to go up together to catch Lei Yin and baby-5.

These guards are among the best in a hundred. They are selected from the Navy officers to protect the safety of the Tianlong people. They are proficient in the six styles and have extraordinary skills.

One by one, they were furious, and they were killed by Lei Yin.

"How... How is it possible? Lao Tzu's guards were..." seeing the guards who were solved instantly, chalroth became a little flustered. He quickly took out his pistol and aimed at Lei Yin.

Leiyin is not afraid, step by step toward the muzzle of the gun steadily to challos.

A cold sweat broke out on chalroth's face: "don't... Don't come here. If you come here again, I'll shoot!"

Lei Yin didn't seem to hear what he said. He went straight to him and put his head on the muzzle of his gun.

"Leiyin! Let's go..." baby-5 was afraid and urged Leiyin to come back.

Leiyin's head was on the muzzle of the gun, his face remained unchanged, and his eyes looked like ghosts: "you open one...

" but... Hateful... "Seeing Leiyin's eyes, chalroth felt inexplicable fear. He braved himself, and his index finger pulled the trigger...

" Leiyin, come back to me! " Baby-5 desperately tugs at Lei Yin for fear that he will be shot in the head, but Lei Yin does not move.


there was a scream, blood dripping on the ground.However, the blood is not thunder. When we looked closely, we saw that chalroth's right finger fell to the ground with blood, and the trigger was not pulled.

As the saying goes, the fingers are linked to each other. Chalroth covers his severed finger with pain, and his forehead is sweating. "Do you know that I'm a dragon man, you're not afraid to call in a navy general to catch you. Then, I'll catch your girlfriend together... You know the consequences..."

hearing the cold hum, Lei Yin directly steps on chalroth's face: "General of the Navy? I tell you, I am a general of the Navy! You disgusting thing, even dare to threaten me at the end of your life!"

baby-5 tightly grasped Lei Yin's arm: "Lei Yin, forget it, he is a dragon man, let's go!"

"I can't get used to being bullied by others..." with that, Lei Yin's hands flashed white light and drew out three sword like energies Then he took off his arms and cut off his head , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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