Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:21 AM

Chapter 214

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Navy headquarters, Marshal's office.

Beating his hands on the table, he said to the signalman, "get in touch with Lei Yin and let him go to the shampoo islands to catch the guy who killed the Tianlong people."

Signalman: "according to your instructions, we have been in contact with general Leiyin, but the live call is not available."

"Where's the damn boy? Just as a general of Shanghai army, I don't know his last name! I will change his position when I come back this time! "After complaining, the Warring States Army said to the signalman," contact huangape and basoromi bear immediately, ask them not to go to G-5 branch, and order them to lead their troops to the shambaldi islands to catch the rebels! "

" yes! "

after receiving the order, the general huangape contacted the self Zhan taowan, one of his subordinates, rushed to shambaldi Islands...

shambaldi islands, area 1.

At this point, baby-5 desperately tugs at Leiyin: "let's run!"

Leiyin pulls up baby-5's hand and runs out. At this time, the staff of the auction hall comes to see the dead body and rolling head of chalroth on the ground, and they are stunned.

"He actually... Killed the Tianlong people..."

not to mention the incredible things Lei Yin did. Ordinary people, even the Tianlong people, dare not look into their eyes, let alone resist the Tianlong people. A bold man like Lu Fei just punched the face of Tianlong man.

The boy in front of him not only killed the Tianlong man, but also dismembered him!

what courage would it take!

seeing this scene, all the staff were stunned on the spot!

"get out of my way! Don't get in my way if you don't want to die!"

Lei Yin drank loudly, pulled baby-5 to run, and those people were scared to get out of the way...

shampoo group Island two.

Rozwald, chalroth's father, came out with a large group of bodyguards to buy some goods. Suddenly, not far away came a man in a mess. Rozwald recognized that this man was chalroth's bodyguard. He was not killed by Lei Yin and ran out.

The guard flustered and said, "rozwald saint, no good!"

"what's the matter?"

The guard said: "chalroth saint, he... He was killed!"

"what do you say?!"

"I came here to tell you that a young man killed your son."

Rozwald was extremely indignant when he heard the words, "what are you joking about?"

"absolutely true, Saint rozwald!"

rozwald: "call the Navy headquarters quickly and arrest that man for me!"

guard: "I told the headquarters when I came."

In a rage, rozwald took out his pistol and shot it through the guard's heart: "my son is dead, why don't you still die?"

then, rozwald, with his guard, stepped on the guard and ran to area 1 in a hurry...

shampoo islands, area 5.

Lei Yin and baby-5 have already run here. Lei Yin squats down and says, "come up, I'll carry you."

Baby-5 quickly climbs on Leiyin's back, and chakra in Leiyin's body runs at full speed, using fengdun and tudun to fly off the ground.

"Laser light!"

unfortunately, a golden light wave hit, and the thunder was afraid that baby-5 would be hurt, so it lost its balance and fell from the low altitude.

"Baby-5! Are you ok?" Lei Yin asked anxiously, lying on the ground.

Baby-5 staggers to get up from the ground and says, "I'm ok..."

baby-5's constitution is no stronger than thunder, and its legs are black and blue when it falls down.

Seeing that she was ok, Lei Yin was relieved for a moment.

A dazzling figure has been blocked in front of us.

Lei Yin stood up and stood opposite him.

The man who emits the light wave is the great general polusalino!

"Oh, Lei Yin, at first I couldn't believe it was you." The light wave just now was released by the Yellow ape.

The Yellow ape is a man of natural ability, as fast as the speed of light. After receiving the order, he went to the No. 1 Human Trafficking Center, asked for the news of the person who killed the Tianlong people, and traced all the way here.

"There are many things you can't think of in this world, Mr. polusalino. But I'll never let you go of the fact that you hurt my wife. " Lei Yin zhengse Dao.

"Oh, although I know you are very strong, it depends on whether you have the ability to defeat me. What's more, I'm not the only one you want to knock down, Lei Yin Huang ape tone slowly leisurely way.

It's not just the ape that's going to be knocked down? Later, Lei Yin understood the meaning of his wordsNavy G-5 branch base.

Hawk Eye is waving a black knife, ready to kill...


a clear sound of the sword stops Hawk Eye's attack.

"Eagle eye, let me be your opponent!"

Charlotte snag, one of the most powerful "dessert four generals" of the Charlotte family, offered a reward of 720 million Bailey!

with a top-notch dagger, Charlotte snag blocked the world's strongest black knife!

"snag, big mom's four generals?"

Eagle eye confronts him with a black knife, but his eyes show an indescribable excitement...

"sweet wind!"

"arrow of captivity!"

the female emperor's ability to launch again and again petrified some middle and low-level cadres and soldiers of big mom one by one. However, in her heart, she always thought: Lei Yin, why don't you come to fight with me , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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