Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:20 AM

Chapter 215

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Navy G-5 branch base.

Around 100000 people gathered in the small branch base and its vicinity. The sound of shouting and killing, the sound of sword collision, and the roar of guns were heard all the time.

At this time, big mom was sitting on the bow and didn't make a move.

The black clouds are pressing down on the city to destroy it!

The Pirate: "kill all these damned navies! Avenge Lord Krieg!"

Navy: "for the sake of justice, we must never lose to the pirates!"

"fierce pheasant beak!"

an ice bird full of cold suddenly emerged, freezing to death and frostbite the pirates.

"Ice saber!"

then, the ice saber in the hand of general Qing pheasant rushed straight to kill the pirates.


when the Green Pheasant was charging, it didn't know where to shoot a bullet. The Green Pheasant was quick in eyes and hands, and used the ice blade to shoot the bullet away.

It wasn't a bullet, it was a sugar bean.

Look again, a powerful figure has been blocked in front of him.

The man had short crimson hair, was tall, muscular, and had long legs.

He was wearing a scarves like flowers to cover his whole face, wearing black gloves and holding a trident.

Charlotte katakuli, the second son of the Charlotte family, is the first of the four dessert generals. Superman is a person with the ability of waxy fruit, and has a very powerful power of seeing and hearing. A reward of 1.057 billion Bailey!

the sugar bean that prevented the green pheasant from attacking just now was shot from its hand. Sugar beans are more powerful in his hands than bullets!

"Oh? It seems that I have met a big man." Green Pheasant said lazily.

"Green Pheasant, I just want to ask you, where is Lei yin?"

"Lei Yin, that kid, must have gone on holiday."

"Green Pheasant, hand him over quickly. He killed my brother Krieg, and I will tear him to pieces!"

"I really don't know where he has gone, but I also tell you," Green Pheasant dances his ice skate, "if you want to see him, you must defeat me first."

"Then I'll knock you down!"

In this way, the general green pheasant and general katakuli fought together...

on the other side, Hawkeye mikhok and general snag fought for dozens of rounds, and many cracks even appeared on the frozen sea where they fought.

"It turns out that your 720 million head is nothing more than that." Eagle eye light said.

After hearing the words, snag was unconvinced and pointed his sword at his opponent: "eagle eye, you are less proud. Today I will take your head and become famous all over the world!"


The hawk's eyes snorted contemptuously, and he broke the black knife in his hand. A blue sword flashed by. Snag didn't dodge. A deep bone wound was cut out on his right chest, "is the strongest swordsman in the world really invincible..." after that, snag spat blood and fell to the ground...

on the other side, general mole was fighting with a woman.

The woman was tall and thin, wearing a hat and scarf, with long legs and long hair. Wearing a pair of black gloves. Holding a long sword with spiral scabbard, wearing a pair of black boots with pattern.

Charlotte smuggie, the fourteenth daughter of big mom, one of the four dessert stars, is the juice minister. Reward money, 932 million Bailey!

the two swords were together and even sparked.

"Lieutenant General mole, nice to meet you." Smuggie laughed.

Lieutenant general mole also replied: "nothing, we are only responsible for destroying you!"

the two of them are chopping with sword power. Then, a strange looking red substance appeared on the edge of smudge's sword. When he cut the mole, the red substance passed on the edge of the mole's sword and spread to his hand. Suddenly, the mole felt a strong burning sensation. He held the sword hard and stepped back in pain.

"What the hell is this?" The mole threw away the little red substance in his hand.

Smuggy said with a smile: "don't be afraid, Mr. mole, it's just my ability..."

the whole battlefield is full of Shouts. The admiral and the major generals are fighting fiercely with the senior cadres of the Charlotte family. The soldiers are also fighting with muskets and swords. Big mom, who had been sitting in town, finally jumped out of the boat, raised his right hand, and summoned rayon Zeus and the sun Prometheus...

at this time, red dog and Kapp were on their way to the G-5 branch base...

shambaldi islands, area 5.

Hundreds of Marines have arrived to surround Lei Yin and baby-5.

A captain said: "general Lei Yin, please don't fight. Come back to the Navy headquarters with us. The marshal will be relieved."

Lei Yin snorted: "are you my three-year-old? If you go back, you'll go straight to the propulsion city. ""I'm sorry."

The Marines, armed with guns, aimed at their former general.

"You, don't waste your efforts," said the Yellow ape slowly. "You are not his opponent at all. You can only be cannon fodder here."

"However, the great general of yellow ape..."

"step down, and there will be stronger reinforcements in a moment. I'll take care of this first. You go to inform this department of the situation here. "

Hundreds of navy soldiers had to obey the order of the Yellow ape and withdrew one after another.

Lei Yin turned to baby-5 and said, "run fast, I'll hold the ape."

Baby-5's hands have turned into two guns: "no, I want to fight with you!"

"baby-5 is obedient, I need a living you."

"No, to go together, I will not go alone!" this time, baby-5's tone is very determined.

"This silly girl..." looking at the baby-5, Lei Yin sighed helplessly...

she said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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