Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:18 AM

Chapter 217

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Shambaldi islands, area five.

The Yellow ape struggled to get up from the ground and looked at the thunder with an incredible face.

Since he joined the Navy, he has never been defeated, not once!

but today, as a senior general, he was defeated by Lei Yin, 20 years old!

Lei Yin's first use of [thousand birds - Lei Che] has consumed part of the power of the Yellow ape, and later that move [Xianfa spiral hand sword] increased more than twice the usual chakra, so it was defeated.

"I'm sorry, Mr. ape. I'll go first."

With that, Lei Yin recites the baby-5 and is about to take off.

"After committing such a big crime, can we let you go easily, general Leiyin!"

suddenly, another voice came from the void, and several other figures besieged Leiyin and baby-5...

G-5 branch base of navy.

Mole will continue to resist the body that endless stream of strange red material, but the body is still more sticky.

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

The mole was shaking the red things on his body desperately, but only a few parts were shaking down. The burning feeling became more and more intense.

It turns out that smoky's fruit ability (fruit name unknown) is to extract water from the enemy. If he wants to keep the mole at such a level, smoky does not have the ability to extract water from his body at one time, so it shows that where the mole is stuck by smoky's ability, part of his body is sucked dry and feels burned.

Gradually the mole felt weak and resisted.

"Hahaha, what's the matter, Lieutenant mole? Isn't that all right?"

Smuggie is not only a fruit power, but also a very powerful swordsman. She waves the sword in her hand, but the mole can't resist, and many wounds are cut on her body.

Just as smudge cut the mole's neck to prepare for the result, a sword came and blocked the edge of smudge's sword.

"Mi... Mihok..."

the mole raised his eyelids, but he couldn't support it any more and fell to the ground...

it was the strongest swordsman in the world, Hawkeye mihok, who blocked the edge of smuggy's sword. After defeating snag, one of the four generals, he arrived here and just saved the mole.

"It's worthy of more than 900 million heads. They can actually make the generals in this department look like this."

Smuggie smile: "it's a great honor, the world's first swordsman."

Then the Hawk Eye waved his black knife and chopped at smudge, who met him with a long sword...

not far away.

"This... This is the No.1 Beauty in the world, the emperor of nine snakes!"

"brothers, we must catch them alive. Let's have meat tonight!"

"Woo Hoo!"

a large number of male pirates were excited to see the empress, and they all wanted to capture her alive immediately.

Hankuk, the female emperor, is fighting with these soldiers and middle and low-level cadres. The female emperor only has the ability to petrify the enemy one by one, and does not have much heart to fight, because she always thinks of the man who promised her to fight side by side, but has not come yet...

on the other hand, general Qingzhi and katakuli are fighting in full swing.

"Fierce pheasant beak!"

Green Pheasant waved his right fist, and the ice bird full of cold air suddenly appeared...

"Nuo Nuo flying leg!"

katakuli's right leg suddenly turned into a huge new year cake, which directly wrapped the ice bird released by Green Pheasant in it, but even so, the New Year cake also instantly formed a big mass of ice.

"Ice block - polar spear!"

the Green Pheasant crossed his hands to produce two frozen spears, and then fired towards the katakuli with explosive speed...

"Nuo Nuo - super heavy hit!"

the katakuli was not willing to be outdone, and his right fist turned into a rice cake, stretched and attached with armed color, which smashed the katakuli's [two ice spears] instantly.


the Green Pheasant, seeing that it couldn't make a single hit, put out its right hand and spread out its five fingers to shoot five ice hockey balls...

"Wulian henaizi!"

katakuli and the Green Pheasant made the same action, shooting five snake like substances from five fingers, hitting each other in two directions and counteracting each other.

In this way, the Green Pheasant kuzan and katakuli are inseparable.

At the rear of the Pirate Group, big mom finally jumped out of the boat. On the left, there was a thundercloud Zeus, and on the right, the sun was Prometheus.

At this time, with a wave of her right hand, Prometheus trembled in the sun, and a burning breath came to the Navy.

"Fire in the sky!"

a high-temperature fireball burst in the Navy, which attracted the attention of many navies.

"Be careful, everyone! The fourth emperor big mom has made a move!"

an unknown naval officer yelled, and all the soldiers were ready."Fire in the sky!"

big mom waved his left hand again and issued the same ability as just now. A large area of navy was attacked and killed.

Green Pheasant, the commander-in-chief of the general, saw the scene and turned it into ice. He was going to fight big mom, but katakuli fired a new year cake shell to stop him.

"Where are you going? Mr. Green Pheasant? Now your opponent is me Katakuli said.

Green Pheasant is very helpless, but he is secretly worried: if it goes on like this, I'm afraid the Navy will be defeated by big mom...

he is entangled by katakuli and can't get away.

Big mom's launch just played down the release of two flames and killed five or six hundred navies. She gradually approached the base as if she had no one.

"Fire in the sky!"

She once again urged Prometheus, and a big fire was about to fall on the Navy again...

"ghost dog!"

a heat wave came from nowhere and blocked the big fire...

the fire was about to fall on the Navy again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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