Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:16 AM

Chapter 219

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Navy G-5 branch base.

A hot fire fell from the sky, and it was about to hit the Navy again. At this time, a group of hot magma hit up...


the magma collided with the fire, turned into small fireballs in midair, and dropped on the ice, making a sound of "Yiyi".

"This is the naval base of the unit to maintain world order. You will never be allowed to violate justice, big mom..."

speaking of the just arrived general red dog, accompanied by the top fighting force of the Navy headquarters, lieutenant general Kapp.

In this way, the four Imperial Regiment, which had the absolute advantage, became equal because of the arrival of these two people.

"Red Dog general! Lieutenant general Kapp!"

seeing these two men coming, the Navy cheered and felt a lot harder.

Red dog stood on the high platform and said: "for justice, these damned pirates must not be allowed to step into the base!"

"woo Hoo!" for a moment, the morale of the Navy reached its peak.

"Well! Big mom looked at them waving his left hand, and Leiyun Zeus turned into a small electric light link to the sky.


not long after that, a thunder suddenly came down and directly attacked the artillery position behind the Navy.

"The dog gnaws at the red lotus!"

the red dog yells, and the melting magma arm turns into a huge dog like shape, which hits with the thunder light and scatters in two directions. At this time, Kapp quickly flew forward, wrapped the armed color on douda's fist, and hit big mom with one blow, which made him retreat for several steps...

on the other side, ice and rice cake kept splashing, katakuli and the general Green Pheasant were fighting inextricably; sword spirit and chopping wave crisscrossed, Hawkeye mikhok and smudge were also fighting inextricably; the empress kept on launching The fruit's ability petrifies and smashes the pirates; not far away, the peach rabbit and Charlotte perosepero (Charlotte's eldest son, candy minister, offering a reward of 700 million Bailey) also fight together...

and the general red dog sees that the magma in his hand is more and more intense, "volcanic meteor!"

with a loud drink, the red dog concentrates the power of magma on his shoulder At that time, a mass of red hot material rose to the mid air, and then the material suddenly burst open in mid air, turned into thousands of hot meteorites, and spread out to the pirates.

Roar, roar!

some of the hot magma smashed on the ice and burned the ice directly, some of them exploded directly in the group of pirates, and the captured pirates were killed and injured in the scream.

Big mom saw this, urged the sun Prometheus, also issued a hot ball of fire, stopped the red dog's attack.

"Red Dog kid, don't be too arrogant in front of me."

Big mom stretched out his hands, and there were little spots on his hands...

not long after that, the originally killed pirates and the Navy stood up, picked up their swords and guns, and prepared to fight again.

The Marines were stunned. And the pirates showed ferocious smile one by one.

What the navies didn't expect was that those who stood up and "resurrected", whether they were the Navy or the pirates, said that the edge of attack was directed at the Navy.

"What's the matter?"

Many navies were shocked.

It turns out that the "Resurrection" of the dead, together with the fire and lightning just now, are the abilities of big mom soul fruit. She injected the stored soul into the fire, lightning and corpse, giving it vitality.

Kapp saw this and flew forward again. His dark fist called back to his aunt again, "iron fist!"

"enough for me! Kapp!"

this time, big mom countered with his fist, and the two fists collided with each other. There was a huge sound explosion, and Kapp was beaten back for several steps.

Red dog saw this and urged the hot magma in his hand: "big fire!"

the magma rushed out towards aunt, but in front of her, dozens of newly "resurrected" bodies suddenly appeared, which were instantly burned to coke, but aunt was undamaged.

"Artillery! Fire!"

an unknown major general waved a command knife, and dozens of artillery in the back row fired together. These shells, without exception, roared and burst on aunt. When the smoke gradually dispersed, aunt was still standing in the same place unharmed.

"But... Hateful..."

"is this the fourth emperor?"

"She has no weakness at all!"

the Marines cried out in despair, and big mom launched another attack...

shambaldi islands, area 5.

Px-5 gets the command from General Huang ape, opens his big hand and grabs baby-5, but Lei Yin is very anxious, and rushes forward to rescue."Pressure cannon!"

basoromi bear bombarded the compressed shells directly at the thunder sound. His physical strength and chakra's left thunder sound could not be resisted, so he was blasted on the ground for dozens of rolls before stopping.

Dragging his embarrassed body, Lei Yin stood up with difficulty.

At this time, baby-5 has been taken away by px-5.


Lei Yin's face is not reconciled, but helpless. Since he came to this world, he has never met such a desperate situation.

"Woo Hoo!"

the extremely unwilling thunder roared, and an extremely powerful energy ripple spread out in all directions with him as the center. The three people, except Zhan taowan, felt dizzy, the other two were not seriously affected.

"Oh, so powerful and powerful, Lei Yin, you really surprised us," said the Yellow ape leisurely , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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