Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:13 AM

Chapter 221

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Shambaldi islands, area five.

Basoromi bear sends out a huge shock wave, ready to give thunder a fatal blow.

However, when the dust gradually dispersed, the thunder was intact.

When they looked at it, an old man with silver hair held a standard sword in front of Lei Yin.


looking at the old figure in front, Lei Yin was surprised.

When the other three saw the old man, they all looked shocked.

The old man in front of Lei Yin has silver hair, a pair of glasses on his handsome face and a straight scar on his right eye.

He is the old slave who Leiyin met in the No.1 human trafficking, who is drinking wine leisurely.

[underworld] sylbaz Riley, right wrist of the pirate king, former vice captain of Roger Pirate Group!

it's Riley who blocks the shockwave of basoromi bear for Leiyin.

Lei Yin didn't understand why he wanted to save himself, so he asked him.

"Where's the girl next to you?" Leili asked Leiyin.

Lei Yin: "they took him."

"Even their own women are not well protected, you do too incompetent man ah."


" don't be sentimental. I came to save you just for your girlfriend. "

"Ha?" Lei Yin doesn't understand.

Then Raleigh told the story.

It turns out that Raleigh always likes to dress up as a homeless tramp, waiting for the auctioneer to capture him. Then he breaks free with his own ability and takes the opportunity to sneak into the auction house and steal the money. He stole 120 million Bailey from the auction.

Moreover, at the auction, relying on the strong's intuition (seeing, hearing and acting), Raleigh noticed Lei Yin and his wife early on. He opened up all his seeing and hearing and heard their conversation. So he knew that baby-5 had sent 500000 Bailey to buy him to save him.

Raleigh may feel that he indirectly owes the little girl baby-5, although Raleigh doesn't need her to save her.

Listen to Leili's words, it means to help Leiyin fight against thunder.

But Lei Yin couldn't say what he was feeling, moved? Puzzled? Suddenly?

in fact, as early as before, they met once and had a fight. At that time, Lei Yin turned into "thunder" with Transfiguration ("I'm gone, what do you do?" Lei Yin asked Lei Li.

Raleigh: "it's not your business to worry about. I just want to repay the kindness of that beautiful and kind young girl (baby-5). If you are a man, please save her as soon as possible!"

"thank you very much, Mr. Raleigh. If you are in trouble in the future, I will go through fire and water to save you." Lei yindao.

Leili: "so much nonsense, let's go now!"

Leiyin bows behind him, urges chakra, the last point in his body, to open immortal mode, absorbs chakra from nature, drags his embarrassed body and slowly flies into the air.

"Leiyin, you don't want to go alone!" Zhan taowan drank and wanted to stop Leiyin. He wrapped his arms around his arms and went to Leiyin quickly, trying to knock down the Leiyin that had just taken off.


there was a clear sound of the sword, Raleigh shot down Zhan Tao Pill on the ground.

Basoromi bear was still unwilling, compressed the air to form an air gun, and hit Leiyin, while Leili flew away to block the blow for Leiyin.

The Yellow ape watched Leiyin run, but he had no choice. Let alone the powerful Hades, even the Yellow ape had no power to attack.

"I told you to let him run, but you can't catch him easily." Raleigh smiles at the three.

The Yellow ape said slowly, "why do you want to take a stab in the underworld Raleigh? That kid turned out to be a navy general. How did you know him?"

Raleigh laughed: "of course I know he is a navy general."


"I not only know that he is a navy general, but also that he has defeated the golden lion, sturgeon, Alfred Domingo, and many other navies who have paid hundreds of millions of pirates." Raleigh said with a smile.

It's no wonder that in recent years, news of Lei Yin has been published in the newspapers, and it's hard not to know about him. But Raleigh spoke as if there was something in it.

Zhan taowan: "anyway, it's our navy's business. Why do you have to step in?"

Raleigh's face continued to smile: "you're wrong. It's not my own business. He is so young that he can fight with the three of you for such a long time without being knocked down. In my opinion, that kid will surely turn the world upside down in the future. "

Basoromi bear: "Pluto, if it's like this, don't blame us for being rude to you."

In this way, four people fight together. Leiyin has fled the shampooland islands and is flying towards the city of propulsionNavy G-5 branch base.

Kataku's ability to use waxy fruit to wrap up the violent big mom and retreat while fighting. Dessert generals and senior cadres gradually came out of the siege and ran to the ship. However, they realized that most of the sea surface was still frozen, and the ship couldn't go at all. For a moment, they were in a dilemma...

red dog used its ability to make hot magma fly all over the sky, falling like a high-temperature meteorite, madly falling towards the fleeing Pirate Group, and the big mom pirate group suffered a lot of casualties...

red dog used its ability to make hot magma fly all over the sky , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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