Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:12 AM

Chapter 222

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Leiyin and chakra are less and less in midair. Finally, he almost exhausted his energy and fell from midair...

shambaldi islands, area 5.

The Yellow ape was first defeated by thunder, and now he can't release even a complete laser beam. In the battle between basoromi bear and thunder, he also consumes more than half of his energy. The situation of zhantaowan is not much better. The combat power of three people is equal to that of an elite general.

Raleigh came full of blood and easily blocked three people by himself.

If they are all full of blood, Leili and Leiyin will not be rivals.

In this way, Raleigh safely body and back, and did not do too much entanglement with the three people.

When the navy of the brigade came to meet them, the three men were disheartened and returned to the Navy headquarters.

At this time, px-5 escorts baby-5 to the propulsion city.

In this way, she was handcuffed with dark and cold hailou stone, and was gradually escorted to the prison. When passing by the cell, the male prisoners kept whistling when they saw baby-5. Baby-5 looks around like a frightened kitten...

Navy G-5 branch base.

Almost all the important members of the big mom Pirate Group have retreated to the back of the ice, but the ship has been frozen and can't start at all...

red dog wants to kill all the pirates and send out [volcanic meteor], which is like meteorite like magma to the pirates, causing a lot of casualties.

However, what people did not expect was that it was the red dog's action that saved the big mom Pirate Group.

Red Dog erupted magma not only hit a large number of pirates, but also many fell on the frozen sea.

"Not good!" Kapp whispered in his heart. The sea had turned into a large area.

The pirates took advantage of the situation and tried their best to swim to the ship. Some of them had already arrived on the ship and set off. In this way, although the pirates lost more than half of their troops, the important members of the Charlotte family, except for snag, one of the four generals, who was seriously injured by the eagle eye, had almost no loss.

The Yellow ape truthfully reported what happened in the shambaldi islands to the marshal of the Warring States period.

The Warring States period heard the report of the Yellow ape, and his face became more and more gloomy: "that damned kid, thanks to our respect for him... The defected general... Is a great disgrace to the Navy!"

yellow Ape: "marshal, what should we do next?"

After thinking for a while, the Warring States period said, "according to your description, there are only two choices for the kid, to push the city or not. We must do his plan to advance the city. We will ambush heavy troops near the gate of justice and catch them on the spot when he comes. "

"I see."

"Also, immediately issue a reward order for Lei Yin..."

"how much is the reward?"

"Now the top of the navy is not here. For the time being, it's 950 million Bailey. "

"950 million..."

"well. Lei Yin has also suffered a lot from the war with you. You should go back to rest for a while, and I will teach you the task of ambushing the gate of justice. "


The Yellow ape can resist thunder for a while. If it's someone else, it's hard to say. The reason why Lei Yin's reward is tentatively set at 950 million is that he has defeated 860 million [thousand handed] cradles.

In this way, the first defecting general in the world history of the pirate king was born, and Lei Yin's reward order was issued.

Lei Yin almost exhausted his physical strength and fell from mid air...

fortunately, Lei Yin did not fall into the sea, but fell on an unknown island. Lei Yin was hung on a tree, passed out in a coma, but unconsciously entered the saint Buddha ridge.

"Leiyin... Leiyin?" a civet cat with a height of 1.2 meters shook him.

Lei Yin gradually wakes up. In front of her is the civet cat Sword Fairy.

"After sleeping for several hours, your physical strength has finally recovered..."

"Oh, civet cat Sword Fairy... No, I have to go quickly." Lei Yin is thinking about baby-5 in her heart and is about to leave.

Civet Sword Fairy said: "although I don't know what kind of battle you have experienced, I can see that it is quite fierce. You've got a lot of chakras, but I didn't expect that you'd run out of them, so... "

" so? "

" remember what the system said? It takes 100 million Bailey to draw blood for the first time, 1 billion Bailey for the second time, and 10 billion Bailey for the third time... "

" how to say? "

" you have to thank Buddha for this. In order not to let you encounter such embarrassing things again, Buddha forced your second blood limit to be a blood limit with a large amount of chakra, that is to say, you drew blood for the second time It's going to be the boundary of blood. ""Chakra has a lot of blood to go to the limit?"

"yes, but the premise is that you have to make up one billion Bailey. We can't break the rules, and we can't help you do everything. It is our friendship and your efforts that Buddha has done this. "

"In this way, I am very grateful to Buddha and you," Lei Yin stood up. "I have something important to do. Let's go first."

Civet Sword Fairy said: "also, the injury of kitten has been completely cured, you can call him at any time."

"Thank you. We'll see you later."

"Goodbye." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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