Published at 25th of May 2022 08:40:10 AM

Chapter 224

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Navy headquarters, Marshal's office.

Seeing that Kapp was going to leave, the Warring States period was very anxious: "Kapp, calm down for me!"

Kapp said angrily: "how can you calm me down? I'm so kind to that boy. I've worked hard to cultivate him for so many years, but I didn't let him become a pirate!"

"what can I do? You don't even know where he is. Isn't it a waste of time to find him now? And it's special now In this period, big mom is likely to make a comeback, and the headquarters can't do without you! "

" I don't care! "Capgo drinks and goes to find Leiyin.

"Karp! I don't want you to mess around!" the Warring States period gave a loud shout and pushed Karp to the ground.

Several big men drag baby-5 out, trying to do something wrong with it. At this time, another guard comes to them.

"Hey, brother, do you want a share?" The guard holding baby-5's left hand said to the approaching guard.

"Brother, it's a good time for you to come here. This little girl is ours today. Enjoy it..."

these guards who want to be unfaithful to baby-5 don't want to "share a piece of the cake" for the coming guards, but in order to block his mouth, they don't want to talk to the warden and others, they can only let him taste the "sweetness".

Baby-5 struggled to break free and yelled: "you thousand knife killing animals, let me go!"

the guard team leader ignored the shouting woman, but said to the coming guard: "brother, you are lucky. After I have used it, you can have a taste of two delicacies..."

unexpectedly, the coming guard pressed the brim of his hat, and his voice was very low but muddy Kindness: "let go of your dog paws!"

the guard team leader was stunned, and then said: "numb, let you get a woman for free, you Tama don't know how to praise."

"Believe it or not, how many brothers will kill you on the spot?" said the man holding baby-5's right hand.

The guard's voice came like a ghost: "I say again, take your dog's paws away, or I will make you die in pain!"

"numb, boy, are you twisted?" The two guards let go of baby-5 and will beat the guard who comes.

Coming up, the guard drew several white arcs in the void, which were like sword Qi and dismembered the two guards alive.

The guard team leader and other guards have been standing in the same place!

when they came, the guard didn't want to hide any more and changed into a young man.

This young man is the Naval General Lei Yin who has just defected!

"Lei Yin!" when he saw Lei Yin coming, baby-5 cried out.

The thunder sounds dark, and chakra blinds baby-5. When these people were stunned, they were all dismembered by Lei Yin, leaving only the guard team leader. The guard team leader's legs softened, fell to his knees and kowtowed.

"Brother, no, sir... I'm wrong. Please let me go, sir." The team leader looked at his dismembered subordinates and their bodies were still wriggling. He was so scared that he kowtowed.

"There are some things I can spare you, this matter... You give me pain to die..."

Lei Yin waved his arm, continued to release the sharp [white blade], first cut off the little captain's finger, and then dismembered him.

In the scream like a terrible hell, these relatively bad baby-5 people were killed by Lei Yin in a cruel way, and slowly lost their breath.

Thunder blocked baby-5's eyes because the scene was too bloody.

After the severe execution of these people, Lei Yin took baby-5's hand and ran out.

While running, Leiyin releases the dark chakra in front of baby-5.

But baby-5 began to cry, "I didn't expect that you could come to save me so soon..."

Lei Yin took her by the hand and ran: "I didn't protect you, I'm very sorry."

"I'm very grateful that you can come to save me."

Lei Yin: "what are you talking about? Even if you fall into the 18th floor of hell, I'll take you out!"

baby-5 was even more moved by the words and burst into tears. She said in a delicate voice: "Lei Yin ~ I really... Didn't marry the wrong person... If you come later, I really don't know what will happen to me..."

"intruder, stop! You're surrounded!"

you're in the middle of the battle While they were talking, a large group of guards and jailers appeared in front of them, looking at them with swords and guns.

They found this in the surveillance room.

Some people are surprised to see Lei Yin. "Hey, that's general Lei Yin... He was our deputy director here."

"Big... Big general..."

"he is not a big general now!"Just as people were holding guns at Lei Yin and beating drums in their hearts, a dwarf came with a large group of jailers and blue orangutans.

Saru days, advance city warden chief, commander of blue orangutan. He is a short figure with only two heads and a hat with two horns. Holding a trident gun like a flute.

Lei Yin couldn't help staring at the Trident gun...

sarudys had just finished the meeting when he received a report from the guard in the monitoring room, so he led his team to stop Lei Yin and his wife.

Baby-5 is a little scared, and holds Lei Yin's arm tightly...

sarudys said to the jailers and guards: "he is no longer a general now. We have just received the notice after the meeting that Lei Yin has become an evil pirate, and we must work together to deal with them...

" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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