Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:59 AM

Chapter 235

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The reason why Lei Yin gives such a vague definition to his heart is to divide the boundary of strength.

I don't know what my current strength is compared with Sihuang...

according to Lei Yin's instructions, the ship headed for the G-5 base branch.

"Boss, we are pirates now. Why do we have to go to the naval base?" Some people asked, puzzled.

Lei Yin smiles: "we, of course, want to open up a base of our own."

"You mean to attack the G-5 branch."

Lei Yin: "maybe, there is no need to attack."

"Oh, the boss used to be a base commander there. There must be your old headquarters."

"You're smart."

As we all know, this kid who rescued himself from the propulsion city is a former general of the Navy headquarters. Now he offers a reward of 950 million pirates. If you follow him, you may break into the world.

"Little ones, please stir up the world with me Lei Yin cheered, and all the pirates below responded. Baby-5 on the side saw her husband like this and covered her mouth with a sweet smile.

Now, there are only 200 pirates and 400 blue orangutans left on this warship.

One day later, the warship finally arrived at the G-5 branch of the destination.

Seeing the arrival of a strange warship, the sentries at the port began to question.

Lei Yin came out of the cabin on the top floor, and everyone was surprised. He held up his gun and didn't know whether to shoot or not.

Once upon a time, Lei Yin was the real base commander and supreme commander here.

Now, it has become the opposite of them.

Lei Yin's thoughts moved, and his feet seemed to soar into the clouds. He flew directly above the G-5 branch: "listen to all the brothers of the G-5 branch. I'm Lei Yin, the former commander of your base, but now I'm not a navy. I think you all know...

it's strange if you don't know such a big thing?

At this time, a lieutenant general led the army out and looked up at Lei Yin one after another.

The lieutenant general's name is Amanda, who is the current base chief of G-5 branch.

This Amanda has a round face, big ears, straight nose and square mouth. Her cheeks are full of whiskers. She is three meters tall and ten meters wide. It seems to be brave to carry a big knife.

"Leiyin! You are a traitor to the enemy and the country! Zhengfu treats you well. Why do you want to defecte?"

Amanda points at Leiyin and yells at him.

For Amanda's high sounding words, Lei Yin just suddenly smiles.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no way, you break in! Now that you have the courage to come back, you don't want to go!"

Amanda said, waving a knife and stepping on the moon step, straight towards the thunder in the air...

for this, the thunder smile, suddenly draw the knife and cut, a half moon sword directly down, Amanda with a knife to separate, but can't resist. In mid air, the body is torn into two parts.

Admiral's strength is also strong and weak. Amanda's strength is estimated to be on the same level as that of lieutenant general [chopper] Bastille.

They're all so vulnerable that they give their heads away. However, this is also relative to Leiyin.

The general is dead, and the morale of the army is even more lax.

After killing Amanda, Leiyin continued in mid air: "I think my meaning is very clear, right? I'm not here to trouble you, but to build a base here. If you want to stay with me, I will not be embarrassed. You can go back to the Navy. However, if you resist... I will not leave any feelings! "

the meaning of Lei Yin has been clearly expressed, that is, he wants to occupy the G-5 branch as a pirate.

Because he used to be a base commander here for a long time, and many of the navies here were trained by him, so he has the courage to say so.

"I'd like to follow Mr. Lei Yin!"

the first one to speak is the swite (monkey fruit golden monkey form) that Lei Yin pulled into the Navy from the West Sea. Lei Yin is very kind to him. Over the years, Lei Yin is also the best person to him.

In his heart, Lei Yin is his benefactor. What does it matter whether he joins this bullshit Navy or not?

"I'd like to follow Mr. Leiyin, too!"

"and me!"

the second and third people are Kelvin and Bolen Liuma. Craven, needless to say, has followed Raymond for many years. Bolun Liuma is a swordsman and a lone ranger. He has seen Leiyin's incomparable momentum and strength many times. As a qualified swordsman, he is very concerned about these.

"Then... Count me in!" Sniper shotel hesitated for a moment, but also said he would like to follow Leiyin.

Several leaders have expressed their willingness to surrender, and the Marines have defected.

Of course, not everyone is willing to.

Many people come to work for Zhengfu to eat the royal food. It's very nice. Will people be willing to let them be pirates all of a sudden?Therefore, Lei Yin once again declared that if he did not want to follow him, he had already prepared two warships for them in the port and could go now.

Some navies, looking at me and looking at you, walked cautiously towards the port...

there were nearly 4000 troops in the G-5 branch base, and more than 2100 people in this walk. Many of them are recruits. Lei Yin doesn't have prestige in their hearts. There are also family members who are not here. Maybe some of them want to stay with Lei Yin, but their family members are outside. If the Navy knows that they are rebellious, he may be OK, but his family will suffer.

Anyway, each has its own reasons. After more than half of the people left, Lei Yin kept his promise and let them go.

The rest should be people who follow Leiyin sincerely.

So almost bloodless, Leiyin won the G-5 branch base.

In addition to the pirates Lei Yin rescued from the propulsion City, he now has more than 2200 subordinates and more than 400 blue orangutans.

Lei Yin, standing on the high platform, can't help but feel all sorts of emotions when he sees his subordinates who really belong to him...

"boss Lei Yin! Are we a pirate group now?"

"Of course, with so many people and the strength of the boss, we are still a big pirate group after occupying the naval base."

"In the future, shall we call captain Leiyin?"

"Captain Leiyin!"

seeing that everyone is in such a high mood, Leiyin is also in a good mood. "We have made such a big noise that the navy can't turn a blind eye to it. I'm afraid the next day is not as easy as you think."

"It's OK, we'd like to make a world shaking together with the captain!"


in this way, the [Leiyin Pirate Group] was officially established, and the G-5 branch base was changed to the [Leiyin Pirate Group] base.

However, they seem to have forgotten a person, a beautiful woman... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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