Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:53 AM

Chapter 241

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It turned out that bigumam already knew about the arrival of Leiyin and the empress. They interrogated around chocolate town. They had already been seen by the eyes and ears and reported to their aunt. In addition, katakuli's powerful power of seeing and hearing makes it impossible for him not to feel the arrival of Leiyin.

Katakuli turned out of the cake city and came to the border forest...

all nations, the fruit spring of the border forest.

Leiyin and the empress lie on the ground. After drinking a lot of wine, they both feel that they can't distinguish things. Then, gradually, the empress went to see Leiyin, and Leiyin also went to see the empress. Her eyes were opposite to each other...

she had no colorful Phoenix and wings, and her heart was a little smart.

The empress's face flushed and her chest fluctuated violently. She lay down and looked at Lei Yin with her eyes very blurred, more charming and attractive than usual.

Now in front of Lei Yin's eyes, she has a more beautiful face than any woman.

Fengliu tea, wine is the matchmaker of color.

The empress couldn't help but reach out to touch the thunder sound. The thunder sound was dizzy and couldn't control herself any more. She stood up and hugged the empress princess to a high grass. They took off their clothes, turned the clouds and the rain, and fell in love with each other. They didn't know what heaven and earth were...

I don't know how long it took.

The empress slowly opened her eyes and looked at the man who was sleeping naked. She couldn't tell what she was feeling.

There is a little blood below...

did you give it to him like this?

The empress nestles tightly in Lei Yin's arms, the man who takes away her first time.

After a while, Lei Yin woke up. Seeing that the empress is holding herself naked, Lei Yin can't help but feel a little surprised.

Lei Yin gently pushes away the empress and prepares to dress. But the empress suddenly hugged him and said in his ear, "Hello! Now, I'm your woman, and you have to be responsible for me... "

Lei Yin slowly breathed out:" I know, let's... Get dressed first... "

for others, Lei Yin is not afraid, mainly because there is a baby-5 at home.

In fact, after coming to this world, Lei Yin learned that this world is not monogamous. Noble men can marry many women.

No man doesn't like beautiful women. What's more, the empress is the most beautiful woman in the world. Of course, Lei Yin is no exception. Besides, he and the empress have known each other for such a long time, experienced so much, and already have feelings.

Baby-5, let's go back.

Think of here, Leiyin Dafang took the hand of the empress, pulled over to kiss a mouth. He likes the man so active, the empress of course is very happy, Jiao voice way: "Hello, I now is also your wife?"

Lei Yin: "of course."

What the empress meant was to confirm the relationship between the two, and then to acknowledge the original status of baby-5. After all, they came first. It seems that the empress does not care too much about her status as a concubine.

She has been "concubine body, concubine body" all day. This time, she has really become "concubine body".

"That... Baby-5 and I, who do you think is good?" the empress holds Lei Yin's arm and asks a sensitive question.

"Let's get your sister out first, and I'll tell you when we get back." Said Lei Yin.

"Well, all right." The empress became as obedient as the little girl.

"Hello! You are so tired of dogs and men!"

Just as they were making love, a discordant voice came from the void.

Lei Yin sweeps away with his arrogance and turns around... It's katakuli, the head of the four generals under the four emperors bigumam!

katakuli stares at them coldly with a strong murderous air.

However, none of them came to katakuli.

Katakuli sat on a big rock not far away and came up from all sides of Leiyin and the empress. Four people surrounded them in the core.

To the East, a man with a long white beard, fierce, swarthy and armed with a three pointed gun. Charlotte Dafu, the third son of the Charlotte family, is a Superman with the ability of transpiration fruit, Minister of beans, one of the men called monsters by the family, offering a reward of 490 million Bailey!

in the west, a man with three blade black hair, a look like a professional boxer, and a pair of gloves and black trousers. Charlotte Owen, the fourth son of the Charlotte family, Superman is a hot fruit power man, a scorched minister, one of the men who are called monsters by the family, offering a reward of 510 million Bailey!

in the south, his face, including his whole body, flows down like butter, and his facial features can only be seen vaguely. He is huge, and he is always breathing "Hula Hula". Charlotte opella, the fifth son of the Charlotte family, Superman is a cream fruit capable person (invented, the official name is not given), Minister of fresh cream, offering a reward of 502 million Bailey.

In the north, she is a woman, with short pink hair, lipstick, fair skin, purple cape and red skirt. Charlotte Garrett, the 16th daughter of Charlotte family, Superman is a person with the ability of butter fruit (invented, official name not given), butter minister, offering a reward of 388 million Bailey!"How about this gift I prepared for you? [rebel general] Lei yin? "Kataku Lipi, who was not far away, said with a smile.

Four ministers of the Charlotte family surrounded them. Lei Yin and the empress stood back to back...

"now, are we fighting side by side?" Standing behind the empress, Lei Yin said softly.

"Well, I'd like to live and die with you..." the empress said in an unprecedented gentle way.

Before the war between the Navy and bigumam, Leiyin promised the empress to fight side by side, but today it really came true in such an intimate way.

It's said to be intimate, but the enemy we are facing is extremely dangerous. You know, four people plus katakuli have offered a reward of nearly three billion Baileys!

from the words "live and die together" of the empress, we can feel the tension before the battle.

"Well! Charlotte Dafu took the lead in the attack with a bang. He put his three pointed gun on the ground and rubbed his hands against each other. A demon like himself came out of his body, like calling Aladdin's magic lamp. The demon pulled up his three pointed gun on the ground and struck the empress with a chop, "demon chop!"

the devil cut the empress< At this time, Charlotte opella also took advantage of the opportunity to launch an attack. His body became creamy and gradually melted, and the viscous liquid spread on the ground turned into tentacles to catch the thunder....

on the side of the empress, she bent down and dodged Dafu's chopping attack, then made a double hand gesture A peach heart shape, a pink light wave has suddenly come out...

not far away, katakuli looked at the battle here and said "no good"...

in the dark , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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