Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:50 AM

Chapter 244

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Just a moment ago, Lei Yin had suddenly sealed the seal:

"Lei Dun - pseudo dark!"

dozens of earth shaking thunder blasts rose from the ground and blasted toward the top of the python, smashing the rice cakes one after another.

I thought it would be over in this way, but I didn't expect that those fried rice cakes would gradually heal up again...

when will this endless healing be finished?

After the fruit awakens, does the combat effectiveness have no end?

Standing in the same place, Lei Yin thought: do you have to use that move? No, that move is used to deal with Sihuang...

then use this move. It's not impossible to defeat katakuli with this move.

Suddenly, there was an incredible force between Leiyin's middle finger and forefinger...

katakuli's face was ugly, as if he had a premonition of something extremely bad. Suddenly, he was in a cold sweat...

when he was in the East China Sea, Leiyin used this move to kill 5 million reward criminals. Later, this move was strengthened step by step and upgraded step by step, playing an important role in all previous battles A small role.

Now, it's time to make the most of its power.

[when white teeth show their light, they will become sharp teeth to destroy the darkness!]

"the second segment of flying Thunder - silver knife flickers!"

katakuli dodges quickly, but the speed of the thunder sound has reached the extreme. Although katakuli has the ability of short-term prophet, his speed does not allow him to react.


in his heart, kataku Li had been cut open by Lei Yin, and the next moment, he fell into a pool of blood.

This [silver sword twinkles] was created by Qi Mu Shuo Mao, the father of Qi Mu Kakashi. In the early days, Leiyin's white blade was inspired by his move, Shanzhai's Ninjutsu. Later, with the enhancement of Leiyin's strength, the power of white blade became more and more powerful. By default, the system upgraded the Shanzhai version to A-level white blade and S-level silver blade.

The only difference is that Qi Mu Shuo Mao's white tooth is a silver knife as a medium, while Lei Yin injects some chakras with wind and thunder attributes into it to increase its sharpness and power. Therefore, Leiyin's "white teeth" is not necessarily inferior to Shuo Mao's "white teeth".

No matter how powerful you are, how powerful you are? Even if you can predict the short-term future, how can you be? In front of the absolute speed in a moment, you are almost vulnerable. Of course, this is for Lei Yin.

In XX, a reward of 1.057 billion Bailey was offered. Charlotte katakuli, the head of the four generals, died in battle and was defeated by Lei Yin, the rebel general!

katakuli died?!

The Empress who had been watching the battle from a distance was so surprised that she could hardly shut her mouth. She even thought it was just a dream.

What a powerful enemy! She died!

it took a long time for her to recover and accept this reality. She looks at Lei Yin, who is a little tired and has been sitting on the ground. She has a lot of thoughts...

how strong is this man? Is there no end to his growth?

Later, the empress learned that what surprised him was more than that...

"first find a place to have a rest, and then we go to the cake city."

"All right." The empress took Lei Yin's arm and agreed.

They both know that bigumam's strength is not weaker than katakuli's. Lei Yin now consumes more than half of his physical strength. If he wants to fight with bigumam who is waiting for work, he has little chance of winning. Even if the thunder sound is very strong, it is definitely not endless.

In the first world war just now, the two men worked together to kill the Charlotte family minister with a total value of nearly three billion yuan, which consumed a lot of physical strength.

Leiyin and the empress tried their best to hide their breath, so that the Charlotte family could not find it by sight and smell. Then they found a hidden place in the border forest - a relatively large tree hole to rest.

Looking at the sound of thunder sleeping in the past, the empress touched his cheek and felt thoughtful...

in the cake city.

"Well, what happened to the fire just now?"

"Mom, it's the junction forest. We've sent someone to check it."

"How can we say that Lei Yin has already started? If the fire is so big, it must be the boy Owen (hot fruit)...

about seven hours later.

"Mom! No... no!" the biscuit soldier awoke bigumam, who was sleeping.

Bigumam rubbed his sleepy eyes. He was just woken up and seemed not happy: "what's the matter? Flustered? "

" Mom... The whole border forest has been almost burned down, Lord Owen and Lord Dafu have become stone statues, and Lord opella and Jialei have been burned in the shape of adults... "

" what do you say? ! "

when bigumam heard the words, he almost didn't fall out of bed!However, the next word from the biscuit soldier made bigumam even more terrifying.

"And... And..."

"what else?" it was obvious that bigumam was furious and sleepless.

"And... Lord katakuli... Was also killed!" the biscuit soldier trembled.

On his face, bigumam could not tell whether he was evil or angry. He came to the biscuit soldier and said, "you... Tell me again?"

"Lord katakuli, he was... Woo!"

"are you kidding me?"

Bigumam grabbed the biscuit and the soldier crushed it in his hand.

At this time, smuggie listened to the truth outside. Her mouth was big and her face was incredible.

"How can katakuli and my four sons and daughters be defeated by that boy?" bigumam still didn't believe it.

It's no wonder that katakuli is the strongest general. It can be said that apart from the four emperors, there are almost no opponents on the sea. What's more, there are four outstanding Charlotte ministers to assist in the battle. The combined combat power is almost equal to that of a four emperor. You say he will be killed, it's just a joke!

at this time, smuggie came in: "Mom, it's not impossible...

it's not impossible..."“ What? "

"I heard that the boy was promoted from the third class to the Navy General in four years, and both dorfermingo and golden lion were defeated by him, and brother Krieger was also captured by him alive. His growth speed is incredible."

As soon as smuggie said it, bigumam also responded: "how to say... Katakuli has been...

" it's not impossible, no matter what, Leiyin, the little devil... Can't be underestimated! "

" I'll go to catch him and the woman who followed him myself! "Bigumam said, and he was going to the border forest.

Smudge stopped her: "Mom, don't worry. For the sake of safety, we'll call all our brothers and sisters together to deal with him. No matter how strong he is, he can't surpass us."

"Just do it!"

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