Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:48 AM

Chapter 246

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In a flash, the attack was like an avalanche. Every spiral ball hit one of the main parts of the body.

Woo! My God!

screams and wails were heard all the time, and the ministers and cadres were scattered. Not only that, those cadres who offered less than 500 million rewards were beaten, most of them were killed or injured, and without exception, they lost their fighting ability. More than 500 million people have been hurt to varying degrees.

For example, Charlotte conbert, the eldest daughter, was directly blown off an arm; Charlotte perospero, the eldest son, was blown off a leg; Charlotte smuggie, one of the four generals, was blown off two layers of skin.

What a destructive force it is!

a four emperor Pirate Group was beaten to pieces. There are few people who can fight except general smuggi.

No, there's another...

"damn boy, give me enough!"

Bigumam raised his right hand, and a flaming light came down from the sky, while Leiyin had already known with the sense of seeing and hearing, and his hands had already been sealed:

"Huodun - the art of haohuolong!"

the art of fire shot up into the sky and collided with the falling fire, forming an elliptical hot air wave in the mid air, which made the sky above all red.

This strike swore that Leiyin began to face the four emperors.

Although there were two battles against kedor before (this time, it was a real confrontation with the four emperors!

"fire in the sky - continuous bomb!"

bigumam even directly summoned the sun Prometheus, which turned into a red light and flew up to the sky, with which almost all the sky turned into fire clouds.


bigumam let out a loud shout, controlling the weather like a God, and thousands of fires from the sky came down to the earth.

Boom, boom, boom!

the flames fall down like incendiary bombs, forming a red color on the ground. Leiyin instantly holds up the empress and jumps around to avoid the fireballs falling from the sky, like a deft deer. The speed of thunder sound is so fast that it doesn't even sputter a spark on the body.

When bigumam saw this, he raised his left hand and summoned rayon Zeus. In a moment, the sky was overcast with thunder and lightning. A dazzling electric light was like the God of thunder. He vowed to burn Leiyin and the empress to ashes.

When Lei Yin saw this, she held up the empress with her left hand and formed an energy ball with her right hand in a very short time:

"Xianfa fengdun spiral hand sword!"

the energy ball suddenly collided with the thunder and lightning...

in a flash.

It's silent.

The next moment, where the two phases collided, a vast gas wave scattered in all directions like ripples on the sea surface.

Lei Yin took the blow.

"Damn thunder! Give back my brothers' life!" smuggie didn't die. He was blown off two layers of skin by the spiral pill, and still came to attack with pain to help bigumam.

"Your opponent is the concubine!" the empress danced her legs and attacked smudge, "fragrant feet!"


with a clear and loud sound, smudge's sword held the beautiful feet of the empress. Both sides were not only attached with armed color, but also attached with a layer of juice like liquid (juice minister) on smudge's sword.

After all, smuggie is a four-star, armed color domineering, coupled with their own ability, immune to petrification.

The two men's feet came and went, and the sound of the clang of metal and iron came from the void. Two people come and go, up and down. It's like playing Dragon Ball in deep water, but it's like fighting tiger in half rock.

In this way, the bloody smudge and the empress hancook fight together.

On the other side, the battle between the empress and smuggie is much more fierce.

No matter the fire or thunder of bigumam is broken by thunder.

"Damned kid, look at a move, can you catch it?"

bigumam raised his right fist, which seemed to have two colors of red and golden. Not only that, he also made a "Yiyi" sound, "you can catch the lightning and avoid the fire, so how do you catch this move?"

bigumam stepped on the ground and flew close to the ground at high speed No one could have imagined that bigumam had such a big body and such a quick moving speed... But it's right to think that if not, she would not be the fourth emperor.

Bigumam's speed was almost unimaginable. Lei Yin felt that he had to spare no effort to avoid the blow.

In this case, I will not hide at all.

Leiyin made a good offensive gesture, and bigumam's two-color fists had been smashed: "Leiyan critical hit!"

this move was like a bolt from the blue, which was not only wrapped with armed color, but also mixed with powerful lightning and fire.You have dodged all the previous attacks. This time I will combine the two elements to see how you can deal with them.

Leiyin's hands fly up and down to make a seal:

"Xianfa tudun Tumo fist!"

the two fierce and domineering fists collide with each other, as if the void had been torn. Bigumam's fist collides with Leiyin's tudun fist, making thunder and fire splash everywhere, and then gradually dissipate. And Leiyin's tudun fist also disintegrated.

This immortal method is a skill created by Lei Yin on the basis of Tu Dun - Tu spear. If you have to give a definition, this move should be level a ([tudun - tuspear] is level B).

On the other hand, the battle between the empress and smuggie continues.

Smuggi is worthy of being the second general. Even if she has residual blood, she still has the upper hand. The empress is gradually forced by her to have almost no power to fight...

on this side, Leiyin and bigumam begin to fight at close range. Between fists and feet, Leiyin gradually feels that bigumam's body is getting harder and harder.

This is bigumam's super strong defense skill [tough body]. Even in the hail of bullets, this move can't hurt a cent.

What should we do?

Is Sihuang really strong without weakness?

At this moment, bigumam stepped back a dozen steps, raised his hands high, and summoned the sun Prometheus and Leiyun Zeus again. Then he combined his hands, and there was a violent lightning above his head...

suddenly, there was a burst of thunder on the flat ground, like a huge thunderbolt on a clear day, with flames and thunder interlacing, like the roar of the God of hell. Suddenly, a dazzling flash in the sky, like a waterfall at the speed of light, made her most powerful move...

Lei Yan - verdict! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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