Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:43 AM

Chapter 252

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Early the next morning, Leiyin gathered the crowd and was ready to start.

Before leaving, Kelvin told Leiyin: "this attack should be carried out in secret. It's better not to let the Navy know our identity."

In fact, Lei Yin thinks the same way.

"There's still some time left for us to disguise the ship as a merchant ship, with every crew masked," Craven continued

Lei Yinwen did as Klein said.

In this way, a masked team of more than 200 people set out in a mighty way...

one day later.

Holy land, marjoria.

The commander-in-chief of the whole army, gang Gukong, scratched his head and felt a headache: "first he betrayed the Navy as a general, then he made a mess of the propulsion City, and now he defeated bigumam and became the fourth Emperor..."

the five old stars with long hair: "I think he should be the most wanted criminal in the world. How can the world political talisman allow such a big tumor to exist in the world What's more, he was in the Navy before

Five golden stars: "his presence really makes Zhengfu look bad, but his influence may not be greater than that of the dragon. He has an army in his hand that can compete with Zhengfu. "

Five old stars with sword: "there's an Ansheng guy in Sihuang? It's just that this kid is special. Let's talk about the actual problem of many people. Bigumam offered a reward of 1.680 billion Bailey. I think this guy should be at least 1.8 billion! "

five star mustache:" in the past ten years, his influence is far higher than that of the other four emperors. I think he should offer a reward of 2 billion! "

five star white curly hair:" this guy is the most vicious kid in history ’Is that right? It's not just a big head. I think the reward should also be set at 1.8 billion Bailey. When Marshal Chiu escorts Tiantian Jin back, we can make a decision. "

Five old stars with sword: "in other words, where has that guy arrived now?"

Five stars with curly hair: "according to the time, we should start from mendora...

new world, mendora island.

"Give me the spirit of 12 points! Each team leader should manage the materials he is responsible for. If there is a Bailey missing, I will ask you. Do you understand me? ! "

" yes! "

a man in Marshal's uniform is lecturing at the harbor. It's sakasky, the red dog.

The officers and men below were all submissive, for fear of delaying the Marshal's orders.


while the red dog was lecturing, a sergeant came and reported: "there are two pirate ships lying in ambush within 100 nautical miles nearby. We can see from the pirate flag that they are the" killing Pirate Group. "

The ghost spider next to the red dog said, "the captain of the killing Pirate Group is dieters, who is called the executioner, and who offers a reward of 595 million Bailey?"

Sergeant: it's him

Lieutenant general Doberman: "what about the other warship?"

Sergeant: "it's under investigation, but it seems that it's just an unknown character."

Smell speech, red dog suddenly a smile: "hum! Are all the stupid people who don't know how to die in a hurry? It seems that I have to teach them a lesson and let them know what the power of justice is! "

" woo Hoo! "

red dog has the courage to say this. You know, he really defeated the same general qingpheasant with his strength, which can be said to be the strongest of the three former generals. The navy is almost in awe of its strength.

"Everybody, follow me!"

With a wave of red dog's hand, five generals and more than a dozen major generals set out from the island of mendora.

Sure enough, as reported, just a few dozen nautical miles away, I came across a pirate ship, which was the killing Pirate Group.

Standing on the bow of the ship was a rough looking, bearded, and gold necklaced man, who was the captain of the killing Pirate Group [executioner] dieters, offering a reward of 595 million Bailey!

"did you really come, you stupid fool?" The red dog on the warship holds his arm and looks at the "clown" on the pirate ship with great contempt.

This detes comes from the South China Sea. It is said that his Pirate Group has slaughtered villagers on more than 40 islands, which is well-known. Hence the name of "executioner". Moreover, its physical skill and armed color are extremely powerful, and it is famous for moving in the South China Sea.

"This damned murderer, we don't go to him, but he came to die." Looking at the arrogant guy on the bow, lieutenant general Doberman clenched his sword.

"Well! Don't worry, wait a minute, I'll punish him with justice! "

the ships of both sides are getting closer and closer. Dieters is so crazy that he doesn't even pay attention to the red dog.

I don't know whether he loves money or whether he has the confidence to defeat red dog.

However, the reward is close to 600 million Bailey, which is generally the overlord of one side. You know, later, the revolutionary army's second best leader, chief of staff Saab, offered a reward of 602 million Bailey."Hey, Navy! Give me the gold in the sky!" Dantes roared, with an air of defiance.

The ghost spider on the warship draws his sword, but red dog stops him.

"I really want to take a closer look at how ignorant you are!"

"red dog! Don't think you are marshal, I will be afraid of you. This is the new world, not your navy headquarters!"

"hum, cow's skin is not blown out, fool!"

"red dog! Look at me take your head!"

dieters pounded on the deck, even stepped on the sound of sonic boom, straight At this time, red dog's right fist changed into a dark red color like carbon burning:

"dark dog!"

just a slight blow, the lava like hell gushed out. When he looked at dieters, he had already surrounded his hands with the domineering color of arms, and hit away the magma released by red dog with a powerful blow.

"It's worthy of the captain!"

"red dog, he's not the rival of the captain!"

seeing red dog's magma being shot away, the crew of the [killing pirates group] burst into excitement. It seems that it's not impossible to defeat red dog, the admiral of the Navy.

Red dog behind the navy to see, already unable to restrain, have guns and swords, some will be surrounded by Titus, some ready to kill the pirates on the ship.

"Back off, all of you!"

but the red dog drank and ordered the navy to get behind him.

After giving the order, red dog turned to look at dieters and said, "it seems that you are not the only fool. Are your subordinates infected by you? Sad fool, next, accept the just punishment

"Big fire blast!"

a dragon formed like magma spurted out from red dog's right fist. It was not only ten times stronger than minggou, but also came directly to Titus' face. And dieters's hands turned black and shiny again, and tried to slap the magma again...

the magma was broken , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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