Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:42 AM

Chapter 253

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The result this time is totally different from what he thought.

Dantes used his two hands full of armed color to block. Unexpectedly, instead of blocking, he was pushed back to his ship by the magma.

Not only that, he also had severe burns on his upper body.

"Oh! No! "There's even the smell of barbecue on dest's skin.

Then, when the Navy behind him was ready to launch another attack, he was stopped by red dog.

"I'll take care of these things."

After that, red dog danced his lava fist like burning charcoal again:

"volcanic meteor!"

with a break of drinking, the sky was like a shower of fire, and magma the size of a millstone fell down one after another...

[killing pirates group] just now even captain dieters had suffered a great loss from red dog, how could the rest of the minions resist it?

that's what happened to the pirates The warship was spared on May Day. As soon as the hot rain of fire fell on the ship, the pirates even had no time to scream and were burned into steam by the magma.

This is not so much a battle as a unilateral massacre.

It's all because captain dieters didn't know how much weight he had, so he let his five warships and more than 2000 people die with him.

If you don't die, you don't die.

A mantis is a chariot.

"It's worthy of being Marshal!"

"it's really powerful!"

"[justice] is invincible!"

"woo Hoo!"

seeing red dog easily annihilate a pirate group offering a reward of nearly 600 million Bailey, the morale of the Navy behind them was greatly boosted and excited.

According to the report from the Sentinels when they set out just now, there were two pirate groups ambushing in the sea 100 nautical miles away from Bengal island. One of them was just destroyed. What about the other?

It can't be...

with misgivings, the red dog and the warships have walked out of more than 200 nautical miles, and still haven't seen another Pirate Group.

Seeing this, red dog couldn't help but sneer: "hum, the pirates are just a bunch of bullying local chickens and wagons!"

red dog's ironclad subordinate general ghost spider echoed: "marshal is right, the pirates are paper tigers, as long as they see the power of 'justice', they will never dare to be reckless!"

"yes, marshal is the strongest!" Yes, the navy is the strongest! "

just as the red dog was about to be patted up in the sky, a corporal stood in front of the red dog and saluted:

" report to marshal! A merchant ship was found in front of him! "

the red dog was stunned:" merchant ship? Tell them to stop immediately and accept the interrogation! "

corporal:" yes! "

escort gold in the sky In fact, there was a merchant ship. Anyone would feel suspicious, so red dog ordered a search to see if there was anything fishy.

"Stop the merchant ship over there! We're the Navy! Routine inspection!"

as if we didn't hear the Navy's words, the merchant ship continued to move forward...

"didn't you hear me? If we go any further, we'll fire! "

seeing that the merchant ship was disobedient, the Navy continued to shout.

I thought that I could scare the merchant ship, but I didn't expect that the merchant ship would still listen and continue to walk.

How dare you!

if you don't teach me a lesson, I don't know why the flowers are so red and what is the world Navy.

At the command of Marshal red dog, the muzzle of the warship was aimed at the merchant ship.

"Let go!"

with the order of the starting officer, the guns were launched together...


in this way, there was a huge roar in my ears.

, you don't teach you a lesson. You know

is strange. No one has dropped a shell on a warship, but it has all exploded in the air.

"Not good!" seeing this, red dog couldn't help sinking in his heart.

Sure enough, the warship saw many masked people on board.

This ship is not a proper merchant ship.

It must have come to heaven.

"Hum! They are a group of dead ghosts again, but they seem to be more clever than the former [killing pirates group], at least they know how to disguise themselves." Looking at the camouflaged merchant ship, red dog's eyes were still contemptuous.

As the saying goes, people die for money, birds die for food. Knowing that it was red dog, marshal of the powerful navy, who was escorting the gold in the sky this time, there were still some pirates who wanted to barrel this Mafeng nest.

However, except for the red dog, the Navy below is a little nervous, because after all, not everyone can stop the shells in mid air.

This ability... Seems to be familiar with...

because there is still some distance between warships and merchant ships, many of the navy soldiers use long-range attack. Suddenly, guns burst out on the sea, and the two sides launched a long-range battle.Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"ah... Ah...

the gunfire and soldiers' screams were incessant. On the warship, the Navy fell down a lot...

on the warship , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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