Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:40 AM

Chapter 255

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"You are still as arrogant as you used to be in this department!" Red dog said, his right arm became hot again, he almost gathered the hottest magma on the right arm, "really big fire!"

before the move, the people and horses on both sides felt a strong heat wave...

a moment ago.

Lei Yin's eyes have already changed shape.

Your fire is magma that can burn off flames.

And my fire can burn everything...

[the strange black flame from this hell, burns everything and never goes out!]

Eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye...


in a moment, I saw two black lights in my eyes, which was enough to shoot into the palace! The hot magma was directly covered by large black flame, and the black flame was like a big mouth monster The red magma was devoured by the same thing.

The speed of black inflammation is very fast, not only will the magma burned, but also directly led to the red dog's right arm.

Red dog tried desperately to put out the black fire, but it had no effect. The black fire was still moving on the whole right arm.

"Damn it! What the hell is this?"

seeing that he had nothing to do with the black inflammation on his right arm, red dog could not help but feel frightened.

"Red... Red dog Marshal!"

looking at red dog's indestructible black inflammation, the navy soldiers were gradually nervous.

I feel that the temperature of my right arm is getting higher and higher. Although red dog doesn't know what this ability is, he understands that it's a black inflammation that can't be put out at all!

after understanding, red dog withstands the burning pain and takes the sabre from the nearest school official. The next scene is astonishing...

Red Dog raises the sabre, and the result is amazing He cut off his right arm, and the whole right arm fell into the sea.

If he doesn't, he is afraid that he will be burned out.

The red dog's face has turned black with one arm cut off.

The Navy had never seen such a strange and powerful ability. Even the two elite generals of our department, general Doberman and ghost spider, trembled and stepped back slightly.

Red dog was furious, and his body gradually turned into magma when he cut off his arm...

although his right arm was broken by thunder, red dog didn't look frightened, but wanted to fight back. Although he acted extremely and talked about "justice" all day long, this time he fully reflected the elegant demeanor of an iron soldier.

Although there were some festivals before, at this moment, Lei Yin had some good feelings for it.

"In that case, I'll save your life."

With this in mind, Lei Yin's left hand gathers earth, right hand gathers water, and his hands are folded together. His eyebrows have changed into a deep purple color...

[God roars, Buddha roars, my fist is a dragon!]

after the seal is finished, a wooden Buddha statue suddenly rises on the merchant ship, and then thousands of wooden hands with armed colors smash madly at the Navy on the warship Go to...

"xianfamudun - a thousand hands indeed!"

this arm, like thousands of strong raindrops, fell on the navies one after another. The weak navy was directly killed, while the stronger Navy, such as marshal red dog, lieutenant general Doberman and ghost spider, were knocked to death.

Even the warships were destroyed and could hardly walk.

Lei Yin didn't do his best. If he did, not only the warships would sink, but all the navies would be buried with him.

Of course, there is another reason why Lei Yin does it, which is to prevent the gold from sinking into the sea.

Then, Lei Yin cheered, and his subordinates jumped on the warships one after another to plunder the gold in the sky...

a few hours later, Lei Yin's camouflaged merchant ships returned with a full load and sailed to the direction of all countries.

Just back in the world, when Lei Yin was about to count his belongings with his subordinates in high spirits...

"Hey, you're back. It really worries people."

Lei Yin is about to shake off his arm and count a lot of money when two women entangle his arms on both sides.

Needless to say, it's Leiyin's two wives, baby-5 and Boya hancook.

Both of them hold Lei Yin's arm tightly for fear that he will become a bird.

Farewell is better than marriage.

That's what both women think.

If Lei Yin had only one woman, the situation would be better, but if two women had a husband, it would be hard to avoid jealousy.

"Go to my place tonight..."

the two women said this sentence almost in one voice.

At the same time, after saying this, the two women did not look at the thunder, but looked at each other, as if they could spray fire.

The jealousy of women in order to compete with their spouses is extremely terrible.

Lei Yin, who was sandwiched between them, was already a black line. He didn't want to pay any attention to it. Now he just wanted to count the stolen , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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